I wouldn't say "many". Some are obviously better off than others. Those with the foresight not to sell their rice as Doon as it's ready but rather store it until the price goes up.
Those that avoid too much alcohol and gambling. Those that have ambition for their kids and send them to better schools instead of the one at the end of the road.
I doubt those the build mansions in rice fields have much empathy of feeling for the locals. My wife and I built a nice but simple house in the village. One that's inkeeping with surroundings and fits in well. From the outside, there's no indication of rich farang,or rich Thai, for that matter, being owners.
We live around family but they are fine. No horror stories of eating our food, borrowing my tools, asking for money or anything like that. My wife politely set the boundaries. We do entertain and have food on the go occasionally but so do other family. I trust them as my family and they've accepted me into theirs. My wife and family refer to be by name and not "farang".
Everything is just how it would be if I weren't a foreigner, from all sides. Just as it should be.
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