What about hate speech toward Russians?
What about hate speech toward Chinese?
What about hate speech toward Canadians?
What about hate speech toward Catholics?
What about hate speech toward gays?
What about hate speech toward straights?
You can spew your hatred in the US until you're blue in the face. It's Protected Speech under the First Amendment - as long as it doesn't cross over into violence, discrimination, or harassment.
Well, some will argue, "Jewish students will feel threatened."
Well, I'll argue, if people are out on the streets spewing hatred toward Russians, Chinese, Canadians, Catholics, gays, or straights, they'd feel threatened too. So - do we dismantle the First Amendment to make it a crime to say mean things? The answer, up to this point, is "No."
Rubio Sec of state said this has nothing to do with freedom of speech but has everything to do with activities
while in the country as a non citizen green card holder!
He reserves the right to revoke his green card.
Who are we to argue with that!It sounds based.
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