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Where to buy Ajax


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The closest thing you have in Thailand is a cleanser called "Win" or "Vin"  sold in the same section as the Duck and other liquid bathroom cleaners.  Comes in a white container.  The word "Win" is in Thai; not the Thai word for Win, but the Thai letters that spell out the word "Win"  


I'd post a photo, but I don't have any of the stuff around right now and I'm too lazy to go down to the mini-mart in the condo lobby to buy some.  (where's Dave2 when you need him?  Oh yeah.....)

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3 minutes ago, NancyL said:

The closest thing you have in Thailand is a cleanser called "Win" or "Vin"  sold in the same section as the Duck and other liquid bathroom cleaners.  Comes in a white container.  The word "Win" is in Thai; not the Thai word for Win, but the Thai letters that spell out the word "Win"  


I'd post a photo, but I don't have any of the stuff around right now and I'm too lazy to go down to the mini-mart in the condo lobby to buy some.  (where's Dave2 when you need him?  Oh yeah.....)

Is it not VIM, used to use it but got worried it might block the drains,so use liquid now.

regards worgeordie

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Thanks for posting this topic, OP...


I'd been wondering the same thing myself for a long time, but hadn't gotten around to asking... Meanwhile, I've been carrying a container or containers of Comet back with me every time I return from the States...


For those who have used Vim/Wim, is is pretty much equivalent to Comet or Ajax?


My Thai wife uses the liquid Duck stuff in her bathroom cleaning, but I find the smell really annoying and have told her to keep it out of my bathroom...


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5 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Thanks for posting this topic, OP...


I'd been wondering the same thing myself for a long time, but hadn't gotten around to asking... Meanwhile, I've been carrying a container or containers of Comet back with me every time I return from the States...


For those who have used Vim/Wim, is is pretty much equivalent to Comet or Ajax?


My Thai wife uses the liquid Duck stuff in her bathroom cleaning, but I find the smell really annoying and have told her to keep it out of my bathroom...


Vim/Wim doesn't seem to have the "horsepower" of Comet/Ajax, but it doesn't have the chlorine smell that they do either.  Why not buy some and try it out?  Better things to bring back in your luggage than bathroom cleaner!


The main attractiveness of Duck is the low cost.  Some of the other, more expensive liquid bathroom cleaners available here do a better job and smell better.

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It's funny but a few years back I brought a few of those yellow plastic containers of Comet with the green top back from the US. As these containers are full of powder I didn't bother storing them in a cool dry place. Now the containers have split open at the bottom, even the one that was opened and half full. Easy enough to fix with plastic bags and rubber bands but even those will deteriorate over time as well. Comet does cake up here but a good shake or two frees enough powder on top for a quick cleaning.

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