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Video: "Macho man cop" gets out to warn woman about "cutting in front of me"


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Probably a very small police dick.... Besides that, he is forcing her to stop where it is strictly forbidden to stop (red-white painted sidewalk!). Yes, I know..... TIT and everybody does it.
Maybe, just maybe, it would be an idea for the police (real or fake) to SHOW the right behavior and attitude.


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46 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

I made it 50/50 fault. If she wasn't so busy chatting with her daughter she could have seen the upcoming hazard on the left and known he had nowhere and would be moving to the right. I do not say it's right or wrong, it's just the way they drive in Thailand.


The policeman did not speak bad or with lack of respect. He merely pointed out why she hadn't allowed him to get in the lane. I say it was 50-50.

Has anyone ever let you into a lane in LOS...?

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19 minutes ago, rocketman777 said:

She should have been polite and gave way  it was clear he needed to cut into the next lane as the car in front had and she either deliberately or by just not paying attention accelerated forward and cut him off.- typical Thai driving they will just not give way to other cars even though they have no where to go in heavy traffic. Thaought he was well controlled and hopefully she and others learned a lesson in polite driving

rubbish, she was in front of him as he crept up on the inside and he didn't even indicate so how is she supposed to know what he wanted to do?

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5 hours ago, seajae said:

he did not have right of way, he did not indicate and he had to give way to her in any case. He needs to be raked over the coals for this, again we see the "do you know who I am " attitude of the cops, they let the power of being a cop go to their head, he should be made to apologize publicly for this on his hands and knees

And he pulled over on the red/white kerb. Is that area not reserved for Man Utd supporters.

Edited by wgdanson
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Three lanes were in use by slow moving traffic...Inside lane had an obstruction so those in that lane must move into the middle lane..

Now we all know that in LOS it is rare for someone to let you into their lane, so the procedure is to get your ride as close as pos to the folk who won't let you in and hope they fear getting their ride damaged...Mrs.Trans does that....Anyhoooo, the cops move did not work so he was pissed off, perhaps a face thing..

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Just another incredibly small, half man, who feels some sense of power and entitlement, due to his status as so called "law enforcement". She should have told him she did not yield to him, as he is simply a revenue collector. not a real cop. If the Thai police actually engaged in some law enforcement, the people would have some respect for them. As it stands, there is no respect earned, therefore none given.



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6 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Did he show her his police ID? He wasn't wearing a uniform and didn't have the obligatory sunglasses and face mask to avoid identification when fleecing motorists.

His vehicle didn't have a police registration. It did have red/blue flashing lights - as does everyone and his dog.


I can't quite see what it says in Thai on his rear windscreen, although the last word might be "special".

Special what? Special needs I wouldn't wonder.

It has RTP emblem on the doors, you can see it when he goes passed her

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1 hour ago, realenglish1 said:

Special forces in a Toyota Pickup ?

It is a black Mitsubishi Pick Up that is used by special branch and they do not carry normal police number plates either. It has the RTP emblem on the door which can be seen when he goes passed her the first time.

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1 hour ago, jaapfries said:

I like the way he just throws-open his door into the flow of traffic, without checking if it's safe to do so . . . . . TWICE ! ! !  This moron should not have a license, let alone a gun ! ! !

They all have no training or schooling. THE academy has facade behind it is vacant land lol

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They are called Special Forces here but they are the same as the Tactical Response Team in the Australian Police but here it is there job to protect all the Thai's from those nasty farangs that are on TV. Again they are not working because those nasty farangs are still on TV

Edited by Russell17au
left something out
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8 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Did he show her his police ID? He wasn't wearing a uniform and didn't have the obligatory sunglasses and face mask to avoid identification when fleecing motorists.

His vehicle didn't have a police registration. It did have red/blue flashing lights - as does everyone and his dog.


I can't quite see what it says in Thai on his rear windscreen, although the last word might be "special".

Special what? Special needs I wouldn't wonder.

It does say "Special Operations", but that doesn't excuse the ar*ehole. If anything, he should learn some better manners than your regular rozzer.

Edited by PerkinsCuthbert
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One rule do as I say not as I do. No rules for them and you "must" obey the lawless law or give them money or jail time. They need to be put ahainst the wall. We cannot rely on a force that we pay for to treat us with the respect we deserve under the law. The law have no respect for themselves and give none either. 


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9 hours ago, keith101 said:

He never used the indicator to move across so his fault not hers


It was also her right of way! But another example of someone thinking everyone must automatically give way to them.


Self importance and arrogance - not good attributes for public servants, especially those entrusted with firearms!

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