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That damned arrogant cyclist says sorry but..


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To the guy with the American/ Canadian like accent on the motorbike who reprimanded me this morning on Jomtien Beach road for my lack of graciousness regarding my road position . Sorry . Firstly , the gesture I made , pointing a finger to  the side of my helmet was signifying that I didn't hear you at first and not that I thought you were crazy, This was partly  due  to the wind and partly because , after your reprimand was delivered ,  you hurtled away like there was a significant life changing event that you were late for. First beer of the day perhaps? Once the old brain had deciphered those syllables of admonishment fading away in the breeze, I got your rushed point.    Anyway, I realise that  I am slow moving traffic on Jomtien beach road and would love to take up the correct road position allowing motorised vehicles the freedom to pass as would be the norm elsewhere, but I will not on that particular section of that road nor will I on many other sections of other roads . 

If you really care here's why: 

1) I have been hit by people throwing their doors open like they were walking into a saloon for a gunfight. This was in Paris and Liege not Pattaya , but hey the trauma stays with you. 

2) I have to dodge drains that are wide enough for a road tyre to jam in and send me over the bars with all the grace of a cubist Kermit the frog 

3) I get overtaken on the inside by motorbikes, several of whom have almost received an innocent  punch in the pus when I stick my arm out to signal left . 

4) I have to dodge any motorised vehicles coming up the road the wrong way . 

5) I am invisible to baht buses

6 ) I have to be careful not to give the food vendors on motorbikes heart attacks when they realise that the day glow old punter they just pulled out in front was actually going twice the speed they judged him to be going , as I swerve to avoid them. I have to say that I don't do that very often these days as I get it ...that they never will. 


In fact these are pretty much the reasons I suspect you were not in to the left , unless you were as eager to overtake everything else that lay in that path to some certain promise.  


Well if anybody is still reading I am bored now, the reasons are legion, here we are  . 


I know the type of obnoxious cyclist that I may appear to be .I have seen road cyclists jumping the lights on Sukhumvit and crossing over in front of me and the rest of the traffic when the lights were in my favor, absolute mad chancers. I have seen non Thai old codgers, like me , waltzing up jomtien 2nd the wrong way. "Behave yourselves and... some of you ...wear a sports bra :-) 


It's not the best or safest of places for cycling but once I get over to the darkside , things get a little bit more laid back , taking up road position in the first third of the left lane is usually possible and that's where you will usually find me , cavernous potholes and rabid dogs permitting. 


On a final note I used to get out of the city by using Jomtien 2 but them tour buses from hell scare me shitless , I am sure that they are paid by tourists delivered per day. 


So yeah sorry butt..........



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Why the hell would you want to ride a pushbike in Thailand ? do you have a death wish ? And as for riding a pushbike in any part of Pattaya, well, I think you need your head testing. 


I don't know how old you are but if you wanna get older leave the bike at home and walk or Baht bus your way around town. :whistling:

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You've figured out how to insult both Canadians and Americans with one line...ha ha

Oops not my intention , just hoping that chance and a little help with the accent would get the post to the right place . Seems like I need to say sorry again [emoji4]
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16 minutes ago, nosguitar said:

Oops not my intention , just hoping that chance and a little help with the accent would get the post to the right place . Seems like I need to say sorry again emoji4.png

Just a joke...no apology needed....ha ha

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1 hour ago, Golden Triangle said:

Why the hell would you want to ride a pushbike in Thailand ? do you have a death wish ? And as for riding a pushbike in any part of Pattaya, well, I think you need your head testing. 


I don't know how old you are but if you wanna get older leave the bike at home and walk or Baht bus your way around town. :whistling:

Anyone who calls a bicycle a "pushbike" probably shouldn't be riding one of the many modern MTBs, road bike etc. in a modern city like Pattaya. Leave that to the qualified people!

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As a newbie recipient of a pushbike ( sorry, bicycle ! ) i can understand your reasoning for not riding in the gutter !

My cycling is done on quiet roads and some beautiful concrete roads between the rice paddies , but to get there I have to ride through some residential areas where it’s a case of “ if the dogs don’t get you then the locals will !! “. I’m not talking soi dogs either !, nearly everyone in my neighbourhood seems to have a dog and it appears most of them don’t want a lapdog they want some snarling rabid wolflike animal to protect their property !!


I suppose i’m going a little off topic here but what i am trying to say is that I didn’t realise how far down the food chain cyclists were until I got on my bike . I like to have a ride out early before it’s too hot and then again just as it’s cooling off which is the same times as Somchai has realised he’s late for work ( or keen to get to the bar ) , jumps in the pickup and guns it down the soi. !! I don’t think I could risk the Pattaya , or Jomtien, traffic.


Keep your cool and stay safe out there .

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26 minutes ago, torrzent said:

Anyone who calls a bicycle a "pushbike" probably shouldn't be riding one of the many modern MTBs, road bike etc. in a modern city like Pattaya. Leave that to the qualified people!

And a MTB isn't a pushbike ? Do me a favour matey, I have a mountain bike, I pedal it around the village, ergo it is a pushbike, as for riding outside the safety of my village, I am not a deranged delusional Muppet that thinks Thai drivers are gonna give me a wide berth, I don't know where you live, but if you actually live in the city and have the nerve to call it a modern city then you certainly are delusional. I wish you well in your endeavours, please send me an invite to your cremation. :whistling:

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Nothing wrong with bicycles , I have been riding down Jomtien beach rd almiost daily when I lived there.  You just need to keep your eyes and ears open . 


I also installed mirrors so I can see what's behind me , that helps a lot in the crazy traffic. Never had an accident after 6 years, knock on wood. 





