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Africa calls Trump racist after 'shithole' remark

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Just now, jackh said:

Exactly where America needs to go. Into the unknown. That is the only thing I agree with you on. The rest is just "Fake News".


Like off a cliff? 

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18 minutes ago, jackh said:

The snowflakes have had their feelings shattered by a remark thought by many,but which a real presidents has the balls to say outloud. So the hell what????   Get over it. A few hours in your little safe place will make you all feel better. our pink hats will protect you from such "nasty language"....LOL

Thank you. Your post is a perfect example of the level to which Trump has reduced public debate in the United States -- that of the schoolyard. I assume that “snowflake” is an effort at some kind of taunt. Good luck to you, man.


I've been to many places in the World including many in the United States that are less than desirable but they are someone else's home, especially if they do not have the means to relocate. A couple of people drinking in a bar may have referred to these places in a derogatory fashion, even using the same words Trump used 

However, when a person uttering such words is in a meeting that is attended by many other high ranking officials and is the President of the US- his words have added meaning and potentially represent the country as a whole . In addition, Trump's words have a racist and bigoted edge since his next statement after calling Africa a shithole- were that Norwegians were welcome.

This isn't just being politically incorrect-this is an inside look into how Trump thinks. He views people of color as inferior; poor and simply wanting to come to America to live off the Government. His statements throughout the election campaign and since being elected president have been consistent- consistently racist.  This meeting waas to draw up guidelines for an Immigration bill- and it appears many in the room wanted to make sure Africa and Central America were included .

Trump's ignorant and prejudiced rhetoric  continue to make America look as a country that is not inclusive but divisive at a time when America really needs friends and allies.  Africa as a whole has a burgeoning economy and hosts over 6,000 American troops, which should be of interest and known to a US President.

The problem with Trump is he is ignorant; doesn't study issues or read any of the background needed to make decisions and doesn't care who he offends.

Listening to Trump reminds me of decades ago when I was bartending- listening to half drunk patrons waxing about things they knew absolutely nothing about and cursing everything and everyone with their bigoted opinions.  Trump doesn't belong in the White House- he belongs in the shit house of the bar I used to work in those many decades ago. 

2 hours ago, Cory1848 said:

Dear US Patriot: Each country in Africa is just another country. Norway is just another country. Haiti is just another country. As are Thailand and the United States and 190 other places. They are all filled with people who are basically the same and want the same things out of life. If your South African neighbor had a bad experience there or thought the crime rate was too high and wanted to move elsewhere, I think that’s great and I wish him well, but that does not give you, or the bigot cretin who currently occupies the White House, any justification to dismiss an entire continent of people as a shithole. In fact, the past few days I’ve seen various references to statistics showing that immigrants to the US from developing countries (“brown people”) are more highly educated and entrepreneurial on average than white people who have lived in the US for generations, and thus contribute at least their fair share to the US economy.

Really 9 of 54 are safe to visit.


Wont be long before they are all safer to visit than liberal europe

12 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

However, when a person uttering such words is in a meeting that is attended by many other high ranking officials and is the President of the US- his words have added meaning and potentially represent the country as a whole. [...] Trump's ignorant and prejudiced rhetoric  continue to make America look as a country that is not inclusive but divisive at a time when America really needs friends and allies. Africa as a whole has a burgeoning economy and hosts over 6,000 American troops, which should be of interest and known to a US President.


Also, when an African government or company is seeking a foreign business partner or investor, needless and stupid insults like Trump's only serve to disadvantage US companies who may be bidding on such ventures -- to the advantage of Chinese companies, for instance. So much for being a "great businessman," "the best negotiator"!

1 minute ago, Cory1848 said:

Also, when an African government or company is seeking a foreign business partner or investor, needless and stupid insults like Trump's only serve to disadvantage US companies who may be bidding on such ventures -- to the advantage of Chinese companies, for instance. So much for being a "great businessman," "the best negotiator"!

All part of the plan. Alienate enough allies and others who haven't taken a side yet and the Russians and Chinese can move in freely to grab their business and resources. I still wonder who actually thinks Trump's strings aren't being pulled by Moscow and Beijing.

3 minutes ago, gr8fldanielle said:

He never said anything about $hithole countries, amazing how many fall for fake news. Who's taking their next vacation in Haiti?

 Oh OK.

Why didn't you say so before this  controversy started?

3 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:


However, his stated preference for members of the highest of Aryan races, the Norwegians, demonstrates his belief in a Master Race, and hopefully he will meet the same end as his nazi heroes.

Good historical analysis that Trump believes in nazi eugenics.  His father was a German immigrant who changed the family name from Drumpf to Trump to portray themselves as Swedish as opposed to German and avoid post-WW2 backlash while engaged in the real estate business in NYC.  http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/donald-trump-haiti-norway-shithole-racism-white-black-africa-aryan-adolf-hitler-eugenics-a8156241.html


Trump is such a moron. Thinks he can say anything and it's ok just because of his narcissistic ego. I feel so bad for the majority of Americans who have to be horribly embarrassed by the so-called Leader. And the minority who voted him in, shame on you for being taken in by a loudmouth racist con man

He gets blamed also when telling the truth
You mean other than 80% of the time he's bold face lying? You can't defend a moron. Quit trying.
2 hours ago, USPatriot said:

Really 9 of 54 are safe to visit.


