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Brits vs. Americans in Pattaya

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I feel somewhat sad even posting this, but am trying to figure it out.

We are suppose to be allies, right?

But, there is some sort of rivalry/hate going on here.

And sorry if you are Brit, but it seems from my experience the Brits initiate it.

Several times in the last couple months at a sports bar or restaurant, I have been asked by a Brit if I am from America .

Then it starts, some demeaning, negative, arrogant attack at me and at the US.

I have been to your country several times and the people I met there were very nice.

But, the Brits here seem bitter, pissed off and sad.  Is there something in a Brits mind here that somehow thinks the US created their negativity and hate?

Are the Brits lives that bad here they need to attack others?  Is it Brexit or what possible jealousy or issue is all the hate about?  

I am at the point I will probably say I am from Canada, as no one seems to care about them.

Too bad really.....




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Can't say I've noticed it going on (I'm English), in Jomtien we all pretty much get on.


I meet an Irishman and a Canadian for a few drinks most nights. Sometimes Americans join us.


We have to get on as there's no one else.


Can't say I've ever noticed it, I generally get on with most like minded people. Some Americans can be a tad arrogant, but I'm sure you're not like that.


It's the beer talking. Don't be too concerned; Brits believe ourselves to be superior to everyone else. Some of us are too polite to boast about it. Some aren't.


The only thing i can think of is the loud talking, it annoys some people. On TV theres a remote to adjust volume but in real life you can't. If it's not that it might be an individual thing, them or you.


LOL, am guessing this is  troll baiting as it is too obvious with all the usual caricatures....James Dean or jack Nicholson would not be concerned, so rest easy if you want to be cool Mr Bean!


If the nationality topic comes up, I try to ignore it.  Sometimes it's not possible.  Often when I tell the truth, the sh*t talking starts..  Best tell them you're Canadian and make sure you've got the accent right.  They can tell.


I agree with the OP!....My neighbor is British and the very first words out of his mouth when he first met me was " I hear you are a man that's NOT to be trusted" ... And that was 10 years ago.....Why would I even want to associate with such an A----hole?


in general though the usual expat is a loser :shock1: Whether American or British, he usually is living on a pension and from paycheck to paycheck. That can be very stressful!


Without being provocative here’s goes.

Originally a Scot so I can only comment on English, Welsh & Eire (both sides).

In previous experience I’ve not had many issues with US or Canadian per se.

Drunken arrogant English with a chip on their shoulder quite possible, but not IIRC Soi 7 area depending on time year can get a little lively however I’ve not witnessed any conflicts.

Walking street end might be a different matter though.

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Without being provocative here’s goes.

Originally a Scot so I can only comment on English, Welsh & Eire (both sides).

In previous experience I’ve not had many issues with US or Canadian per se.

Drunken arrogant English with a chip on their shoulder quite possible, but not IIRC Soi 7 area depending on time year can get a little lively however I’ve not witnessed any conflicts.

Walking street end might be a different matter though.

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I live in Scotland, plenty of chips there.

In Thailand i avoid dodgy people irrespective of nationality

It's nothing to do with nationalities ... I've met plenty of people in Pattaya that seemed decent enough, of all nationalities. I've also met plenty of people I've chosen to avoid, of all nationalities, including my own kind. 


Pattaya attracts some unusual characters: criminal types, con-men, alcoholics, etc ... all of them best avoided.

2 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

I am at the point I will probably say I am from Canada, as no one seems to care about them.

Too bad really.....


Good Sir , no one would believe you are Canadian, you didn t apologize for anything, no saying sorry or excuse me.


I apologize for having to tell  you that, I am sorry if it changes your plans, no offence intended.




images (5).jpg

7 minutes ago, AlexRich said:



Pattaya attracts some unusual characters: criminal types, con-men, alcoholics, etc ... all of them best avoided.



As a Canadian, I feel I owe you an apology for the 'criminal types and alcoholics' in our wonderful city. I'm so sorry!!

18 minutes ago, whitemouse said:



As a Canadian, I feel I owe you an apology for the 'criminal types and alcoholics' in our wonderful city. I'm so sorry!!


You don't need to apologise for these characters ... but you do for Michael Buble! :guitar:


The OP could try drinking and socializing in a DIFFERENT sports bar?


