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Democrat Jones wins U.S. Senate seat in Alabama in blow to Trump

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Let's not forget and Doug Jones should also not forget that he now represents the People of Alabama and not Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer. He can be a very successful senator if he serves his constituents rather than Democratic macro party politics.


In fact this is what all Senators and Congress persons should start to think about for the good of the nation, you represent more than just national ideology. Like it or not elected officials need to start working for all their constituents, the ones that voted for them and also the ones that did not.

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16 minutes ago, tonray said:

Let's not forget and Doug Jones should also not forget that he now represents the People of Alabama and not Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer. He can be a very successful senator if he serves his constituents rather than Democratic macro party politics.


In fact this is what all Senators and Congress persons should start to think about for the good of the nation, you represent more than just national ideology. Like it or not elected officials need to start working for all their constituents, the ones that voted for them and also the ones that did not.

I'm not sure what you mean. And how exactly do you work for all the people in your constituency?  If he supports a tax increase on the rich, I guess he wouldn't be working for all his constituents, would he? If he backs an increase in food stamps, I guess he'd only be working for the poorer people in his constituency. This seems to be the kind of boilerplate that gets mocked when politicians say it.

1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

I'm not sure what you mean. And how exactly do you work for all the people in your constituency?  If he supports a tax increase on the rich, I guess he wouldn't be working for all his constituents, would he? If he backs an increase in food stamps, I guess he'd only be working for the poorer people in his constituency. This seems to be the kind of boilerplate that gets mocked when politicians say it.

It was a close result and I suspect that the Moore voters will never feel that whatever Jones does for Alabama and the people is the right thing.  Also I think that many voters were voting against Moore the person rather than his political party.  In that case they again will not be backing Jones to any great extent.  No doubt he will have a tough job trying to win the people over but as for the bigger picture, this is a great triumph for the USA!


I can understand most people's (me included) happiness  in seeing the terrible person Moore's loss; but let's please not say stuff like 'This is the beginning of the end for Trump and the Republican Party because it is way too premature to be saying this.


But, even if this Alabama election hadn't happened, I would still have been guessing that Trump would be a one-term president. It is very hard to see him win again. The Democrats and all the anti-Trump people will be mobilising effectively in 2020 (we might see a record voter-turnout).

18 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I'm not sure what you mean. And how exactly do you work for all the people in your constituency?  If he supports a tax increase on the rich, I guess he wouldn't be working for all his constituents, would he? If he backs an increase in food stamps, I guess he'd only be working for the poorer people in his constituency. This seems to be the kind of boilerplate that gets mocked when politicians say it.

It's called compromise...you have to find a middle ground in policy not just a one way track. For example, perhaps food stamps for the poor but stricter immigration policies. If you can't see how one can be supportive and attempt to accommodate views other than your own then that explains the mess the country is in right now.

1 minute ago, tonray said:

It's called compromise...you have to find a middle ground in policy not just a one way track. For example, perhaps food stamps for the poor but stricter immigration policies. If you can't see how one can be supportive and attempt to accommodate views other than your own then that explains the mess the country is in right now.

An example of what called false fair-mindedness. There's a guy called Norman Ornstein, He works at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. And he shows how the Republicans have veered so far to the right. There is no corresponding veer on the democratic side. The current tax reform bill shows how massively dishonest and corrupt the Republicans have become and who are their real masters. And after this they propose cuts in service because there isn't enough revenue to pay for current levels of medicare, medicaid etc. These are the people who nearly had the US default on its debt and who might actually do it this time. And it goes on and on.

5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

I could care less about red vs. blue.  I do care about right vs. wrong.  I think that's what was proven here.  My faith in American voters just went up a huge notch. 


Love this:


— Frida Ghitis (@FridaGhitis) December 13, 2017

Roy Moore lost.
Steve Bannon lost.
Donald Trump lost.
Pedophilia lost.
Bigotry lost.
Homophobia lost.
Racism lost.

Doug Jones won.
Mitch McConnell won.
African-Americans won.
Women won.
Victims won.
Justice won.
Morality won.
Values won.
Sanity won.
Decency won.
America won.



You all have to remember that getting on for 50% of people voted for a white supremacist, racist, sexual predator who is said to be a conservative Christian. 

However, well done to the victor and common sense prevailed.


