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Trump wants Postal Service to charge 'much more' for Amazon shipments


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2 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

Amazon's competitors would stand to gain as well. Or get back to a level playing field anyway.  Hopefully the DOJ division that deals with anti-competive practices will take up the case. 

As Alan Chase pointed out above, Amazon can negotiate better rates because of the volume of packages it delivers. It's useful to not that the package delivery service of the USPS is actually profitable. There is an excellent explanation of the whole situation here:


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10 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

As Alan Chase pointed out above, Amazon can negotiate better rates because of the volume of packages it delivers. It's useful to not that the package delivery service of the USPS is actually profitable. There is an excellent explanation of the whole situation here:



I'm well aware of the situation. It is just the latest in a long stream of Amazon trying to press an advantage.



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Since Trump doesn't live in the real world where you have to do things yourself, I am sure he has no clue of the deal the United States Postal Service worked out with United Parcel Service, where UPS would ship items to the local post office for final delivery by USPS 


Which is the main reason the USPS is not profitable;  they deliver where others are not required to go 


Amazon has taken not paying state sales tax to a new level by not forcing their vendors to pay state sales taxes since they are "private contractors" and the use of local delivery services to get around state sales taxes

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Going after USPS is a good start. They should have higher rates to offset the lost revenue, at least a little bit. I expect Trump needs to take a hard look at Amtrack. Now here's a real story of a big business that can't figure out how to manage. Must be some Democrat at the helm of Amtrack.


I am looking forward to Trump putting his eyeballs on infrastructure in 2018. More great things coming from the Trumpster! MAGA

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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:


Yes, paying less to USPS than it would to FedEx does not mean it is paying less to USPS than others are paying.


Do you really not understand the difference or are you just being obnoxious?

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1 hour ago, jackh said:

Going after USPS is a good start. They should have higher rates to offset the lost revenue, at least a little bit. I expect Trump needs to take a hard look at Amtrack. Now here's a real story of a big business that can't figure out how to manage. Must be some Democrat at the helm of Amtrack.


I am looking forward to Trump putting his eyeballs on infrastructure in 2018. More great things coming from the Trumpster! MAGA

You mean because one part of their business is losing money then they should raise rates in another part of their business to subsidize the losses? Is that because you have data to show that the parcel delivery business isn't highly competitive? Want to share that with us?

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Amazon was built around not paying taxes and now treats their employees like underpaid slaves.  Wake up people.  Trump is correct in making them pay.  Why should the postal service subsidize someone who underpays employees and skips taxes?  Your bias is deafening.

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Amazon was built around not paying taxes and now treats their employees like underpaid slaves.  Wake up people.  Trump is correct in making them pay.  Why should the postal service subsidize someone who underpays employees and skips taxes?  Your bias is deafening.

Trump skips taxes and has to employ foreign workers. Your bias is deafening.
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3 hours ago, alanrchase said:

Any sensible company that has a high volume of business with the USPS would negotiate preferential rates. Banks will almost certainly get a discount on their charges. Trump singles out Amazon because Bezos refuses to worship him.

"Trump singles out Amazon because Bezos refuses to worship him".

Can you explain your comment?

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8 minutes ago, alanrchase said:


As one of his spokesperson said "critics will have to bow before him". Bezos refuses to do so.


Are you aware of all  the Bezo's Empire and holdings?

Edited by riclag
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1 hour ago, losworld said:

Amazon was built around not paying taxes and now treats their employees like underpaid slaves.  Wake up people.  Trump is correct in making them pay.  Why should the postal service subsidize someone who underpays employees and skips taxes?  Your bias is deafening.

The claim that the postal service is subsidizing Amazon is a dubious one based on data from one rival and comes from an analyst who works for a company that is invested in another.

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10 hours ago, rooster59 said:

By law, the Postal Service has to set prices for package delivery to cover the costs attributable to that service. But the postal service allocates only 5.5 percent of its total costs to its business of shipping packages even though that line of business is 28 percent of its total revenue.

did everyone get bored before reading the last paragraph of the OP?


5.5% of cost.... yet 28% of revenue. This indicates that shipping packages returns a 5:1 profit.... meaning that packages are already overcharged and this service is carrying other postal services.


And.... thanks for the trump cnn link post 16 plus plus.... but again, at the end...


it is the postal service that is responsible for setting rates.... which were just reviewed and raised by two points to enable breakeven.


