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Two days down, nearly 100 deaths


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These U turns must claim some lives, you’ve got 2 to 3 lanes of traffic travelling at 80 kilometres an hour and up and you’ve got to turn in front of it when there’s a gap!!!.Total madness either u turn bridges with acceleration lanes or roundabouts are required. Will never happen I know as it would cost zillions.

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1 hour ago, gr8fldanielle said:

from my experience most motorcyclist and cars for that matter never look to the right when entering a road heading towards the left. It makes sense to me that on these long straight aways cars passing other cars or motorcycles for that matter get creamed.

For whatever reason, why people don't look to see if there is any oncoming traffic, but only seem to check if there anything in front or in their way is just plain stupid. I think somehow the concept of actually looking over ones shoulder rather than relying on mirrors only should be aggressively introduced, but good luck with that.

It really is impossible to understand the mentality of anyone who pulls out onto a road without looking. Impossible. A car did that opposite my house recently and hit a motorcyclist. Three weeks later he is still in a coma and the house where he pulled out from denied seeing anything. The fact that a wedding party was underway might have had something to do with it. Apparently the police even breathalysed the person who claimed to be the driver - claimed, but my wife told me someone other than the driver took the test.
The report mentions a very large percentage of the accidents took place on a straight road. That doesn't surprise me at all. There have been 16 accidents within 500 metres of my house in the last two years, on a long straight road with perfect visibility. We even had three in one morning recently. It rained, you see, and Thais have no idea that the roads might be wet and slippery when it rains.

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1 hour ago, gr8fldanielle said:

from my experience most motorcyclist and cars for that matter never look to the right when entering a road heading towards the left. It makes sense to me that on these long straight aways cars passing other cars or motorcycles for that matter get creamed.

For whatever reason, why people don't look to see if there is any oncoming traffic, but only seem to check if there anything in front or in their way is just plain stupid. I think somehow the concept of actually looking over ones shoulder rather than relying on mirrors only should be aggressively introduced, but good luck with that.

"I think somehow the concept of actually looking over ones shoulder rather than relying on mirrors only should be aggressively introduced"


Know what you mean, but surely it shouldn't be beyond human ingenuity to manufacture mirrors without blind spots??


I also agree about vehicles pulling out from side roads without looking...., which is why I do my best to only ride my scooter where I know all the possible hazzard points, and so can move towards the centre of the 'slow' lane when approaching these points.


I was most interested by the comment re. most accidents happening on straight roads as whilst (as you point out) it is likely partly due to vehicles coming from side roads - there's also IMO an increasing number of drivers that 'undertake' a slower moving vehicle in the 'fast' lane, even if there is a 'bike in the way!  Apparently a 2 inch gap is considered enough by these bad-tempered drivers.... (Tongue in cheek, as it's more likely they are just inconsiderate and/or spatially unaware.)

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2 hours ago, AsianAtHeart said:

As I expected, there is no mention of back-of-pickup-riders being a major contribution to road deaths.  In fact, there is no mention of them at all.  Does anyone know if there were any such deaths involved?


Clearly, the motorcycles are the least advantageous mode of travel in Thailand, in terms of safety.  The government has done the right thing to allow riding in the back of a pickup, reducing the need of motorcycle transport.  I wonder how many motorcycle riders succumb to fatigue on longer trips (4+ hours)?

Given that, obviously, the only relevance of back-of-pickup-riders would be as collateral damage to a drunk, speeding or just plain bad driver, I fail to see the relevance of bringing that in at all.

I'd expect less deaths of such, if they were actually significant before, given the congested roads make drivers slow down, and speed is usually the main factor in deaths in 4 wheeled, rather than on two wheeled vehicles.

While I have seen my share of mangled cars on Thai roads, I have yet to see one that involved people riding in the back of a pickup.

I mentioned this before, on a different thread, same subject, but I'd like to see a breakdown of which roads the most fatalities take place, as I suspect it's on the good new roads that allow high speed driving, as opposed to the old single lane winding ones necessitating slower speed.

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I have an idea: Allow 15% of minivans to be owned and operated by foreigners. After a full year,  if (haha, if) the rate of accidents and deaths are significantly lower than that for Thai minivan driver's, increase the foreigner owned and operated minivans to 30%. Increase each year. I guarantee you the accident rate will be cut in half.

This will save lives and take jobs away from vehicular homicide/manslaughter Thai "drivers."

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14 minutes ago, chezy86 said:

These U turns must claim some lives, you’ve got 2 to 3 lanes of traffic travelling at 80 kilometres an hour and up and you’ve got to turn in front of it when there’s a gap!!!.Total madness either u turn bridges with acceleration lanes or roundabouts are required. Will never happen I know as it would cost zillions.

