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SURVEY: Health Care for All -- Good or Bad?


SURVEY: Health care for all -- good or bad?  

104 members have voted

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Although the issue of health care is a pressing issue in the US than some countries, which of the following best describes your opinion about government involvement in health care.  


Please feel free to leave a comment and express your opinion based on your experiences in your home country and abroad.  

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Universal healthcare is the cheapest, fairest, most effective means of ensuring a productive population and a stable society. And it is a right, not a privilege. 


@Scott mentions the US in his question above. My native country provides healthcare to all its citizens with superior results at half the cost of the US. The US "system" is one of the stupidest public policy decisions ever seen. No mandate for insurance, yet a law that says that hospitals must provide healthcare to any who show up at an emergency room (the MOST expensive healthcare there is). I guess that it is better than a policy which says "die on the street, and make it quick.", but not by a whole lot.


Thailand should provide the same level of care to ALL its citizens that it provides to its civil servants or military; that is the best way of ensuring that the government achieves the best practices possible at the most effective price. If the people that run the system use the system, then it'll be a good one. If the people who run the system don't use it, it'll be a half-ass mishmash of crap.


Universal healthcare is the way to go. All other system unfairly discriminate against people for their birth or for unforeseen circumstances in life. To those who don't like universal healthcare, isn't cancer in a child a great leveler? And why should one family be able to access care for their child while another cannot?


Universal care all the way.

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I would add a proviso to universal healthcare.


I worked in the NHS in the Uk and saw how was abused by so many, so often.  So much so that the system is creaking at the seams.


Perhaps exclude some procedures and lifestyle drugs from the list of free drugs - if that is what is being planned.


Such a universal system here in Thailand needs to be VERY carefully managed and implemented, with clear guidelines on what treatment/procedures will be provided and what will not be provided

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I'm not really sure if this question will be relevant in a few decades (or maybe a lot less), people will not have a job in the future due to automation. If Moore's law continues to hold true, healthcare might be the least of our problems. Like Elon Musk predicts, governments will probably need to pay their citizens salaries in the future.

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15 minutes ago, Sirbergan said:

I'm not really sure if this question will be relevant in a few decades (or maybe a lot less), people will not have a job in the future due to automation. If Moore's law continues to hold true, healthcare might be the least of our problems. Like Elon Musk predicts, governments will probably need to pay their citizens salaries in the future.

Or to be extreme find a way to cull the population.

Sustainable growth does not exist.

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11 minutes ago, overherebc said:

Or to be extreme find a way to cull the population.

Sustainable growth does not exist.

Sure. Automation will change the world as we know it, the only question is whether or not it will be for the better.

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3 hours ago, SNUMAND said:

Nothing free about free healthcare.


Agree. Nothing is free. Someone is paying for it.

A better question is, 


Edited by habanero
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2 minutes ago, overherebc said:

End line is someone has to pay for it.

 No-one will ever make that decision unless they benefit from it in some way.

It's the way we are.

Of course someone has to pay for it; no one ever claims otherwise. We all pay for it jointly as we all will need the system at one point or another.


It is called insurance and it is based on common sense.

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7 minutes ago, overherebc said:

End line is someone has to pay for it.

 No-one will ever make that decision unless they benefit from it in some way.

It's the way we are.


I've been happy to pay for it in Norway, knowing that I have the same luxury should I ever be so unfortunate to need it. I don't wish upon anyone to be in a situation where unfortunate events regarding personal health can't be remedied due to personal finances.

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4 minutes ago, watcharacters said:




As a septuagenarian with full health coverage world wide,   I still believe and support the idea of Soylent Green, myself included.


Keeping older people alive at all cost is breaking the bank.

The bank is an artificial concept these days. Humans are real, real people with emotions and problems.

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Although the issue of health care is a pressing issue in the US than some countries, which of the following best describes your opinion about government involvement in health care.  
Please feel free to leave a comment and express your opinion based on your experiences in your home country and abroad.  

As the Middle Class, I’m tired paying for those who don’t have health care. I’ve struggled paying for my college, working 35+ years, purchase a house, car, send kids to college,...

As my father schooled be as a young child, you bypass the things you can’t afford. Life is not fair but that’s life.

