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Dave2 Vote for poster of the year

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23 minutes ago, NancyL said:

It looks like Dave2 is a shoe-in for the Finals, so if you haven't voted yet in this preliminary round, why not throw your vote to EvenStevens, so we can represent two sides of Chiang Mai life (the living and the dead) in the final poll?


22 minutes ago, NancyL said:

Gads, did I just write a post in favor of E/S?  Is it raining frogs?

not coming the raw prawn.nancy.sacked my jockey yda .would absoulately luv to take over th e reins absoulately sure u will give me a great feel in the saddle.how about it gorgeous

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4 minutes ago, evenstevens said:


not coming the raw prawn.nancy.sacked my jockey yda .would absoulately luv to take over th e reins absoulately sure u will give me a great feel in the saddle.how about it gorgeous

That is the prize for the poll winner............no wonder Nancy wants you to win, rather than Dave 2 

51 minutes ago, sanemax said:

That is the prize for the poll winner............no wonder Nancy wants you to win, rather than Dave 2 


57 minutes ago, evenstevens said:


not coming the raw prawn.nancy.sacked my jockey yda .would absoulately luv to take over th e reins absoulately sure u will give me a great feel in the saddle.how about it gorgeous

Now we have gone POTY! I can see the Mods asking for some "reigning in" and less "whipping up" of any expectations.  

For evenstevens:  Do you know if NancyL uses an agent for the sort of permit you are looking for or are you just riding your chances and are tying to immigrate over to her way of thought?


PS;  This is certainly one way to keep dave2's name in the frame!

Keep it up folks!


No going POTY at all S/J

I  sacked the jockey y/day ,(and we are still racing) as he has rode me into enuff dead ends  then u could find in a graveyard


Need  Nancy , so desparately as this very Fine Lady (and   absoulately gorgeous  too),  has  and won  over the course and distance, being the champ last year:smile:

if i qualified for The  Big One need a new strapper  too ,as  he knobbled my stirrups,  lugging bit and my saddle has shifted ,its been a  night mare in Elm Street race for this old champ ,but have the heart of Phar Lap  to  make it to the barrier of The Big One,just need a few more votes ,then Thai Visa may see the makings of great partnership ,The Nancy /Evenstevens Combo  come on,  just a wee few more votes are needed and perhaps a dream in heaven may come true,    on my knee,s Nancy  late arvo to all



Just in ,Dave2 is in the lead, well ahead of  the pack ,Evenstevens has pulled up lame,

and has to be euthanized,and there is a Stewards enquiry into the 5 people that voted 

for him,well 3,as he will have voted for himself,and Nancy for whatever reason.

regards worgeordie                Come on Dave2,win or lose ,you're still a winner.

1 hour ago, evenstevens said:

Thai Visa may see the makings of great partnership ,The Nancy /Evenstevens Combo  come on,  just a wee few more votes are needed and perhaps a dream in heaven may come true,    on my knee,s Nancy

If only we had someone to take that photo and post it at the appropriate moment!

3 hours ago, worgeordie said:

 ,Evenstevens has pulled up lame,

and has to be euthanized,and there is a Stewards enquiry into the 5 people that voted 

for him,well 3,

Why tell fibs???^^^ but  a typical Geordie , not known for their sense of humour,  just lack of what,s between their  ears

Just now, evenstevens said:

Why tell fibs???^^^ but  a typical Geordie , not known for their sense of humour,  just lack of what,s between their  ears

Its banter ,the whole POTY thing is not to be taken seriously,you obviously have not been to Tyneside,

so know nothing about the Geordie culture,or people,don't be such a bad looser the better  CNX man

won,hands down,and he was not even here to promote himself, like some,you have had your 15 mins

of fame ,be happy, 

regards worgeordie who HAS a sense of humour and  a brain.(full size)


sad news Dave2  has been tossed out of the final ,that is a biggest  Raw Prawn if ever i seen one ,see the judge,s reason is  a load of marlarkey, fixed race is my call , do hope all us can give this Judge  a honest peice of our mind,  here is mine  why was Dave2 allowed to be a starter and then throw him to the dogs, its smell the onions good morning to all


37 minutes ago, evenstevens said:

sad news Dave2  has been tossed out of the final ,that is a biggest  Raw Prawn if ever i seen one ,see the judge,s reason is  a load of marlarkey, fixed race is my call , do hope all us can give this Judge  a honest peice of our mind,  here is mine  why was Dave2 allowed to be a starter and then throw him to the dogs, its smell the onions good morning to all


First Nancy, now me agreeing with you, what is the world coming to.  

 Cannot link to the "final" thread"!



I have commented but probably removed by now.


Makes the whole small event farcical. Guess the "winner" should be embarrassed with Dave2 having amassed almost as many votes as all those in the final.


Seems Dave2 would have won had they left him in the poll; however, he's being awarded Honorary Poster of the Year and that's not all bad.  He's probably laughing at all this while he's snapping a few new photographs.

30 minutes ago, CMBob said:

Seems Dave2 would have won had they left him in the poll; however, he's being awarded Honorary Poster of the Year and that's not all bad.  He's probably laughing at all this while he's snapping a few new photographs.

that is absoulately so nice of you ^^^^and correct  , apart that it should have been awarded, toDave2, before excepting his nomination for Pot2 which he won in a canter and then executed Braveheart style from the final,  not good  P/R at all,  just my view

12 minutes ago, evenstevens said:

that is absoulately so nice of you ^^^^and correct  , apart that it should have been awarded, toDave2, before excepting his nomination for Pot2 which he won in a canter and then executed Braveheart style from the final,  not good  P/R at all,  just my view

Again,I am in agreement with you. The mods were asked if it was OK to nominate him which was duly confirmed and he was nominated accordingly.


It is simply a complete cop out from the PTB, unless there was Russian interference along the way.  1508595.GIFWhomever takes the title this year it is going to be a very hollow victory.

1 hour ago, CMBob said:

Seems Dave2 would have won had they left him in the poll; however, he's being awarded Honorary Poster of the Year and that's not all bad.  He's probably laughing at all this while he's snapping a few new photographs.

Just in from. Dave2



Why are posts, commenting on dave2, being removed from POTY poll in this forum also being removed from this forum without comment or reason .  I believe we are justified a reason.  Please don't "quote" this is a "Moderation" issue.  This is fundamental to any forum.  We Voted.  Please give an answer.

This issue of removing dave2 is bringing TV into disrepute.


Let us get dave2 back into this or at least get answers as to what is going on.

TV is making itself irrelevant if it holds a poll and then says "sorry you only get an honorary mention" we did not ever intend you to win it properly the qualifications are NOW  so so so so.  You have killed the original Poll by disqualifying the outright winner.  At least rerun the poll to provide a viable alternative or scrap the poll. Even Mugabe, Hussain etc never rigged a poll this blatantly.


Its like the UK BREXIT. "Oops you the majority won the vote but the mandarins in power say sorry we know better. Get back in you box."

I believe, we the TV, voters deserve better


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