2 minutes ago, Jonnapat said:

You all have to remember that getting on for 50% of people voted for a white supremacist, racist, sexual predator who is said to be a conservative Christian. 

Yes but this is Alabama, so no surprise there!

3 hours ago, hansnl said:

Of course the 50 year old sex conduct accusations area boon for the democrats.

Easily made, unprovable, and highly effective.

The allegations were but one nail in the coffin for Moore.  Over 60% of voters had made up their mind before the allegations came to light.  And with so many, it's hard to say they were fake.


In the end, he's not a good candidate for Senate.  Glad he lost.  That's got nothing to do with politics.  Just what's right and what's wrong. 

5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Moore's defeat was one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. He is the last kind of man we need in a leadership role, in the US, right now. Trump has diminished the value of the GOP brand tremendously, in less than a year. The last thing the nation needs now is a probable serial statutory rapist as a senator. It was a win win for the nation. A man who sells religion to a state that wants to hear it, but knows absolutely nothing, not one iota, about spirituality, and reflects this on a daily basis, in his life. 


Of course it was a big loss for Trump, who went out on a limb, by endorsing this worm. Trump showed that it is not about the nation, but rather about the party. It is not about the people, but rather about big money interests. There is not a lobbyist that Trump has said no to, in his first year in office. He has single handedly repopulated the swamp, with alligators from Wall Street. He is not fit for office. By any stretch. And neither was Moore the molester. Trump is a one man wrecking crew. Moore would have been much the same. The only reason why Trump endorsed him, was the party. It had nothing to do with the man. Typical. 


And now, Moore is showing what a truly tiny man he is, by refusing to concede. He will not call Jones to offer him the concession. And he claims to be a man of prayer, and contemplation? Religion in word only. No understanding of spirit. No understanding of universal laws. A true heathen, on all levels. A multiple serial statutory rapist. Hopefully, he will disappear into the oblivion. The planet is better off without this worm.


Well! I'll go to the foot of our stairs!


Just got in from a hard day slaying dragons and read this good news!


I am extremely happy! I had expected further bad news but what a pleasant surprise!


"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end, but it may be the end of the beginning"


Double Grouse all round ?


I think the main lesson from this is that it proves the Republicans cannot field the the worst candidate in recent history  (nominated in the primary by Trump's base) and still expect to win.   


Jones will have a very hard time being relected in 2020 assuming Moore does not win the primary again.?



3 minutes ago, tuktuktuk said:

Jones is just as big a scumbag as the other 99 he’ll be seated with. 

That's a touch nihilistic don't you think?

20 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:

I'm quite worried how this might affect Trump's golf game. ?

Maybe this the only time I would wish Trump to be in the UK, playing golf on one of his loss making courses in Scotland... :cheesy:




I suspect that Moore is going to blame his loss on election fraud!  We will see if the Republican Secretary of State for Alabama can find a box or two of votes to help Moore win.  I do not think for a moment that Alabamans have suddenly become Democrats!  However, I am pleasantly surprised that the people in the reddist of all states can put aside their bigotry and vote for a democrat.  Doug Jones is certainly no liberal by any stretch of the imagination but he is also not a child molester!

1 hour ago, SiSePuede419 said:

I'm quite worried how this might affect Trump's golf game. ?

Don't be. He's a well know cheater when playing golf (big surprise!) so his score won't suffer at all.

I think the main lesson from this is that it proves the Republicans cannot field the the worst candidate in recent history  (nominated in the primary by Trump's base) and still expect to win.   
Jones will have a very hard time being relected in 2020 assuming Moore does not win the primary again.[emoji6]

Yes always very hard for any democratic for a statewide office in Bama. But being an incumbent always helps. The same sadly is true of trump if he makes it to run in 2020 God forbid.

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1 hour ago, tuktuktuk said:

Jones is just as big a scumbag as the other 99 he’ll be seated with. 


I doubt you'll be back to defend your position, but just in case: Can you provide a short list, or at least a few things he's done to deserve the brand "big scumbag"?

4 hours ago, PatOngo said:

Stick that in your phone and Tweet it, Donald!


 “The reason I originally endorsed Luther Strange (and his numbers went up mightily), is that I said Roy Moore will not be able to win the General Election,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “I was right! Roy worked hard but the deck was stacked against him!”




and Trump also is Commander in Chief... 

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