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After U.S. veto, U.N. General Assembly to meet on Jerusalem status

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4 hours ago, Grouse said:

I do hope the American/Israeli/Saudi axis are heading for an almighty fall. Such is the just desserts of hubris. Maybe nemesis is just around the corner?


Not that a whole lot of reasoning is expected....but what would be the benefits of such an "almighty fall" by the supposed "axis"? And for whom?

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12 hours ago, dexterm said:

Sure US is a sovereign nation, and a very important powerful one. As such it should not be acting illegally, because Israel is not sovereign over Jerusalem. By international law it is illegally occupying it. The UNGA will be confirming this on Thursday. I hope the USA listens when friends point out that the US and Israel are out of line.


If the USA, or any other, "very important powerful" nation, would have issued an opposite statement, recognizing Jerusalem as a Palestinian capital, I strongly doubt that you'd express or have much issues with that.

12 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


There certainly does seem to be a high degree of selectivity in who they criticize and what for.


China can brutally occupy Tibet, and simply decide to extend it's maritime borders, building military bases outside it's international lawful borders, and no one comments. Russia seizes Crimea from Ukraine (who arguably were gifted in 70 odd years ago by the then Soviet dictator), interferes in Ukraine including military operations and not much comment. Just like when the bullied Georgia. 


But Trump delivers on an election promise, the same election promise three previous POTUS failed to deliver on, and the is this outcry.


It seems the pandering to the Muslim world has become PC at the UN. Look at the attention being given to this and the Rohingya issue compared to other issues around the world.


Is it US bashing or Muslin pandering? Or a combination that's become the PC thing to do?

I would say that it is more the other countries in the world showing a little common sense when dealing with a bully who has shown little common sense on both international and domestic matters and i for one as a UK citizen hope that the UK supports the motion

3 hours ago, Morch said:


If the USA, or any other, "very important powerful" nation, would have issued an opposite statement, recognizing Jerusalem as a Palestinian capital, I strongly doubt that you'd express or have much issues with that.

An awful lot of hot air above, off topic too in most instances, plus the usual ad hominem attacks. And now more mind reading.


I would have condemned Trump pre-empting final status agreement .... period. It's a dumb thing to do to illegally support only one side's claims saying Jerusalem is Israel's capital rather than West Jerusalem before negotiations have even started or even opening his mouth at all if ostensibly nothing has really changed yet everyone knows it has (see UNSC vote), especially when his supposed "ultimate deal" is imminent. Now looks like Trump has sabotaged those talks himself disqualifying the US as an honest broker.


I think the UNGA will confirm Monday's UNSC vote. So where do we go from here? Unless the EU or someone else is accepted as an honest peace broker by both sides, I think the younger Palestinians will begin to realize that the two state solution is dead.... Trump just put the final nail in the coffin. They wont take another 20 odd years of this negotiations charade  while Israel continues to build facts on the ground. I hope a new leadership will start agitating peacefully for one man one vote in one state to end the current apartheid impasse.

5 hours ago, dexterm said:

An awful lot of hot air above, off topic too in most instances, plus the usual ad hominem attacks. And now more mind reading.


I would have condemned Trump pre-empting final status agreement .... period. It's a dumb thing to do to illegally support only one side's claims saying Jerusalem is Israel's capital rather than West Jerusalem before negotiations have even started or even opening his mouth at all if ostensibly nothing has really changed yet everyone knows it has (see UNSC vote), especially when his supposed "ultimate deal" is imminent. Now looks like Trump has sabotaged those talks himself disqualifying the US as an honest broker.


I think the UNGA will confirm Monday's UNSC vote. So where do we go from here? Unless the EU or someone else is accepted as an honest peace broker by both sides, I think the younger Palestinians will begin to realize that the two state solution is dead.... Trump just put the final nail in the coffin. They wont take another 20 odd years of this negotiations charade  while Israel continues to build facts on the ground. I hope a new leadership will start agitating peacefully for one man one vote in one state to end the current apartheid impasse.


It doesn't take special mind reading powers to know how you will respond to posts or what are your positions. There are thousands of posts and hundreds of topics to pick from. That's why I'm not really surprised by the lack of any meaningful reply to any of the comments made above - which are, of course, not "hot air", "off topic" "ad hominem attacks" - that's just your way of "dealing" with uncomfortable posts and facts. Standard (and lame) deflection tactics are all that's on offer once more.