A central reservation with U turns has recently been built where I live :sad:.


Far more dangerous for various reasons, but the main one is it's hard to see oncoming traffic with vehicles turning in the opposite direction blocking the view.

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16 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"I think somehow the concept of actually looking over ones shoulder rather than relying on mirrors only should be aggressively introduced"


Know what you mean, but surely it shouldn't be beyond human ingenuity to manufacture mirrors without blind spots??


I also agree about vehicles pulling out from side roads without looking...., which is why I do my best to only ride my scooter where I know all the possible hazzard points, and so can move towards the centre of the 'slow' lane when approaching these points.


I was most interested by the comment re. most accidents happening on straight roads as whilst (as you point out) it is likely partly due to vehicles coming from side roads - there's also IMO an increasing number of drivers that 'undertake' a slower moving vehicle in the 'fast' lane, even if there is a 'bike in the way!  Apparently a 2 inch gap is considered enough by these bad-tempered drivers.... (Tongue in cheek, as it's more likely they are just inconsiderate and/or spatially unaware.)

Those that "undertake" on 2 lane roads do so due to the total inconsideration and ignorance of those on the outerlane.  They just beieve the outer lane belongs to them and point blank refuse to move over even when all is clear ahead. Note how many drivers who have to resort to "undertaking" instantly move back into the outside lane having completed their move


In my view, these drivers are more dangerous than those who do not obey the speed limit.


A heavy fine and vehicle confiscation for say 1 month is totally warranted. Its too late for these ignoramuses to learn.



Edited by prakhonchai nick
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22 minutes ago, chezy86 said:

These U turns must claim some lives, you’ve got 2 to 3 lanes of traffic travelling at 80 kilometres an hour and up and you’ve got to turn in front of it when there’s a gap!!!.Total madness either u turn bridges with acceleration lanes or roundabouts are required. Will never happen I know as it would cost zillions.

Glad you mentioned costs, as all the suggested remedies on TVF cost the deity only knows how much to implement, but to our esteemed armchair pundits cost is obviously irrelevant.

That might change if they found themselves having to pay a significantly increased registration fee to drive on Thai roads to cover the wages for the extra million traffic policemen needed, the overhead U turns and the retractable spikes to enforce stopping at traffic lights till the green light goes on.


I have also mentioned before that limiting speed to a legal maximum is a simple enough technology that could be implemented on most vehicles on Thai roads, and that would reduce the road toll significantly.

However, the powers that be choose not to mandate it. Go figure.

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7 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said yesterday that he would assign the Transport Ministry to figure out how to improve road networks by creating web-like transport routes to avoid traffic congestion

By web like transportation routes is he referring to maps?

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  Just checked and it seems that the figures quoted are the same as the report in your second news sheet yesterday.

  I mistakenly replied to that report but would say once again that the number of deaths reported represent the people who died at the scene of the accident, the official death toll includes those who subsequently died as a result of their injuries.

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7 hours ago, ezzra said:

Much talked about subject, the usual number of road fatalities for this

time of the year is around 400-500 dead, the price Thailand pays for

it's careless and unbridled boozing culture, when a person up in

the boonies is bent on drink driving/riding, nothing will stop him,

except maybe for a tree, concrete pylon or another car... 

I bet if they had the same deterrents and enforcement as the west and several other countries, those figures would plummet.


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Just now, prakhonchai nick said:

Those that "undertake" on 2 lane roads do so due to the total inconsiderstion and ignorance of those on the outerlane.  They just beieve the outer lane belongs to them and point blank refuse to move over even when all is clear ahead. Note how many drivers who have to resort to "undertaking" instantly move back into the outside lane having completed their move


In my view, these drivers are more dangerous than those who do not obey the speed limit.


A heavy fine and vehicle confiscation for say 1 month is totally warranted. Its too late for these ignoramuses to learn.


These drivers in my opinion are equally if not more dangerous than those that do not adhere to the speed limit.

I disagree as in my experience 'undertaking' drivers are mostly speeding - and mostly can't be bothered to wait until the driver ahead finds a safe space to move into the 'slow' lane.  Of course there is always the odd driver in the 'fast' lane that doesn't care about those behind him, but they are the exception rather than the rule.


But then as I ride a scooter, I'm obviously more unforgiving towards the undertaking idiots that come FAR too close to me in their determination to get ahead.....

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2 hours ago, kelboy said:

That's why I stay at home all over Xmas and new year. :partytime2:

Well done.

What gets me is that everyone knows it's dangerous to drive during the holidays, but they still go out there. I know if I hit my head on a brick wall it would hurt so I don't do it, and for the same reason I'm not going to go driving when it's obviously more dangerous than usual.