The Affordable Health Care Act was a fallacy as it was not really affordable and to mandate young/healthy people to enroll to help defray costs was ridiculous! Thank god Obama care is rescinded.

Summary: Health Care isn’t cheap and the Middle Class should not have to fund it!

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6 minutes ago, Sirbergan said:

The bank is an artificial concept these days. Humans are real, real people with emotions and problems.



I'm sorry,  Sirbergan.   There's a misunderstanding here.   The words "break the bank"  are  an idiom as in an expression.  


I'm not referring to banks but rather to government  systems in countries.     As an example,  the UK is having an issue with immigrants entering the country and being immediately  eligible for benefits.   It is straining the very  financial health of the UK government and system.   I.e. it is "breaking the bank".


The same applies to health care.   Providing health care for elderly  becomes a negative investment of resources.   The last years of elderly people  can be incredibly financially  draining to systems.       I think this needs to be fairly addressed.


Soylent Green..

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No problem contributing to government controlled healthcare, also have healthcare at work (Luckily never had to claim) 

I hope I can get through life with little or no use for it. Only too pleased for others who suffer the misfortune of requiring medical care to benefit from my contribution.

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2 minutes ago, watcharacters said:



I'm sorry,  Sirbergan.   There's a misunderstanding here.   The words "break the bank"  are  an idiom as in an expression.  


I'm not referring to banks but rather to government  systems in countries.     As an example,  the UK is having an issue with immigrants entering the country and being immediately  eligible for benefits.   It is straining the very  financial health of the UK government and system.   I.e. it is "breaking the bank".


The same applies to health care.   Providing health care for elderly  becomes a negative investment of resources.   The last years of elderly people  can be incredibly financially  draining to systems.       I think this needs to be fairly addressed.


Soylent Green..


No misunderstanding, I know the idiom "breaking the bank" perfectly well. I was especially referring to governments printing money and the whole money system being a surrealistic concept. The money system as such is fake, and there will be a revolution there (most likely through crypto currencies). Pensions are also "breaking the bank", but I don't think any person that is retired on this forum would like to talk about the problem that creates in lengths.


I don't really disagree with you, but my original point still stands.

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26 minutes ago, lcp0761 said:



As the Middle Class, I’m tired paying for those who don’t have health care. I’ve struggled paying for my college, working 35+ years, purchase a house, car, send kids to college,...

As my father schooled be as a young child, you bypass the things you can’t afford. Life is not fair but that’s life.

The Affordable Health Care Act was a fallacy as it was not really affordable and to mandate young/healthy people to enroll to help defray costs was ridiculous! Thank god Obama care is rescinded.

Summary: Health Care isn’t cheap and the Middle Class should not have to fund it!

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app





This is certainly a polemic thread with endless opinions to be expressed.


Icp0761   Your post brings back to me the memory of a great film line:



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The United States (latest census was about 330 Million and growing) is probably one of the largest nations without a National Health Service Benefit for it's residents.  With  50 States the size,scope and the budget for a similar system like UK's NHS would be gigantic.  It would have to be the largest American Governmental agency.  I wouldn't even know where to begin.  I envy my friends who have National Health benefits but I cannot imagine anything similar ever becoming reality in the US.  On a different note US Citizens who are 65 or older and have become vested in the Social Security System can obtain some limited medical care through Medicare. 


Healthcare for all is a Good idea but not sure if it can be delivered to 330 Million? 

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1 hour ago, habanero said:

Agree. Nothing is free. Someone is paying for it.

A better question is, 


In which countries do the government control your healthcare now?

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6 minutes ago, sqwakvfr said:

The United States (latest census was about 330 Million and growing) is probably one of the largest nations without a National Health Service Benefit for it's residents.  With  50 States the size,scope and the budget for a similar system like UK's NHS would be gigantic.  It would have to be the largest American Governmental agency.  I wouldn't even know where to begin.  I envy my friends who have National Health benefits but I cannot imagine anything similar ever becoming reality in the US.  On a different note US Citizens who are 65 or older and have become vested in the Social Security System can obtain some limited medical care through Medicare. 


Healthcare for all is a Good idea but not sure if it can be delivered to 330 Million? 




So where does that leave India or China?

