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Video: Vendor explains herself as Thai dual pricing drama simmers


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It's all clear now.  The food seller needs to jack up prices to pay for her nose job.  This kind of thing continues to happen daily at fine establishments along Walking Street.  Foreign tourists are the unsuspecting victims in these cases. Few morals or ethics in serving street food, of all types.

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This been going on for ages, whenever they can they will charge us more, not only for food but hotels, motorbike rentals and just about everything with few exceptions major shopping centers being some of the exceptions

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I don’t agree with dual pricing, in fact I hate it and the thinking that lies behind it. 
However, this poor woman has done nothing more than the national parks and other attractions do.
This whole thing is being blown out of proportion, and this woman is being crucified, mainly (I suspect), because the person overcharged was Thai.  
Let her be.
If the authorities really want fair pricing for all, they should clean up their own house first. 

exactly, had it been a foreigner complaining, it wouldn’t have made any impact at all.

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5 hours ago, robblok said:

I hate dual pricing but I can accept to pay more in nature parks so Thais can enjoy their own country for a cheaper price then we do. Its their national heritage. I can't accept it for normal companies and businesses. 

Bullshit. It's racist. Period. 

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

when a customer the waiter thought was Chinese was overcharged.

She said that when the mistake was realized they said they would reduce it.

So the greedy vendor admitted it was a mistake to misjudge the customer as a farrang, but the double pricing in general is OK. I'd rather have pubic lice than believing in Thai logic!

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Pad kra pao moo krob kai dao for Bt80? Something tells me, and looking at that nice new sticker that Bt80 maybe not the regular price. Bt80 is very expensive for this common dish. Bt40 is around the mark. Bt150 is quite simply theft.



Edited by dinsdale
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Heck, the 'Thai Prices' are inflated!!! In my village that is 20 THB plate of food.  Chiang Mai city, 25 to 45 THB and most Thais I know wouldn't be a customer of that restaurant if it was over 45 THB - too much competition selling the same food for lower prices.  80 THB?  Most Thais I know would laugh and find another restaurant.

"But! This is Bangkok!"
Good reason not to live in Bangkok. 

Edited by connda
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It is not just them who charge foreigners double the price the Thai government do by charging tourists more than Thais to enter national forest parks . Beep beeps charge tourists more than a Thai  it’s the Norm in Thailand on the islands there is a three price structure , those born on the island pay the least , all other Thais pay a middle price and the foreigners gets charged the most. I once went to he local market with a Thai friend from the north we both purchased identical items the diffence hers came to 60 baht mine was a 100 baht when I asked for an explanation the owner to me you Foreigner very rich . If I want work doing I always get a quote before letting them see where I live because I know the price would increase by at least 100%

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so many times when i have been at a market with my thai girl, we arrange that i walk 10 metres in front and point to what i want and she buys it. likewise, when she wants something i leave her and she buys it alone..  works a treat. it's just what you've gotta do to get the right price.

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I am confused. 150 baht pricing is for foreigners, 80baht is for Thais. From the picture provided, the food menu is written 80baht. So when foreign customers order the food via browsing their shop menu, they will look at the pricing at 80baht isn't it? How does the shop do the explanation to the foreign customers when the bill does not tally up While their own menu pricing already stated 80baht? 


So that means any other vendor in Thailand can just put a pricing for example 40baht. After the customer make the ordering, the vendor will tell them the price is 100baht? 


People understand the shop want to make earning but dual pricing only create unhappiness when the above incident happens. It affect the locals and the rest of people. 


How does the shop recognize this customer is Thai or foreigner? Just look at this incident and you see the  uneccessary unhappiness.


Some Thais have very good foreign friends or oversea external family relatives. They have family gathering. When time for the bill, how does the vendor do the calculation? They will visualize the customers. 2 farangs, 3 chinese, 6 Thais and bill accordingly? 


Wouldn't it better to have a standard price list given? Comes to billing, You happy I happy, All happy. 

Happy ending. 

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4 minutes ago, Smokemachine said:


Wouldn't it better to have a standard price list given? Comes to billing, You happy I happy, All happy. 

Happy ending. 

Thai's just don't think that way.. You're rich, they're poor (in their minds). You deserve to pay more if you're a foreigner. And what doesn't apply here which would in our own countries is the thought of repeat business.  They just don't care because another tourist will replace you tomorrow.

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Well they do say that any publicity is good publicity, but even at 80 baht I can't see any of this being good for her. Their greatest fear, a negative posting on facebook....LOL. The Nietzen army has been mobilised, I'm off to my bunker to eat some big C canned food, especially the evaporated milk. I always wondered what happened to the evaporated milk industry, it was a constant worry causing many sleepless nights until I arrived in Thailand to find it is a thriving empire of good coffee destruction being charged out at a nice high farang price :smile:

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

as the authorities took an interest in the case.

quite , quite untrue: there is no direct mention of authorities, 

who would they be and what would they do ? (likely, they would be smirking/smiling);

the only reason we are reading bout this is due to social media 'pressure';

this vendor was caught red-handed and only then, made a pitiably weak gesture to make it right

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It's no doubt going on in plenty of places Bangkok ect 

this Food vendor was caught out as the one being over priced was a Thai

Who was pretty fast in putting it on Face book

reminds me of the story of the beach food vendor in Hau Hin getting the same tried to give discount but again to late it was on Facebook 

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It's the thai way when the economy is slow put  up your prices 

I may do this when I go back to Australia have a price for Australian people please show( drivers license)  and a price for all other people ! '

I wonder how long I would last before I would be in court or been sued?? And have my Bussiness license revoked not long! 