However, mass silliness is an international condition, as in the situation on eg the icy roads of the USA as thousands of drivers that have no clue how to drive in those conditions get into trouble.

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1 minute ago, dick dasterdly said:

I disagree as in my experience 'undertaking' drivers are mostly speeding - and mostly can't be bothered to wait until the driver ahead finds a safe space to move into the 'slow' lane.  Of course there is always the odd driver in the 'fast' lane that doesn't care about those behind him, but they are the exception rather than the rule.


But then as I ride a scooter, I'm obviously more unforgiving towards the undertaking idiots that come FAR too close to me in their determination to get ahead.....

Of course there is always the odd driver in the 'fast' lane that doesn't care about those behind him, but they are the exception rather than the rule.

Disagree 100%. IMO they are the rule, and not the exception.

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2 hours ago, Pattaya28 said:

What this mean ?

Imagine a spiders web, and then imagine the web on the ground especially over large Cities and towns, if you had a road system like a spiders web, with good surfaced roads and well signed etc. a driver could take the outside roads on the 'web' taking him closer to his destination, rather than drive right through the middle of the web where most drivers seem to head, if used correctly, it would definitely help the traffic situation including traffic jams etc. however ... if drivers continue to drive; Drunk, on drugs and half asleep, no amount of improvement on the roads will help the situation, as the article states, most accidents happened on straight roads !!!!

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1 minute ago, jesimps said:

I bet if they had the same deterrents and enforcement as the west and several other countries, those figures would plummet.




Until 'bikes become a tiny minority of road users, deaths will be sky high IMO - especially as the number of 4 wheeled vehicles gradually increase.

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Just now, British Bulldog said:

Imagine a spiders web, and then imagine the web on the ground especially over large Cities and towns, if you had a road system like a spiders web, with good surfaced roads and well signed etc. a driver could take the outside roads on the 'web' taking him closer to his destination, rather than drive right through the middle of the web where most drivers seem to head, if used correctly, it would definitely help the traffic situation including traffic jams etc. however ... if drivers continue to drive; Drunk, on drugs and half asleep, no amount of improvement on the roads will help the situation, as the article states, most accidents happened on straight roads !!!!

That already exists in Chiang Mai, but the amount of cars on the roads exceeds the capability of the government to build enough roads, or more importantly to widen existing ones to cope. Don't expect anything to improve in the next decade at least. Perhaps technology as yet unknown will solve the problem, eventually.

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3 hours ago, Pattaya28 said:

What this mean ?

It means directing traffic onto secondary roads with probably 4th class safety features based on some sort of warped thinking it will reduce the road kill numbers whereas if fact it will probably increase it. 

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Near to my house police set up 2 new check stations and when I drove past them yesterday early evening they had these multi coloured vertical strip lights mounted in the road and were so bright that they made seeing the road very difficult . So when I got level with the stations I looked in and guess what I could not believe what I saw , 4  policemen sitting at a table that was loaded with bottles of beer and all drinking . I told this to my partner and she said no problem as it is the new year . I said they are supposed to be stopping drivers and checking for D.U.I.  not joining in , unless of course they got their instructions muddled up . 

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Well done.

What gets me is that everyone knows it's dangerous to drive during the holidays, but they still go out there. I know if I hit my head on a brick wall it would hurt so I don't do it, and for the same reason I'm not going to go driving when it's obviously more dangerous than usual.

However, mass silliness is an international condition, as in the situation on eg the icy roads of the USA as thousands of drivers that have no clue how to drive in those conditions get into trouble.

Whilst I generally agree, sadly it's necessary to go out for various reasons.


Fortunately, I can restrict my 'travels' to early morning - when it's not quite as bad...

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11 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:



Until 'bikes become a tiny minority of road users, deaths will be sky high IMO - especially as the number of 4 wheeled vehicles gradually increase.

It would be reasonable to expect as the car population increases the bike population would reduce, wouldn't it? 

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7 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said yesterday that he would assign the Transport Ministry to figure out how to improve road networks by creating web-like transport routes to avoid traffic congestion.

And this will impact the disproportionately high 2-wheel accidents death rate how exactly?

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5 minutes ago, Artisi said:

It would be reasonable to expect as the car population increases the bike population would reduce, wouldn't it? 

No. Most people either don't make enough money, or can't get enough credit to buy cars, so expect m'bikes to increase in numbers even more than cars.

Given that most town and city roads are not large enough to carry the number of cars already on them, I expect road rage by car drivers to increase significantly.

I hated driving in Chiang Mai as the traffic is so diabolical, the only thing I'm surprised about is that no one has yet been shot.


Edited by thaibeachlovers
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