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11 minutes ago, sqwakvfr said:

The United States (latest census was about 330 Million and growing) is probably one of the largest nations without a National Health Service Benefit for it's residents.  With  50 States the size,scope and the budget for a similar system like UK's NHS would be gigantic.  It would have to be the largest American Governmental agency.  I wouldn't even know where to begin.  I envy my friends who have National Health benefits but I cannot imagine anything similar ever becoming reality in the US.  On a different note US Citizens who are 65 or older and have become vested in the Social Security System can obtain some limited medical care through Medicare. 


Healthcare for all is a Good idea but not sure if it can be delivered to 330 Million? 

The US is a country where you have the most homeless and/or chronically homeless people in the western world, while you also have some of the richest people in the world. Look at other countries, and how people are punished for offenses - is it not time to implement a system where people pay percentages of their income when caught for offenses? Is it not time to tax people with higher incomes more? The latest tax law you passed is going to make the 1% richest people even richer. Taxing those people could pay for your healthcare system, but it's just not the American way.

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5 hours ago, SNUMAND said:

Nothing free about free healthcare.


I did not see anything about "Free Care" in this survey. but please, feel free to change the subject.

Who the heck wants to talk about "Universal Health Care" when we can talk about "free care",, other than the OP. and most TVF members.

2 hours ago, habanero said:

Agree. Nothing is free. Someone is paying for it.

A better question is, 


I will be 61 in June(not deaf yet so no need to shout at me with caps LOL), and I can't wait until 65 so that the Government can control my health care. Sick and tired of Wall Street controlling it now

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1 hour ago, lcp0761 said:



As the Middle Class, I’m tired paying for those who don’t have health care. I’ve struggled paying for my college, working 35+ years, purchase a house, car, send kids to college,...

As my father schooled be as a young child, you bypass the things you can’t afford. Life is not fair but that’s life.

The Affordable Health Care Act was a fallacy as it was not really affordable and to mandate young/healthy people to enroll to help defray costs was ridiculous! Thank god Obama care is rescinded.

Summary: Health Care isn’t cheap and the Middle Class should not have to fund it!

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I don't have kids in school, Why the heck should I pay for your kids school, and not my expensive war, why should I pay for Afghanistan, Also never being to Kalamazoo Mi. please don't send any of my Federal tax there.

We all should be A La Carte Americans.:tongue:


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2 hours ago, habanero said:

Agree. Nothing is free. Someone is paying for it.

A better question is, 


I think I would rather have the government, warts and all, running healthcare than have commercial undertakings responsible.


There is a place for commercial undertakings, in providing services, but not in making the decision as to who is to be treated...

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4 hours ago, Sirbergan said:



I've been happy to pay for it in Norway, knowing that I have the same luxury should I ever be so unfortunate to need it. I don't wish upon anyone to be in a situation where unfortunate events regarding personal health can't be remedied due to personal finances.

All fine with above as at that time enough people were working and paying national insurance and tax.

That is slowly changing and more and more people will be dependant on fewer and fewer people paying into the funds.

I don't see a problem with means testing, can afford to pay then pay.

Tax systems changed so the mega rich pay more to support it? Most of them have an input into how much tax should be paid or don't pay tax in any way, they're not going to change.

Richer countries should stop hand outs to poorer countries and keep the money for their own citizens, that would go down like a lead balloon.

Stop population growth? how?

Future technology and research will find an answer? Don't rely on that, nature will decide, not us.

We can't keep up with malaria now, what's the next one coming?

I for sure don't have the answers nor do I think anyone else has.


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Maybe I'm getting senile BUT.... I seem to recall, we Dreaded FERANGS used to have a Government Health Care Scheme here in Thailand.

The then, elected Government introduced it and urged us to take out membership. Like many others, I did that and dropped my Private Health Care in my 

Home Country.


Then....SURPRISE.... a New Government Came to Power in Thailand and DITCHED the "Ferang Scheme," leaving those who'd Foolishly bought into it, with ZIPPO

Health Cover. Little wonder so many ailing Ferangs take Flying Lessons....well, A FLYING LESSON from a Tall Building when they are diagnosed with a Deadly, Expensive Disease.

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6 hours ago, johnray said:

''Someone has to pay for it''  Yes the rich should pay for poor and I believe that's the Buddhist way.




You may be right johnray.     But from what I see the rich aren't bending over too far to assist the poor in Thailand.


Are they even bending at all..?

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