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You Know You've Been In Thailand Too Long When...


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When...you look around at 4 years of gathered 'chattle' (pots, pans, DVD player, TV, kettle, electric fan, sugar jars etc.) and...





You just smile to yourself and thank Buddha you are living here! :o

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......When you KNOW you've been here too long and you read the "You Know You've been In Thailand Too Long" forum for the zillionth time but you can still find some things to add.......time to cash in and get a book deal

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.. when you order noodles on a street stand and nip into the 7/11 for a cup of coffee to go with it, don't get annoyed at the slow service, just leave it on the counter for them to check out in their own good time and then bring outside to your table.

.. when you find Bangkoks streets to quiet (!!) you buy some guava just to hear the Thais say "he he he, farang gin farang!"

.. when you drive past an ATM because there is one Thai person using it.

Think this is the best thread I've ever seen on here. :o

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Not only does it not bother you a lady is cleaning the urinal next to the one you are using, but that you also start to have a casual chat with her.

You think blondes look exotic.

You think a face smothered hand cream and white powder is attractive.

You stop thinking that a girl riding pillion on a motorbike, side-saddle, wearing a mini-skirt, with one toe pointing to the ground, while putting on make-up, is anything out of the ordinary.

Farang tourists come up to you and ask you directions.

You think L & M cigarettes taste better than B & H.

You think nothing of getting up on stage at a karaeoke bar and singing - and you know the words off by heart. (I got THREE floral garlands for MY effort!)


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You know you've been in Thailand too long when:
  • You can go for weeks without toilet paper
  • The footprints on the toilet seat are your own
  • It's perfectly acceptable to drive on the wrong side of the street
  • You decline to weara motorbyke helmet because it will mess up your hair
  • You have a pinky fingernail an inch long
  • It is no longer surprising that the only decision made at meeting time is the venue of the next meeeting
  • You no longer wonder how a civil servant earning 400US$ a month can afford to drive a Mercedes
  • It's exciting to see if you can get into the elevator before anyone else can get out
  • "Sexpats", "Pirates", "Yellow Fever" and "Rice Queens" are part of your vocabulary
  • It's just part of the adventure when the waiter correctly repeats your order and the cook makes you something completely different
  • When shopping at the supermarket, a farang stares you downwhen he catches you looking into his basket while you wonder to yourself what farangs eat
  • You are not surprised when three men show up to chane a lightbulb.
  • You are careful to cover your mouth when picking your teeth, but openly pick your nose at the dinner table.

You shout "Hey You" when you see another farang on the other side of the street!!

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When you have friends visiting from home, you act astonished and congratulate them when they put some chilli on their food, and say things like, "Ooooh!! Farang gin pet dai!!!! Geng mak!"

Edited by ashacat
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when a comedian being hit on the head with a metal tray is actually pretty funny.

That is the height of comedic sophistication and hilarity. A bit like a fat ugly katoey slipping on a banana skin whilst being chased by some hiso tart with a gun.

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