If amazon has a side deal with the US mail, who clearly want the business (given the margins quoted), it will be a business decision made by the postal service, not amazon.... much like all businesses make business decisions... this one to protect its market share in the amazon honey pot.... alternatively... give up market share!


this is not trump the politician... POTUS

this is not trump the businessman ( hey... how about those tax cuts for real estate moguls?)

this is trump the child with his uncontrolled tweetfest


NOTE by law the postal board should have nine appointed members... under trumps appointment, it has none... hello Donald... your f******  things up!




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Something smells fishy here. First of all, the USPS is not very cheap, when it comes to the delivery of packages, as the deflector in chief states it. It might seem cheap to an ivory tower billionaire, but not to most of us. Now, the Thai postal system is inexpensive, and far, far better than the USPS, if we are talking about EMS. 


Sounds like he may have had a customer service issue with Amazon somewhere along the line, when the nuts he ordered were not crisp enough, or his smoked meat was not to his liking, or his favorite patchouli scented soap was a smaller size than he thought it was going to be. He tends to make national issues out of the smallest and most petty things. These days I cannot take anything he says, or anything he does seriously. He is a human joke. A circus huckster. A charlatan. A goofball. How do you take a man like him seriously? He is an extraordinarily unhappy man. Trump would manufacture his own unhappiness, even in a moment where everything was going perfectly. That is just who he is.


Perhaps Bezos should just give all his business to UPS or FedEx ground. 

Edited by spidermike007
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8 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


In an honest way?  You don't know how many years Amazon dodged paying sales taxes to the government?  What other companies are you aware of that can fail to make a profit for 20 years and the IRS allows it? If my business fails to make a profit in 3 out of every five years the IRS deems it a "hobby" and disallows deductions associated with the business.





rephrase to "relatively honest"
tx for pointing it out.

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it's called volume pricing and is totally legitimate.  this is how large retailers in the States make their money by charging less, but making a killing on volume. Trump is such an idiot that he can't understand basic economics 101. Bozos  could have gotten the same deal with FedEx but USPS is a pretty good alternative and offers same delivery guarantees and tracking etc.

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4 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:


Trump never went bankrupt, stop spreading lies.

Maybe Trump didn't, but his companies did

Yep, Donald Trump's companies have declared bankruptcy...more than four times



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13 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Maybe Trump didn't, but his companies did

Yep, Donald Trump's companies have declared bankruptcy...more than four times




So you agree that saying that Trump went bankrupt 6 times was a BIG lie and just serving a poster's agenda.


By the way, the owner of Amazon also had a bankruptcy in 2001

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9 hours ago, Credo said:

How does Amazon pay less?   When you ship something, it is done by class and by weight.   Do you think they charge Amazon less than any other company or person sending a package?

Charges for larger companies are usually based on volume.  Amazon clearly sends the most so will get the biggest volume discounts.  Postal services around the world use this system.  Trump, as always, is talking out of his backside.

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1 hour ago, janclaes47 said:


So you agree that saying that Trump went bankrupt 6 times was a BIG lie and just serving a poster's agenda.


By the way, the owner of Amazon also had a bankruptcy in 2001

Are you seriously suggesting that someone saying Trump went bankrupt 6 times is a lie because it wasn't a personal bankruptcy but his companies? He made some terrible business decisions.

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12 hours ago, stevenl said:

Yes, paying less to USPS than it would to FedEx does not mean it is paying less to USPS than others are paying.


Do you really not understand the difference or are you just being obnoxious?

I understand the difference and I think the word you're looking for is "obtuse".

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5 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

I understand the difference and I think the word you're looking for is "obtuse".

That means you also realise your link has no bearing on the point you were trying to make, and the point you were trying to make is not supported anywhere.

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21 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

Probably the only American I dislike more than Trump is Bezos. Time to sic the anti competitition watchdogs on that A-hole.

You dislike Jeff Bezos??? And Amazon.com??? And dislike him/them more than Trump??? :coffee1:

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20 hours ago, stevenl said:

Also not said or implied in your article.


What is said is that Amazon is paying USPS less than it would other providers, not the same as 'paying less than everyone else' and what it also says is that the USPS package delivery is making a profit.


So one of the biggest, maybe even the biggest, player in that market is helping somebody else make a profit, but Trump wants their rates increased? Makes no sense at all, probably due to a feud he has with Amazon.

Yes...Trump has personal feud and BIG problem with Bezos because Bezos owns The Washington Post! And we all know what The Donald thinks about TWP. :vampire:

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