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Six ‘coloured’ tourists arrested for overstaying visa


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7 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

welcome to Thailand

have you just come off the boat?



Mind, I've not gone anywhere on a boat since the late 80s, except once after a nightmare flight to Eire on ryanair. Took the ferry back, rather than fly back with them.

Edited by Bluespunk
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57 minutes ago, cookieqw said:

Coloured coloured you can’t say that in 2018 what is going on here

It was OK 30 years ago, polite even, I can remember as a child that my mother told not to say black but coloured. Well PC is a fashion and fashions don't last very long so we are back to black, in another 10 years it will be 'non reflective', who knows, who cares.

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1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

That's not the point I have been making.


I'm all for the bib investigating romance scams, they can hurt people.


What I am arguing is that stopping, detaining and questioning people on the basis of racial profiling is prejudicial.


And as a strategy for breaking up romance scams, nonsensical.


To answer your question a proper investigation would have to take place, that is not what this was.


They stopped people because of their colour.


Only 6 were arrested...none for romance scams...now, what does that tell us?


That they were an ugly bunch and no good at romance

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1 minute ago, toughlove said:

Gotta say you have taken a severe beating here but still come out swinging defending your basic misunderstanding of the word bigot


My understand is clear and correct.


Beating, ha, ha, ha...yeah right.

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5 minutes ago, toughlove said:

So many on line dictionaries and you haven't used even one

Time to put on a blues album, suck on a few cones and drift away..

Your embarrassing misunderstanding of basic English would have been forgotten when you wake tomorrow arvo emoji16.png

You can throw in snide little comments all you like.


However, it won't change the fact, my understanding of bigotry is clear and correct.


Nor will it change my views on racial profiling and the bigotry and prejudice that lie behind it.





Edited by Bluespunk
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You can throw in snide little comments all you like.
However, it won't change the fact, my understanding of bigotry is clear and correct.
Nor will it change my views on racial profiling and the bigotry and prejudice that lie behind it.
Clearly English is not your first language and you have been fighting for many hours now. Your blood pressure must be through the roof

Is it really worth it? It's just a forum dude so please settle down for your own health.
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10 hours ago, steven100 said:

six black fellas were thrown in the slammer.

At least they did not rape a hooker and throw her over a balcony or pour petrol on a woman and set her on fire just because she has dumped them. White fellas do that.

Edited by Machiavelli
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2 hours ago, cookieqw said:

And the world you live in is ? Which colour space ? ,  to use English


I live in the world of science and technology.


And in science and technology, American English is the norm, and the appropriate spelling is color, without the extraneous and unnecessary 'u'.


Let's not get off topic though. The question asked was whether black was a color. It can be or can not be, depending on the color space you choose. Personally, I think a very good question for a Saturday evening.



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20 minutes ago, sklmeeera said:

Im just glad im not black or south asian looking . 

Obama was black looking and American president. Annan was black looking and UNSG. Economic refugee in Thailand surviving on pittance pension and eating khanom thinks he's better than them. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

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1 hour ago, toughlove said:

It's been well documented that fighting with multiple internet strangers can be devastatingly stressful. And you haven't taken a breath in 12 hours.

No more from me but having the last word is so important? Go ahead and then shut down your PC for christ sake!

I have had a few looks at this today, one contribution with a tenuous on topic connection

Now its off to check the footy results then a couple of large vodkas, more of a consolation rather than celebration but you never know hope springs eternal

Goodnight All

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Just now, AGareth2 said:

good to see you making an on topic post

everything in these posts are off topic, what's with all the insults ? 6 blacks were arrested because they overstayed their visa's, they were targeted because they were black but with good cause considering the romance scams perpetrated lately and the rampant drug selling in Bangkok by their black compatriots, you have to start with the obvious. No need to start on the Irish as well, they seem remarkably well behaved.

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Multiple off topic, bickering, baiting, flaming and grammar police police posts and replies have been removed.

Topic is about:


Six ‘coloured’ tourists arrested for overstaying visa

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3 minutes ago, GreytMan said:

In fact, the few black people I know who are living in Pattaya are very successful in one way or another. Certainly not hanging around in farang ghettoes and engaging in prostitution.



Yes, there must be a few, very few, in fact, non-existent. 


Yes they do not hang around farang ghettoes, hairs on the back of the farangs necks tend to raise

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7 minutes ago, isaanbanhou said:

if a dog defecates on the sidewalk, do you do the same?  If a Thai uses a racist term, why do you feel the need to do the same?

I think you misunderstood me. I do neither use such terms, nor condone them; I was merely mentioning what I heard in LOS. 


Plus, I'm not sure, whether Thais, using such terms, always know that they are racist. It's not like they learn in school not to use such terms...

Edited by StayinThailand2much
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19 hours ago, GreytMan said:


You just made the whole thing up.

You have no idea as to whether they are over-represented or under-represented.

So you just make it up as you go along.

You think 'people of colour' are over-represented for when it comes to drunk driving, fighting and sleeping with students or other near natives for money?

I don't think so.

1. I said apparently, and that's because from what friends in RTP say, black Africans are generally over-represented according to their statistics. And we are talking statistics that mean if there are 100 people from 1 country and 10 of them commit crimes then you have 1/10 compared to if there are 1,000 people from 1 country and 10 commit crimes then you have 1/100. This is why now everyone from African countries needs a police clearance certificate before they can extend their visas, including white South Africans!
2. Last year in this school district, almost all foreign teachers lost their jobs, we were 10 westerners, 8 from Africa and a bunch of Filipinos. All of us almost lost our jobs but by a final decision of the school area, only black teachers were banned. This is because over the period of a year 9 teachers had been arrested: 1 European arrested for drunk driving and 8 Africans arrested (2 got sentenced to jail) for various reason. And back to the statistics... that leave us a 10% possibility for Westerners and 100% possibility for Africans committing crimes according to the statistics! 3 Filipino teachers lost their jobs too, not because they had done anything wrong but because the agency they worked for got banned because the Africans were hired via those agencies.

To add to this, I know that at least 2 provinces here in Thailand don't allow public schools to hire Cameroonians as foreign teachers because they have had so many problems with Cameroonians over the years!

Just look at the statistics over foreigners in Thailand and you see that there is no African country in the top 25 and still, the Thai police are rounding up black Africans every week for anything from overstaying their visa to...

This is all I can say without starting to offend people but I would guess that you are either African/black, delirious or an alcoholic.

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So sue

11 minutes ago, altcar bob said:

'On the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bulls***'.

Psuedo meaning imitation, bulls*** meaning not real.

With the double negatives cancelling each other you are left with reception and detection of the profound.

Sounds like the study itself was psuedo profound.

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