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How Much Should I Be Paid?

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Help please.

I have been in Thailand (Pattaya) for one year and have my own business. I have a lot of spare time as my business is simple to run. I was offered a job recently and have seriously considered to take it. We have spoken about salary etc, but I don't know what the going rate is. So here are the deatils.

The job is Sales and Marketing Manager for a publishing company who produce a well known local magazine. This is a new role with no previous incumbant.

Initially I was told it would be sales and marketing, with a basic salary of 20,000 baht p/m and commission on advertising sold of 10%. Then it changed slightly to the same basic but a profit share of 25% of profit made on ads sold and a validation on the basic salary. This I thought was fair, but wasn't sure on the validation bit. Then two weeks ago, I get asked if I would be prepared to help out with the running of the office, and take over when the owner isn't there. No problem for me, but it will effect my earnings. So he says ok, no validation on the basic. OK for me.

Then yesterday, he asks me what he has offered me as a wage, was it a 20K basic validated plus 20% commission? So its getting confussing. The problem is he hasn't employed anybody in this role and I haven't worked in Thailand for an employer and we don't really know what we are doing I guess. I don't want to be cheated, but I don't want to be gready either, a fair salary is all I want.

So guys, anybody in this position now, or working as the same but in a different sector? Can you please tell me. What is a realistic starting basic, and what is the commission structure.

Thanks in advance.

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Then yesterday, he asks me what he has offered me as a wage, was it a 20K basic validated plus 20% commission? So its getting confussing.

Do you want to know what a fair salary is or do you want to know what he has offered you?

If this guy Thai or Farang? I would be wondering about working for someone who changes the offer so many times. You will be lucky to get paid at all.

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Khun Larry

Yes, it looks confusing I agree. He is a farang, and I do trust him as I have known him for a while. He is trying to be fair to me, and being a sales role the basic is in line with what Real Estate guys get here plus commission. I should reach 60k monthly without to much trouble.

But, what is muddying the waters is that he now says he would like me to get more involved in running the business, which is ok, but it deflects me from selling and earning at my full potential.

So I am after some guidance on salaries please. Someone out there must be doing a sales role on a basic with commission. Can you let me know if what I am being offered is fair.

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I have a car rental business.


Why do you say its pointless to ask, and then ask? And why the interest?

But I have nothing to hide, yes I had a work permit for my business, and to get a new work permit for the new company I had to resign from my company and then re-apply through the new company. Work permit should be issued within the fortnight, so I am told. Happy?

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wcr: sorry... :o ...you want the same salery as in the car rental?

its impossible...

i am working out of a commission in thai, and i am doing good...

from this work, i am doing around 40k, a month....if you want more...try in u.k..

wish you luck :D

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To maintain a work permit, you need at least 50,000 Baht per month. I guess that sets the level.

No, 50k is for the 1 year visa, nothing to do with work permits... or thats how it was explained to me

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Yes, I do understand that, and I am not asking for you to make my decision for me. I just wondered what the going rate is so I can then make that decision. Unfortunatly for me there is only one other person who appears to be in a similar role to the one I will do, and he isn't letting on his commission scheme to me.

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You said:

I just wondered what the going rate is so I can then make that decision.

I have the same work as many in the same company, still i am making allmost twice as they do per year.....is there any ''going rate''.....what are you worth?

Ask you'rself, and i guess you will find the answer.....do you belive in you'rself?...are you better than the rest?....are you're skills the best?

Then don't ask for pennie's. :o

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You said:
I just wondered what the going rate is so I can then make that decision.

I have the same work as many in the same company, still i am making allmost twice as they do per year.....is there any ''going rate''.....what are you worth?

Ask you'rself, and i guess you will find the answer.....do you belive in you'rself?...are you better than the rest?....are you're skills the best?

Then don't ask for pennie's. :o

As you are still in Norway, why do you need to worry about wages in Muang Thai. And trust me, you won't be teaching English. That talent eludes you.

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You said:
I just wondered what the going rate is so I can then make that decision.

I have the same work as many in the same company, still i am making allmost twice as they do per year.....is there any ''going rate''.....what are you worth?

Ask you'rself, and i guess you will find the answer.....do you belive in you'rself?...are you better than the rest?....are you're skills the best?

Then don't ask for pennie's. :D

As you are still in Norway, why do you need to worry about wages in Muang Thai. And trust me, you won't be teaching English. That talent eludes you.

:D why does anybody need to worry about wages enywhere?

In a perfect world we all got what we needed, and nobody to worry for wages, right?

I dont ''worry'' about this guy's wage in thailand, i just telling what kind of standard i set to myself.

I would never be able to teach anything......thats not my talent :o

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You said:
I just wondered what the going rate is so I can then make that decision.

I have the same work as many in the same company, still i am making allmost twice as they do per year.....is there any ''going rate''.....what are you worth?

Ask you'rself, and i guess you will find the answer.....do you belive in you'rself?...are you better than the rest?....are you're skills the best?

Then don't ask for pennie's. :D

As you are still in Norway, why do you need to worry about wages in Muang Thai. And trust me, you won't be teaching English. That talent eludes you.

:D why does anybody need to worry about wages enywhere?

In a perfect world we all got what we needed, and nobody to worry for wages, right?

I dont ''worry'' about this guy's wage in thailand, i just telling what kind of standard i set to myself.

I would never be able to teach anything......thats not my talent :o

It's "not a perfect world" it never has been and never will be

That said, perhaps it is more perfect for some than it is for others.

As to what is a fair wage/salary one cannot make comparisons with the money you would earn outside Thailand. (and from the postings no one seems to be doing that)

And when it comes to working in Thailand the salaries on offer are often influenced by people who are prepared to work for a pittance. (but that is not for me, if it is not to my liking I would rather watch TV or the girls at the local go-go joint)

If it is a Thai company with Thai management they might give you more than they would pay a Thai but they will still exploit you as they exploit their own Thai employees.

There ain't no real "equal opportunities" provisions in Thailand hence most often you have to send a photo with your job application (and if you're not pretty, then "it's no way Jose") and they discriminate in respect of ones gender i.e. an engineer might have to be a male (and I appreciate that to work in a "house of ladies" that it would clearly help if you are a female, for a moment there I almost said a lady)

My wife applied for a job with a franchised vehicle dealer and it was stipulated that she have a motor car. The company (selling middle range cars, Swedish cars) were generous enough to agree to pay for petrol/benzine. I told my wife that there were a lot more costs related to running a motor vehicle other than fuel(maintenance, tyres, depreciation, insurance etc) and that I was not disposed to underwriting the operational costs of one of the worlds largest marques.

She doesn't to this day understand really what I was talking about.

Therefore you should not work for less than you believe you are worth or what you are prepared to accept


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