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Traffic authorities claim success as deaths down 11%


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When the authorities announced the measures on giving out the chicken drinks sleeping rest areas ect 

 I  said at the time  can only be a good thing ( better than nothing ) but would wait and see the results at the end of the holiday

well it was down death wise not much but at least down which as to be a improvement on years gone by 

gives them something to work on not just on the holiday periods but daily

there seems to be people who will always be Negative and  not be satisfied  what ever the Thai Authories do 

Some ideas might seem stupid to some but its their Country 


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The police can take a well earned rest:cheesy::cheesy: now until Songkran, when we will get the next rinse / repeat rhetoric BS from the Govt. I guess it's to much like hard work to enforce road traffic laws 365 days of the year.

Edited by merlin2002
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3 hours ago, dinsdale said:

So now after the 7 days the toll goes back up to normal.

Yep they are happy down 11%  They did there job Now they can all relax and let the drivers get back to normal  Driving like idiots and getting that death toll back up to 65 per day  There will be some big bonuses paid out on this result and dont forget the medals Not forgetting that last year there record deaths on Thai roads  so  it really was a hollow victory

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19 minutes ago, merlin2002 said:

The police can take a well earned rest:cheesy::cheesy: now until Songkran, when we will get the next rinse / repeat rhetoric BS from the Govt. I guess it's to much like hard work to enforce road traffic laws 365 days of the year.

Yep i agree merlin You think it was the cops job to enforce the road rules Apparently it is not here Have a rest boys you did well and watch as the Thais  get stuck into the grog again and drink drive They Know there police force is having a rest so happy days again

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50 minutes ago, zaZa9 said:

The screamers on here have been demanding action.

Now action has been taken and a step in the right direction achieved.

But the Thai geezers here just dont have it in them to applaud anything done by Thais.


Za Za it was  step in right direction  But this action only lasts 7 days and its back to normal again Just do what u feel like on the roads  The road toll did go down because the police were actually doing their job  I really wish the gov would pay them more then they might try harder But you know i know when the police stop this enforcement after 7 days up will go the road toll

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Less reporting me thinks. I remember during Thaksin's Songkran campaign he threatened police for having high accident rates in their district. In one of the districts a pickup rolled killing four people that were in the back. The authorities tried to cover it up by calling it death from a lightening strike. Of course they were caught considering there was no storms. Point being that better numbers can be nothing but covering up true numbers. 

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Do these figures mean that only a third had driving licences in the first place ? They are rather quick to claim anything is successful and it is surprising that this is a success. Isn't it more a case of diminishing returns? As more road users are killed surely there are less to kill ? If they haven't reached saturation yet they must be getting pretty close. If only they could get all the dicks behind the wheels whitened they could attribute more deaths to Farang causation ?

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I agree with other posters here. If the authorities had a real impact then we'd be looking at, say, a 50% reduction which would be below the present daily average. A 2% reduction in road accidents is certainly 'nothing to write home about' and could be due to any number of factors. For example, there might have been more traffic jams in places where last year there weren't any. Maybe more people used plane, train or bus than did last year. Until there is a proper scientific analysis the figures really don't mean much.

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1 hour ago, zaZa9 said:

The screamers on here have been demanding action.

Now action has been taken and a step in the right direction achieved.

But the Thai geezers here just dont have it in them to applaud anything done by Thais.


Sometimes it’s hard.... but they do come up with some great excuses... I applaud those.


herein we see the police being proud of a death toll of 423 people... no applause.


a quick look at it... down 11% on 2016/17.... ok... sounds good 


but.... 2015/16 saw 380 deaths.... so 2017/18 is still about 10% higher than the second worse year that we have numbers on... ? not so good


the truth then.... last year was horrendous.... last year was shameful... last year should have seen the people in power tossed in jail for their lack of regard for their duty of care (or something... disgraceful lack of action)


this year then, as now being the second highest number of deaths during the new year period (eclipsing the old 2015/16 number of 380 by 10%) is still pathetic


The eight year average... dragged upwards by last years and this years staggering numbers, is 378.... so this years result is 45 more than average


so.... yer... sometimes it’s hard not to bash.


but..... the police reporting these numbers, also only report an average annual toll of 27 a day..... so going forward, we should see the daily road toll halve.... 


for me... the highlight seems to be the PR effort that went along with the carnage.... because it may give a heads up to Thais that there road warrior ways and days are numbered, forcing them toward a much needed attitude adjustment.


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4 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

That’s 2% in accidents.


11% is the figure for reduction in the number of people who died. 


But yes, small comfort to the families of those who died. 

The real figures issued by The Road Safety Directing Centre Thailand:


Accidents 3,841 an increase of 8.2%

Deaths 423  a reduction of 0.7%

Injuries 4,005 an increase of 8.2%


Not the figures for a press conference!!

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8 hours ago, ryldar said:

I'm not sure who is doing the math, but 423 in 7 days is 60/day which is normal for everyday of last year according to recent reports - why the celebration? Maybe a reduction for this time of the year but hardly worth celebrating & applauding efforts of those who enforce the laws. 

They've  just  ordered 10,000000 of  these for all govt  employees, special  price+ 200%  mark  up


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12 hours ago, ezzra said:

That's 423 dead too many, but the authorities are boasting about 2% reduction, tell that to the grieving families.....

423 deaths down from the previous year which was 478 deaths, however, the year before that, i.e. 2015 it was 380 deaths and every year before that it was lower, so its actually increasing if you remove last years statistics.


