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Regular Flight Paths (Particularly on 1001)

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'Morning all. Looking for a new place and noticed that planes were going pretty much over the top of Meechock Plaza whilst turning. That got me to thinking about the regular flight paths - I've noticed in Rimping Condo that where we used to get an occasional one flying over the top of us that we now get many a day. This could be a short-lived thing, I don't really know when they will go back to 'normal'. A lot of nice places out that way but the noise really annoys me and I'd obviously prefer to avoid it. One place was in House and Land mooban on the 1001 - anybody out that way know if the planes regularly go that far north before turning? I don't care about the odd one going to China, it's just what is the norm.

I've searched google but perhaps I'm putting in the wrong words to get a map of regular flight paths to give us an idea of where to avoid.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


Flight Radar any good?

Click on the aircraft and it will give you flight path, airline, height and destination etc in real time.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Where not to live if worried could be done using a map, a pencil and the information you so kindly gave. Both north-east and south-east of the airport.


Thank you both. The site has changed, I don't know how to reply/quote but will look later when I have more time. I got the flight radar site last night but it only shows live ones unless I'm missing something. There's one just taken off as I type and I can see it, but I wondered if there were something with more than just the current time; I went into the historical tab but either it wasn't what I needed or I missed it. Would be easier than sitting in front of laptop all day and making notes if there is a map with regular flight routes highlighted.

The House and Land mooban is a bit north of the outer ring road on the 1001. I hadn't even considered that the planes would wait that long before turning until on the way back I noticed a couple of planes around the Meechock Plaza area. I wondered if this is the same issue as them going over Rimping Condo, recent and perhaps short-lived or if it is usual. For the South/arrivals, I can pretty much trust my insincts based on how the runway is situated.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi

1 hour ago, Konini said:

One place was in House and Land mooban on the 1001 - anybody out that way know if the planes regularly go that far north before turning? I don't care about the odd one going to China, it's just what is the norm.


I live outside MaeJo, and the planes to China use the roof of my house as an aiming-point, I sometimes think.  But you're right, that's only 10-15 times per day, and they're mostly narrow-bodies and fairly-high by the time they pass over here.


Thai Lion just got one/some new wide-bodied planes, also TG use bigger planes in winter, and they tend to be slower climbing-out and turn further-North than the B737s/A320s, IME.  But most planes are turning over the Super-highway or Mee-Chok, as you say.


Thanks Ricardo - good to know, although I didn't think that there were so many flights going north. I think the noise thing is going to be a deal-breaker for us, although if they're high enough it won't be an issue.

I kept trying and found I was able to get historical on the flight radar site and can go back at least a week one day at a time (in fast forward), so it's possible to see all the flights of any given day and track where they are going.

This whole looking for somewhere to live thing is very hard and really tiring. Mr K is out at the moment riding in Saraphi direction and writing down phone numbers of anything that looks OK from the outside. Rather him than me is all I can say. I'd really forgotten how difficult it is as well as how exhausting, very easy to hit overload.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


Doi Saket is off the commercial flight path. However, if you live near the dam, there's the early morning buzzing of the ultra lights.


I live 500 metres from Meechok Plaza and have done for years. Yes there has been an increase in flight frequency over the years, it is called progress I believe.


The amount of noise is actually negligible and not that frequent, and it varies day by day. I have been outdoors since 7am today and noticed only a handful of aircraft. The sound from neighbours having work done on their houses is much more evident, and yesterday the noise of volleys of fireworks from the nearby temple was far more intrusive.


I have an often used outdoor entertainment area and on no occasion has a commercial aircraft caused us a moment's inconvenience and I include my 6 am outdoor breakfasts in that. Mind you the military planes and helicopters are a tad more evident but much less frequent.


If you have a fixation on noise this is not the country to be living in, but in reality we have never had cause to complain. 


Most of the time, departing flights use Runway 36 and continue over the Convention Centre (where departing aircraft pass over at about 3,500 feet) before beginning a turn. I was visiting a friend there recently, and sitting out on the balcony the noise was sufficiently loud that we had to pause our conversation. He also informed me that he doesn't need an alarm in the morning, as the Air Asia flight to HKG passes over a bit after 6am every morning. I would definitely avoid anywhere in that area, all the way back to the end of the runway.


Just as we adjust to the local roosters calling all the girls in the morning, so we also adjust to the 6;05 AirAsia flights to HKG, every damn day.  Anyway, daylight soon after, so may as well get the coffee on.


And some days the airport bosses reverse the path and landings happen over the Convention Center so long-winded conversations can proceed with less air noise.


It's really loud sitting in THE PUB next to MAYA; intelligent conversations limited when plane passes o'head.


Much more important than noisy planes flying overhead,

is finding a property to rent with good neighbours,planes 

flying 100's feet overhead,is nothing if you get neighbours

from hell,who are only yards away,the number of dogs in

the area is also something to look at,3 or 4 little yapping

dogs next door,you would not be able to hear the planes.


Then there's Karaoke joints,difficult to get to sleep with a

Thai girl singing Zombie eeeee,then dont rent a property

with vacant land next or near it,we have just put up with

builders for last 5 years,they just finished (not quite) a

house next door,taken the 3 years +,then another one

started at the front of our house,not so much the noise

and dust,but the various workers parking their trucks so

every time you have to ask them to move so you can get in

and out of your house.


House and Land are very well run Moo Bahn ,and you will have

less issues like I have written about above,and it's a very good area,

with just about everything been very handy,good luck in your search.


regards worgeordie


I’ve lived in Land & Houses in Mai Jo for the last 3 years. There are indeed frequent flyovers during the day at various altitudes and occasionally between midnight and 4am from (presumably) flights to China. A few will be (here comes one now as I write this) so noisy I’ll pause a show I may be watching but those are few. But the frequency of these daytime flights over my house seems to be the same today as they were when I moved here 3 ½ years ago. I like this mooban and these flights aren’t that disruptive. 

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