Wont be long before they are all safer to visit than liberal europe

Liberal Europe didn't slaughter scores of people at a pop concert a couple of months ago, as a direct consequence of their pathetic  puerile obsession with guns...

1 hour ago, JAG said:

Liberal Europe didn't slaughter scores of people at a pop concert a couple of months ago, as a direct consequence of their pathetic  puerile obsession with guns...

Your right, they just run them down in droves with trucks 

8 hours ago, bbbbooboo said:

hmmmm...... and all this means Haiti isn’t a shithole of course?

Its the worst, HIV/AIDS, Syphlis, Malaria, Dyptheria, Yellow Fever, Cholera, Rabies, Encephalitis, Typhoid, you name the disease, it is in Haiti.  Everybody asks where all the money went from the Concerts, Foreign Government Aid Programs, Disaster relief, Social Programs, Police Force etc etc etc???   Its all in  a suburb of Miami, Little River and Edison.   They call it Petite Port Au Prince, all the rich Haitians have haciendas there, drive nice cars, kids go to the best schools, most are former politicians, Aid organization CIO's, Police or Military Officers...............Yes, its a shithole as well as a cesspool.  We  called it 'Port O Potty' for good reason.   

1 hour ago, amvet said:

The Czech president has called Muslim immigrants criminals. The head of Poland’s governing party has said refugees are riddled with disease. The leader of Hungary has described migrants as a poison.



What's your point?

That because those country's leaders use racist, fascistic, white nationalist, anti-immigrant rhetoric, it's OK for the leader of the USA to do the same?

I can't put words in your mouth but that's what it sounds like.

Many Americans and many people in the world saw the USA as BETTER than that. 

trump and his supporters certainly don't. 


The OAU found its voice that was silent when its LGBT community was being persecuted, silent when the Chinese were looting mineral wealth and exploiting  workers, silent when the EU was dumping toxic waste, silent when children and women are trafficked as sex workers and labour slaves, silent when endangered wildlife populations are slaughtered for quick money and silent when African dictators murder millions.


African leaders should be apologizing to their own people  for their own failings and should be  thanking  President trump for bring the subject up.


For most African and many  South/Central American countries, the citizens need to be honest about why they are leaving their countries of birth. The countries are corrupt, they live in poverty, there is no rule of law, they are shitholes. Of course, it is not politically correct to call a spade a spade, but those are the truthful realities. Those who have experience travel to those countries know. Not saying the people are bad, just saying the countries really are shitholes. Because they are, that is why  their citizens are trying to leave. 


Trump is way off the mark in his remarks.   The discussion should have been on immigration, not on countries, and certainly not derogatory remarks about the country as a whole.   It is people who immigrate, not the entire nation.   


The criteria for entering the US is the same for a Norwegian as it is for a Nigerian.   The US and every other country, can set numbers, conditions on immigrants.   They can set financial requirements for sponsorship.   Most of those rules apply across the board, regardless of the country of origin.


There is no 'context' in which to put these remarks.   They have done nothing to solve concerns about immigration and they have only acted to inflame and possibly damage the image of the US and endanger citizens living and working in foreign countries.   

12 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

I think Trumps right. And it's not racist.


Name me one country run by Blacks in Africa that any American black person (or white  or Asian for that matter) would willingly relocate to ? 


Once upon a time... Liberia. Not so much now.

48 minutes ago, Credo said:

Trump is way off the mark in his remarks.   The discussion should have been on immigration, not on countries, and certainly not derogatory remarks about the country as a whole.   It is people who immigrate, not the entire nation.   


The criteria for entering the US is the same for a Norwegian as it is for a Nigerian.   The US and every other country, can set numbers, conditions on immigrants.   They can set financial requirements for sponsorship.   Most of those rules apply across the board, regardless of the country of origin.


There is no 'context' in which to put these remarks.   They have done nothing to solve concerns about immigration and they have only acted to inflame and possibly damage the image of the US and endanger citizens living and working in foreign countries.   

One of the very few voices of sanity in this and other topics regards this matter.

3 hours ago, Ulic said:

For most African and many  South/Central American countries, the citizens need to be honest about why they are leaving their countries of birth. The countries are corrupt, they live in poverty, there is no rule of law, they are shitholes. Of course, it is not politically correct to call a spade a spade, but those are the truthful realities. Those who have experience travel to those countries know. Not saying the people are bad, just saying the countries really are shitholes. Because they are, that is why  their citizens are trying to leave. 

Trump did not point to the corrupt politicians, corporates etc that have created the current conditions for the people, but to the victims; truly appalling behaviour to denigrate the victims


Liberal Trump hating hacks putting out their opinions that are off the charts, as usual. Nearly every word Trump utters is a racist statement, according to the Lib MSM.


Well it would seem that a few countries in Africa are not terrible shitholes after all, especially if you can live there with a western salary. :sleepy:


still waiting for an African leader to stick his hand up and accept the reason the continent is in such dire straits because he and his mates robbed their country dry, while allowing a corrupt army and police force to run riot enriching themselves. But then, it must be so much easier to just blame Trump.

1 hour ago, dcutman said:

Liberal Trump hating hacks putting out their opinions that are off the charts, as usual. Nearly every word Trump utters is a racist statement, according to the Lib MSM.


Lib MSM? How else can it be interpreted?  He says racist things.

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