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Maid defends boss Wan Yubamrung after Facebook attacks


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20 minutes ago, overherebc said:

Does seem a bit odd, and I mean all the comments are odd, to me anyway.

In Bangkok, at a restaurant, we don't have either of the two maids sit at the table with us, they get their own table. We don't invite the waiters to join us at the table either.

At home they don't join the family at the table in the dining room.

They have their own room and kitchen but sometimes they like to sit on the floor in their own place and eat.

Where's the big problem.

Do you usually take your maidservants out with you when dining? Shouldn't they be back at the home washing dishes and making beds etc?      Of course the waiters and service staff don't sit down at the table with customers, unless they are friends and have permission from management.     At home, nobody would expect the staff to sit at table with the master and family. It just isn't proper. Servants rightly know their place and space and that is how it should be.

The problem is that someone saw this happen and knowing the Yubamrungs decided to post it on FB. The reaction from Wan was typical and unnecessary. It merely solidified his status as a quality thug.. 

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44 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

Do you usually take your maidservants out with you when dining? Shouldn't they be back at the home washing dishes and making beds etc?      Of course the waiters and service staff don't sit down at the table with customers, unless they are friends and have permission from management.     At home, nobody would expect the staff to sit at table with the master and family. It just isn't proper. Servants rightly know their place and space and that is how it should be.

The problem is that someone saw this happen and knowing the Yubamrungs decided to post it on FB. The reaction from Wan was typical and unnecessary. It merely solidified his status as a quality thug.. 

In fact we do sometimes take them when the family goes out and they do prefer their own table.

They request it, it isn't forced on them.

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The biggest problem in all this crap is faeces book.

Anyone with the 'self important agenda' can post what they like based on nothing more than a photograph.

Let's say my wife and me go to the south of France and she decides to 'get them brown' where it's quite legal to do so.

Some self rightous git snaps a photo and posts it on faeces book with comments about Thai women etc etc 'showing all on the beach' with no mention of where or what.

Most reactions, 99%, will be negative against all Thai women. Especially by the vast majority of TV posters.

End answer, if you don't have all the facts, don't post or comment.


A picture is worth a thousand words.

Today a picture is worth a thousand crap posts on social media.


Edited by overherebc
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26 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

No better, worse or different than any of the rest unfortunately.


You would be incredibly naive to believe otherwise. 

How many families have sons who fled abroad after a murder and had dad welcome the son back after a year?

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On 12/24/2017 at 6:59 PM, Eric Loh said:

Just wondering if he will get all the brickbats and bad press if he is not Chalerm’ s son. He is still a despicable person though. 


There's a waste of cyberspace. Desperate for something to post about, keep your name in print?


The reality is that the three son's have a very very bad reputation as ignorant and dangerous thugs built over many years, they don't need their fathers image to label them in any way.


Actually your post has no logic, first you suggest the son (sons) is a victim of his fathers very nasty image, then you say the son is despicable, there's no logic. 


But given your alignment, you surprise me that your not straight out defending chalerm and his family.


Hey el, you trying to defend them? Seems that way.


Edited by scorecard
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On 12/24/2017 at 9:43 PM, Sir Dude said:

She was given a choice....speak up in favour of us or you don't want to think of what will happen.


No doubt true, she's the maid of an infamous ruthless aggressive immoral family, absolutely no way she would, of her own volition, seek out the media and make any statement about anything.

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