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4 hours ago, nosguitar said:

Is that a basket he’s got on the front there .... too cool.

He's been gone a long time. According to https://www.pattayaunlimited.com/glitter-mans-last-ride/ his last ride in Pattaya was circa March 2012. Time flies - it seems like yesterday that I used to see him riding around.

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11 hours ago, tonray said:


You've figured out how to insult both Canadians and Americans with one line...ha ha

Some people are obviously extra sensitive?....I have been mistaken by some people for being either  English or American when they hear me speak.....I am neither.....and I couldn't give a hoot. 555

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Last six years been biking all over the dark side as well as all the beaches from Jomtien, Ban Amphur, Ban sare, Hat Nan Ram and of course had a few near misses but  in my experience the majority of  drivers be they Thai or Farang  tend to be careful of any bike whether its a cycle , scooter or motor bike. (There are of course always exceptions to the rule but being lucky I haven't had many  scares)


The nearest I get to the brightside of Pattaya  on my cycle is when I am returning to the Soi Khao noi area up Thepprasit from the Jomtien beach area and its where I feel the most uncomfortable but "touch wood" still feel confident to bike there.


I go out at around 4 30 am from Soi Khao noi  down the railway road towards Sattahip with all the kit, lights, big mirrors and helmet and meet up with my Texas mate Bob just off the railway road on the soi where the Green trees driving range is .


The air is clean and full of oxygen (we need that oxygen as both of us are in our 70 s ) the roads are empty, the only people you have to watch out for are those  returning home from a party who  maybe are little mau  but there are not many at that time in the morning


My friend and I ride hybrid bikes, sort of half road bike and half mountain bike with tyres that are not as wide as the MTBs but not as thin as the road bike tyre, however  there are still metal drains with slots that our  front  wheel can dissapear down . I dont know how the riders of road bike avoid the many grids with slots that their thin wheels can so easily  go down.


I suppose its horses for courses, those who have ridden bikes all their lives whether cycles scooters or motor bikes will feel comfortable here in Pattaya where in my opinion the driving community seems to be empathetic to the bike riders much more so than in the UK.


What I would say to those reading these words is that the nearside of most roads in Thailand are full of debris, sand, metal drains and holes, making it almost impossible for any biker to stay  close to the kerb, so if you see a couple of old farts riding a little too much into the road in your opinion,  just think that they are avoiding all the hazards and not intentionally blocking your right of way.

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Some people are obviously extra sensitive?....I have been mistaken by some people for being either  English or American when they hear me speak.....I am neither.....and I couldn't give a hoot. 555

That’s the spirit , how sad would we be giving hoots , even this month .
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11 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

And a MTB isn't a pushbike ? Do me a favour matey, I have a mountain bike, I pedal it around the village, ergo it is a pushbike, as for riding outside the safety of my village, I am not a deranged delusional Muppet that thinks Thai drivers are gonna give me a wide berth, I don't know where you live, but if you actually live in the city and have the nerve to call it a modern city then you certainly are delusional. I wish you well in your endeavours, please send me an invite to your cremation. :whistling:


Lots of pushing and pulling here!



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Last six years been biking all over the dark side as well as all the beaches from Jomtien, Ban Amphur, Ban sare, Hat Nan Ram and of course had a few near misses but  in my experience the majority of  drivers be they Thai or Farang  tend to be careful of any bike whether its a cycle , scooter or motor bike. (There are of course always exceptions to the rule but being lucky I haven't had many  scares)
The nearest I get to the brightside of Pattaya  on my cycle is when I am returning to the Soi Khao noi area up Thepprasit from the Jomtien beach area and its where I feel the most uncomfortable but "touch wood" still feel confident to bike there.
I go out at around 4 30 am from Soi Khao noi  down the railway road towards Sattahip with all the kit, lights, big mirrors and helmet and meet up with my Texas mate Bob just off the railway road on the soi where the Green trees driving range is .
The air is clean and full of oxygen (we need that oxygen as both of us are in our 70 s ) the roads are empty, the only people you have to watch out for are those  returning home from a party who  maybe are little mau  but there are not many at that time in the morning
My friend and I ride hybrid bikes, sort of half road bike and half mountain bike with tyres that are not as wide as the MTBs but not as thin as the road bike tyre, however  there are still metal drains with slots that our  front  wheel can dissapear down . I dont know how the riders of road bike avoid the many grids with slots that their thin wheels can so easily  go down.
I suppose its horses for courses, those who have ridden bikes all their lives whether cycles scooters or motor bikes will feel comfortable here in Pattaya where in my opinion the driving community seems to be empathetic to the bike riders much more so than in the UK.
What I would say to those reading these words is that the nearside of most roads in Thailand are full of debris, sand, metal drains and holes, making it almost impossible for any biker to stay  close to the kerb, so if you see a couple of old farts riding a little too much into the road in your opinion,  just think that they are avoiding all the hazards and not intentionally blocking your right of way.

Yup my point exactly , not arrogant , maybe not that clever either cycling here , just trying to be as safe as possible . Here’s to riding in our 80s , coz it’s nice in the sun . [emoji468][emoji106]
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12 hours ago, torrzent said:

Anyone who calls a bicycle a "pushbike" probably shouldn't be riding one of the many modern MTBs, road bike etc. in a modern city like Pattaya. Leave that to the qualified people!

windscreen/windshield. hood/bonnet. ute/truck. diaper/nappie.  language can be funny sometimes.

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2 minutes ago, meinphuket said:

Bicycle riders do not pay road tax, yet obstruct traffic by occupying a whole lane, switching lanes randomly without signalling, and don't stop for red lights. As a car driver, I respond by blocking them whenever I can.

You sound like a dangerous person!

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