Thailand as you know is  always changing the goal posts to suit themselves but the first ones to complain when the rules don't suit them 

A country with a child mentality 


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6 hours ago, robblok said:

I hate dual pricing but I can accept to pay more in nature parks so Thais can enjoy their own country for a cheaper price then we do. Its their national heritage. I can't accept it for normal companies and businesses. 

Oh so shut up. You want to pay more so the locals can enjoy their own country? 

I didn’t realize there were still so people   Who looked down on the ‘poor local peasants ‘

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Mark my words This is eventually going to blow up in their faces  and tourists as fickle as they are will find somewhere else to go


It will take just one media event to do it Before this blows up make a positive move and ban dual pricing before it blows up in your face 

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43 minutes ago, AWillOz said:

Thai's just don't think that way.. You're rich, they're poor (in their minds). You deserve to pay more if you're a foreigner. And what doesn't apply here which would in our own countries is the thought of repeat business.  They just don't care because another tourist will replace you tomorrow.

This is sadly true. While my wife pointed out that Thais are "poor", I sat on a bench outside a National Park and refused to pay the 200 baht entry. I think she was quite annoyed.."oh it's not much money". It wasn't about the money. She just didn't get it. While waiting, I did note the many poor Thais turning up in their SUV's and benzes and getting FREE entry over the New Year Holiday, though. ANYONE who pays taxes in Thailand should get free entry to these parks.  *note I did pay 200baht the previous day to a park - couldn't avoid it as was in a car (sitting on the wrong side and the officer say me).

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6 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

I don’t agree with dual pricing, in fact I hate it and the thinking that lies behind it. 


However, this poor woman has done nothing more than the national parks and other attractions do.


This women actually does not do what national parks and attractions do, The price at national parks is discounted for Thais.
She does not discount, she charges extra. You might say what is the difference, well the difference is the advertised normal full price.

There is no advertised full price, although Thai would get a table menu with some price on it, but foreigners do not get the same menu (or with the higher price).
This is a scam pure and simple and should be pursued by authorities.


6 hours ago, Bluespunk said:


This whole thing is being blown out of proportion, and this woman is being crucified, mainly (I suspect), because the person overcharged was Thai.  

That is what should be happening. The whole system of dual pricing should get a thourough pounding and the reaction of this Thai person is completely correct, because
she was as a Thai discriminated because she looked like a chinese. So it is not really blown out of proportions. 

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24 minutes ago, Bastos60 said:


This women actually does not do what national parks and attractions do, The price at national parks is discounted for Thais.
She does not discount, she charges extra. You might say what is the difference, well the difference is the advertised normal full price.

There is no advertised full price, although Thai would get a table menu with some price on it, but foreigners do not get the same menu (or with the higher price).
This is a scam pure and simple and should be pursued by authorities.


That is what should be happening. The whole system of dual pricing should get a thourough pounding and the reaction of this Thai person is completely correct, because
she was as a Thai discriminated because she looked like a chinese. So it is not really blown out of proportions. 

If you read the first op around this story you will find that is exactly what she said she does. 


There is a discount for thais. 


There is an advertised price on the menus. 


This woman is being crucified and hounded because she is doing exactly what the govt does in the national parks, what a number of the larger shopping complexes do with their sea world or other similar “attractions”.


She sees what goes on around her and responds likewise. 


I do not support what she did, but the media and the netizen pack should turn their ire on the whole system of sanctioned dual pricing and get angry about that. 


They are not critique-ing dual pricing, most are just upset a Thai was the victim. It is pure hypocrisy on their part. 


This woman is not to blame for dual pricing, it is a societal attitude, accepted as long as it’s foreigners suffering, that should be facing all this indignation. 

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7 hours ago, carmine said:

Totally pathetic charging foreigners nearly double, whilst i am aware in this case it was mistakenly a Thai.  And tourists seem to be getting fed up with it too and going elsewhere.  Karma.

Typically thinking of many Thais: Rather one higher bargain than a lot of constant business. Foolish and unfair too.

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7 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

I don’t agree with dual pricing, in fact I hate it and the thinking that lies behind it. 


However, this poor woman has done nothing more than the national parks and other attractions do.


This whole thing is being blown out of proportion, and this woman is being crucified, mainly (I suspect), because the person overcharged was Thai.  


Let her be.


If the authorities really want fair pricing for all, they should clean up their own house first. 




Here is the mentality... foreigners have money so they can afford to spend more.... which is odd for people who take great pride in being thai... because they are also looking down on thais with this dual pricing by saying.... you cant afford to pay the higher prices.

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