Spin it all you like, I can't recall you rejecting, with or without the usual vehemence, similar statements in reverse. And do make up your mind - are UN resolutions "sanctified" and need to be strictly upheld by all, or does this apply only in ways which support your point of view? Shouldn't criticism be leveled at all such failure to comply or accept relevant resolutions? Guess, from your posts that this is not, in fact, your opinion.


You may spew your nonsense assertions (which you cannot and will not support by anything much) regarding both Palestinian views or their applications. This makes what you "hope" for (if one was actually to take this at face value) an empty set of on nonsense constructs.


But do talk about "hot air".

22 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

Was it "legal" for China to annex the entire S. China Sea?  The International Court said no, and the UN does absolutely nothing.  Does Kim Jong Un take UN resolutions over his nuclear program at all seriously?  Obviously not.  So they can just take the rest of their dues-sucking Big Top act and stuff it.  The UNGA does NOT "make" international law.  It merely passes resolutions based on what each self-serving member nation WANTS international law to be, which individual nations, such as China for example, then ignore, and wingnuts try and obsess over.  The US and Israel are certainly not out of line simply because the UNGA, largely a collection of otherwise unemployable nobs to begin with, says so!  LOL


They are not an elected body and have no constitutionally based jurisdiction whatsoever over me or my fellow citizens, or over Israel and Israel's citizens, or over anyone apparently.  They get together to rant and posture over their own country's interests, find new and ever better ways to waste money, and that's about it.




Not too mention that they indirectly fund terrorists and pirates by supporting "humanitarian" groups that interfere in international migration laws. Used to be when boatloads of people from another country landed unannounced and uninvited on foreign shores it was called an invasion.

13 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

Most of this discussion does not address the fact that one must have a country before one can have a capital. :coffee1:

Precisely the attitude that has always stood in the way of the "Peace Process".  The Arab world, using Palestinians as their pretext, but whose true agenda has always been refusal to ever recognize Israel as a Jewish state, simply wants to perpetuate anti-Semitism and Jew-hating in the world and wants the Jews gone.  Out, done, gone, period.  Pointy-headed academics and pandering "diplomats" struggle to deny this, but every once in awhile someone like you comes along and unzips their fly and we get an ugly glimpse of what's really going on.  Israel of course is well aware of it, and is simply and obviously not going to submit to another round of elimination, persecution, and extermination which is the subtitle to nearly everything "Palestinian".


Thank-you mrwebb for helping put the lie to the usual Jew-hating propaganda.  Enjoy your coffee.




Clearlly Trump's threat to revoke foreign aid has been a huge success. All you have to do is take a look at what countries voted for the resolution to condemn the US move to see the brilliance of its success:

'The countries that voted for the resolution— or, as Trump sees it, against him—include four of the five biggest recipients of U.S. aid: Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, and Jordan."



I guess that the US will be cutting off aid to these nations now. Because no one would ever accuse Donald Trump of making empty threats.

6 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

Precisely the attitude that has always stood in the way of the "Peace Process".  The Arab world, using Palestinians as their pretext, but whose true agenda has always been refusal to ever recognize Israel as a Jewish state, simply wants to perpetuate anti-Semitism and Jew-hating in the world and wants the Jews gone.  Out, done, gone, period.  Pointy-headed academics and pandering "diplomats" struggle to deny this, but every once in awhile someone like you comes along and unzips their fly and we get an ugly glimpse of what's really going on.  Israel of course is well aware of it, and is simply and obviously not going to submit to another round of elimination, persecution, and extermination which is the subtitle to nearly everything "Palestinian".


Thank-you mrwebb for helping put the lie to the usual Jew-hating propaganda.  Enjoy your coffee.



You DO realize that I was talking about the Palestinians that don't have a country and NOT the Jews, right?

On ‎20‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 4:50 AM, dexterm said:

Nikki Haley, has threatened that the United States “will be taking names” of those who vote against the US. And then what? Declare war on them. Stop trading with them. Some diplomat! Looks like the whole US admin has now descended to schoolyard bully tactics. 

What an atrocious way to talk to those who stand on the side of international law.
It's like taking the names of all your friends at the bar who tell you you're too drunk to drive and try to take your keys. That'll teach 'em!


It may be far easier to write down the names of those who vote with you, Nikki.


Listen up when your real friends are trying to tell you something.


" will be taking names"... and it's not the first time , back in january 2017  "For those that don’t have our back, we’re taking names, we will make points to respond to that accordingly." 

She probably thinks this atttitude opens the way for her to be elected next POTUS



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