The 2% reduction was in accidents, not deaths, they can boast that they got it down by 11.5% from the previous year, but in actual fact its up 10.16% from 2015 statistics and years before that, according to my analytical statistics.


Like I have always said, this needs to be a 24/7 thing with the cops getting promotions and pay rises to encourage them to do the right thing and save lives, hopefully not exploiting it, and if those grumpy old Xpats on here don't like it, then they can barrrrk off back to the old country.

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Woop Dee Do!  But on a more serious note, all of you posters who are visiting

in or living in Thailand, survived, those 7 deadly days so Congratulations to all

of you. I just hope I can survive my upcoming holiday in Thailand starting in

2 and a half weeks until mid March!


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2 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Woop Dee Do!  But on a more serious note, all of you posters who are visiting

in or living in Thailand, survived, those 7 deadly days so Congratulations to all

of you. I just hope I can survive my upcoming holiday in Thailand starting in

2 and a half weeks until mid March!


I be honest Geezer I survived because i did not drive my car I think you will find that 90% of the posters here did not drive there cars Seeing the Thais in action driving is like a horror movie  But welcome back Hope you enjoy You sound like a happy chappy to be back I thought about going home also but apart from the driving i love it here  Oh well stay well and be  good if u can

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"Dr Thanapong Jinvong of the Road Safety Policy Foundation said authorities had progressed in the right direction to promote road safety by strictly enforcing traffic laws." (my italics).


Oh really? :shock1: Many nations throughout the world have been doing that for years. Thai 'authorities' do not want to learn from others unfortunately, they will continue to re-invent their own wheel. 


Now they will give themselves a pat on the back (because that will move them forwards) but will they have the moral strength to enforce laws all year round and improve? I have my doubts but I hope I am wrong.


At 423 deaths for the 7 day period maybe a decrease on the same period last year but it still approximately equals the 'normal' daily rate for the year. A very very long way to go yet. :coffee1:

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Couple of points about the file photo in the OP.



The vehicle is upside down...WHY?

Firstly there is no Armco barrier and secondly the carriageway are separated by a ditch. Once this car had lost control - whatever the causes - the occupants were at the mercy of the road engineers who have compounded the situation by creating an environment that does nothing the mitigate the damage.....actually the occupants could consider themselves lucky that there appear to be no trees.

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1 hour ago, Happyman58 said:

I be honest Geezer I survived because i did not drive my car I think you will find that 90% of the posters here did not drive there cars Seeing the Thais in action driving is like a horror movie  But welcome back Hope you enjoy You sound like a happy chappy to be back I thought about going home also but apart from the driving i love it here  Oh well stay well and be  good if u can

I think there is definitely a case for some people not to drive....especially if their perception of driving in Thailand is as above. If you find yourself continually cursing and criticising other road users then there is undoubtedly grounds for not being on the road yourself.

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21 hours ago, shackleton said:

When the authorities announced the measures on giving out the chicken drinks sleeping rest areas ect 

 I  said at the time  can only be a good thing ( better than nothing ) but would wait and see the results at the end of the holiday

well it was down death wise not much but at least down which as to be a improvement on years gone by 

gives them something to work on not just on the holiday periods but daily

there seems to be people who will always be Negative and  not be satisfied  what ever the Thai Authories do 

Some ideas might seem stupid to some but its their Country 


Sorry but it was only down on last year. It is the second highest figure in the last 10 years and yes there is a lot of room for improvement and it depends on how much the Thai Authorities are willing to go to bring that figure down even further.

I believe that no one in the Thai Authorities is game enough to implement tough measures because they are afraid that when it comes to changing to a democratic government again that no one will vote for them.

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Off topic deflection posts and replies have been removed. This is not about accident statistics in the US.


A post containing an oversize and intrusive emoticon has been edited to remove the oversize emoticon and will continue to be removed, you are most welcome to use Thai Visa's emoticons. 

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22 hours ago, mercman24 said:

i think its about time people on here start blaming the drunken and speeding idiots for this carnage, cops cant be everywhere, and about grieving families, these are adult (well maybe), drivers, cops dont go around pouring booze down their throats,  there are a lot of innocents involved, who will not see tomorrow, that is a statistic we will never see.

Part of the problem is also that Thailand does not have an active law enforcement out on the roads to catch the speeders and the drunk drivers at random, No speeder has been caught at a road block, no dangerous driver has been caught at a road block, the only people that are caught at road blocks are motorbike riders with no helmets, people driving with no license and the occasional drunk driver but do the police stop these offenders from continuing their journey to cause an accident down the road further and possibly kill some innocent family who are doing the right thing or do they take them off the road?

Yes the drink drivers, the speeders, the unlicensed drivers, the reckless drivers are to blame but if there was an active police force enforcing the road laws then there would be a lot more of them caught.

What Thailand needs to do is to equipment its police force with the proper equipment to be able to do its job properly and to pay the police officer a reasonable wage so he is not putting his hand out for tea money.

How much revenue is the government loosing with unregistered vehicles and unlicensed drivers on the road?

Many people say that law enforcement is only a revenue maker, but remember it is a voluntary contribution that you make when you must pay a fine because if you do the right thing then you will not have any fine to pay

Police need to be on the road 24/7 with decent equipment to enforce the laws but Thailand does not operate like this

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4 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

I think there is definitely a case for some people not to drive....especially if their perception of driving in Thailand is as above. If you find yourself continually cursing and criticising other road users then there is undoubtedly grounds for not being on the road yourself.

So what do u do when they break the rules Just smile at them and clap them  You know one day they might break the rules and it could be me or you on the receiving end  Then you might start cursing yourself

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