There's no denying that outside of Bangkok, the majority of American's are MAGA-men and in my experience, they can get a bit verbose and OTT if someone is silly enough to bring up anything derisive about the current POTUS. In my experience, the "Quiet American" is momentarily not available so steer well clear of ruffling other people's political feathers; same as most Brits would take umbrage if an American started to pontificate on Brexit and the EU.

I live in Scotland, plenty of chips there.

In Thailand i avoid dodgy people irrespective of nationality

Chips with or without the devil juice?
(I’ve spent plenty of time in most Scottish cities to know)

In Thailand, depending on area anyone outside a biker bar is considered dodgy ;-)

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On 10/6/2016 at 6:30 PM, JSixpack said:


Exactly. Brits here don't care in the slightest what 'Mercuns think, 'cause they're considered stupid, ignorant, hillbillies. OP was just bait to draw out "Mercuns for another bash. Hence I'll bash Brits whenever I have the chance and always give a smile, as they do for 'Mercuns, at any misfortune that befalls them, often an arrest. :tongue:


I liked the Brits in Britain just fine, even the cop who almost turned my suitcase over to the bomb disposal unit when I'd left it just for a sec ouside a WHSmith; and I did, incredibly, meet an urbane, well-mannered Oxford-educated Brit once in Pattaya who could speak English and carry on an intelligent conversation. But the others in Pattaya, as on the forum, just seem uniformly vile--arrogant, provincial, snide know-it-alls and blowhards. I speak from many years' experience. Remember, "You can take a Brit out of the council estate, but you can't get the council estate out of the Brit." And of course whinging, constantly. As is noted by a Brit researcher recently,


BRITAIN is a nation of moaners who complain more than 70 times a week each.


Researchers found our love of complaining, like Disney dwarf Grumpy and TV’s Victor Meldrew, means we grumble at least 11 times every weekday and 16 times over the weekend.


It also emerged we will already have had three grumbles before we even leave the house in the morning.

In fact, Brits complain so much that more than three quarters admit to having a moan about other people moaning or complaining.



My advice to 'Mercun newbies to the forum is that they should realize that it's war with the Brits here, who greatly outnumber us. Avoid mention of 'Mercun companies and esp. do not mention anything good about the USA or anything you might be (stupidly) proud of in relation to that country. Otherwise, be prepared for a bash. Start regretting that WWII help (should have let the Russians handle it, as all forum Brits know would have done the trick anyway), the war debt forgiveness, etc. Don't bother trying to talk to a Brit if you run across one (or esp. several) in bar, either. Learned that early on. That said, if they're not English, but, say, Scottish you might be able to have a real conversation if you can get past the accent.

11 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Lower Class Provincial Brits are more often than not like that. What Sixpack said. With knobs on.

Please do not tar all us Brits with the same brush. It is very easy to find and mix with those who are reprehensible and even easier to avoid them. I choose the latter course, as do many others. It is something we are experienced at doing from our time living at home.

Lower Class Provincial Brits are more often than not like that. What Sixpack said. With knobs on.

Lower class provincial Brits?

You mean chavs?

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4 hours ago, AlexRich said:


You don't need to apologise for these characters ... but you do for Michael Buble! :guitar:

Well, he is better than the usual Bieb's we get hit with. On the plus side I'm back home looking out my hi-rise condo window at the neighbourhood Neil Young grew up in.

26 minutes ago, pegman said:

Well, he is better than the usual Bieb's we get hit with. On the plus side I'm back home looking out my hi-rise condo window at the neighbourhood Neil Young grew up in.


I forgot about Justin Beiber ... the worst of them all!


I'll give you a pass on Neil Young ... a fine musician.

Good Sir , no one would believe you are Canadian, you didn t apologize for anything, no saying sorry or excuse me.
I apologize for having to tell  you that, I am sorry if it changes your plans, no offence intended.
Canadians in Pattaya are no angels though, surprisingly I've met worse Canadians than Americans. I try to avoid dodgy people of all nationalities but sometimes you can't
4 hours ago, citybiker said:

Lower class provincial Brits?

You mean chavs?

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No. Chavs tend to use a better standard of cologne.

No. Chavs tend to use a better standard of cologne.

Could be worse, a sweaty chav ;-)

As for cultural conflicts, overall I tend to socialise better with anyone overseas, hardly had any issues that I recall.

Although airports can be tricky....

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12 minutes ago, citybiker said:

Could be worse, a sweaty chav ;-)

As for cultural conflicts, overall I tend to socialise better with anyone overseas, hardly had any issues that I recall.

Although airports can be tricky....

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Not if one travels BC.

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