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Merry Christmas - 1,000 baht fines for not wearing helmets in Bangkok


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Merry Christmas - 1,000 baht fines for not wearing helmets in Bangkok



Picture: INN


Motorcyclists without helmets in Bangkok will be slapped with 1,000 baht fines from December 25th.


And their bikes will be taken away until they get one.


The new 'get tough' law applies to passengers on the back also, said deputy commissioner Jiraphat Phoomjit announcing a three step plan to help with one of the major causes of death on the roads in the capital.


All 88 police stations have been told to strictly enforce the law. A warning stage - from the 11th to the 17th is now over.


From today until the 24th comes stage two - people without helmets will not be issued with fines but will have their bikes taken away until they come back with a helmet.


But from the 25th 1,000 baht fines - the top whack available - will be issued along with the confiscation of the bike until riders come back with headgear.


Deputy Jiraphat said that 100% compliance was the target. Just letting motorcyclists go after a small fine was not the answer.


He said there were 3,400,000 motorcycles in Bangkok and getting tough on helmet usage would play a significant part in lowering death and injury in accidents.


INN reported the story indicating that it was not a New Year crackdown, but a permanent measure in the city.


Source: INN

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-12-18


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 So can I report the Many Police & Army Cadets who I always see Not Wearing a Helmet then?

 What a crock of bullsh*t.

 If they were serious about this law, they should have Zero tollerence on Everyone.

 But they never do, so who gives a toss then?

 "Confiscate their motorcycle" this stupid idea was made by a retard on benefits.

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I truly have never understood the law.

If someone wants to be risky and not wear one, it is their choice.

They are hurting no one but themselves.

But this is another one of those western type rules they adopted for money.

Edited by bkk6060
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4 hours ago, Pinot said:

Some progress...I guess. I would love to see motorbikes driven by children impounded. That would put an end to kids screaming around the ban.

What a farce.

Totally unfeasible and typical response by the Thai system.

Late afternoon - watch the Policeman control traffic outside the School gates. Hundreds of motor cycles pouring out. Each one with up to 4 under aged, unlicenced, uninsured, no helmet children on them. Huge motor cycle parking areas provided by the schools for them. I believe I read recently that the Police said that they couldn't stop it as it would create problems and difficulties for the parents.


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4 hours ago, peperobi said:

And what happens with the peoples that carrying 2 or more passenger on the bike? 

Nothing That will be next years plan Am i thinking wrong? Is Bangkok in a different country than Thailand? If that law comes into force in Bangkok should it not come into force in all the country? It took authorities 10 years to discover that bikers who do not wear helmets have a good chance of dying It took 26,000 Thais to die on the roads to find out one of the main causes of them dying is not wearing a helmet Again i dont take it serious what they say Its a  nice thing to say but to get the cops to enforce might be a bit harder  Relax bikers seeing is believing Test them out and dont wear a helmet Sorry i have just lost faith in a police force that watches motorists break the law and do nothing about it

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I hope this is rolled out everywhere.


Enforcing helmet wearing is not about limiting personal freedom.

When you are younger, having little experience of life & the horrible events that can happen,  many think it:

'won't happen to me'.


Also, it decreases the incidence of head trauma.


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People dying because of no helmets here is such a big lie.

The helmet requirements are so flimsy I hope everyone gets it

Put a empty KFC chicken bucket on your head and that is OK..It is saving nothing with the current rules.

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I think it is a good idea and I am all for it, but what about the motorcycle taxis? Will they all provide helmets for their passengers?


I was told that according to the law (at least previously) it would be the driver who would be fined if the passenger didn't wear a helmet. Is that still the case?

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5 hours ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:

Whilst this is undoubtedly a good idea if you want to preserve human life, it doesn't say much for personal freedom.  If people want to drive around without protecting their head, let them.  Helmet or no helmet, the damage to anybody you crash into will be the same.


I wish I could drive my motorbike in the UK 2 minutes down the road to the shop and back without having to worry about where the helmet is.  A lot of people go to Thailand to get away from nanny and 'open prison' states.  Thais are some of the most free people in the world, let them do what they like.

I recall reading a statistic that stated most accidents happen within 2 km of home. 

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They need some minimal standards in the construction of motorcycle helmets. Half of them offer little more than protection from the sun. Many people don’t even buckle the chin strap or have it so loose any impact would knock it off. 

But this is enough to comply with the law  perhaps a few public service ads on t.v. On the sky train ect. Might sink in . But as everything else in Thailand. Life comes down to good luck or bad luck , not common sense.

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11 hours ago, faraday said:

I hope this is rolled out everywhere.


Enforcing helmet wearing is not about limiting personal freedom.

When you are younger, having little experience of life & the horrible events that can happen,  many think it:

'won't happen to me'.


Also, it decreases the incidence of head trauma.


In other words faraday they are there to protect your life 2 seconds to put on to protect your life Old saying " You are dead for a long time"  I could not agree more what you are saying But must be brought in all of Thailand not just Bangkok

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7 hours ago, neeray said:

I recall reading a statistic that stated most accidents happen within 2 km of home. 


12 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

I truly have never understood the law.

If someone wants to be risky and not wear one, it is their choice.

They are hurting no one but themselves.

But this is another one of those western type rules they adopted for money.

So what u are saying if you saw somebody putting a noose around their necks you would not try and stop it and let them hang themselves? You know its ok for a dead person they are dead What about the mum's and dad's and sisters and brothers that are left behind? So you would sit back knowing you could at least help these people and you do nothing

As for saying its a western type rule  for collecting money  Well its better to pay for such a rule then maybe pay  the ultimate price and that is dying The question is " What price do you put on your life" I know mine is worth more than a 1,000 baht and i want to live Am i a normal person?

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8 hours ago, neeray said:

I recall reading a statistic that stated most accidents happen within 2 km of home. 


8 hours ago, neeray said:

Neeray you are right  What dfds is saying about riding his bike to the corner store in England is getting into freedom is complete rubbish He might as well say i am to lazy to put on a helmet It takes 2 sec to put on helmet and i know not everyone will be saved by wearing one but if it saves one life will it be better than saving none? Then he says Thais must have some freedom in this world My question is How does a helmet restrict your freedom? It is no big deal putting on a helmet When i first came to Thailand my stepdaughter never had one on So i showed her some pics of people not wearing helmets involved in crashes To this day and its been 3 years she never goes anywhere on that bike without wearing a helmet It really put a smile on my dial i tell you


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16 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:


So what u are saying if you saw somebody putting a noose around their necks you would not try and stop it and let them hang themselves? You know its ok for a dead person they are dead What about the mum's and dad's and sisters and brothers that are left behind? So you would sit back knowing you could at least help these people and you do nothing

As for saying its a western type rule  for collecting money  Well its better to pay for such a rule then maybe pay  the ultimate price and that is dying The question is " What price do you put on your life" I know mine is worth more than a 1,000 baht and i want to live Am i a normal person?


Your attempt at logic is illogical. 

If someone is so worried about peoples welfare, then maybe start a campaign to outlaw smoking and drinking which is a self choice and kills thousands more then the non helmets.

Yes, I think not wearing a helmet should be a personal choice, not a crime.

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