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Last note from murdered Italian to Thai wife: "You said it was love. But you just wanted my money"


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4 minutes ago, Rocket Hawks said:

Guarantee that this guy had it coming. There are many farangs here in Thailand who are, simply put, just bad dudes. Escaping Western society for some reason or another. A lot of farang criminals and sociopaths come to Thailand to escape Western law where it's quite difficult nowadays to be a successful criminal. Thailand is still sort of a free-for-all ( and any trouble you may find yourself in can be avoided with an insignificant bribe ) so sociopathic personalities with low ethics/moral fiber can thrive in Thailand.


Fact that the guy was an 'illegal' and on a blacklist says it all. Probably paid for this girl and treated her like absolute filth. I have no doubt that he had it coming. Something like this would never ever happen to me. Zero chance. Because I'm a good person. I have ridiculous karma. Always have. Since birth. And that's not just luck. It's because I treat others well. There would be zero incentive to take me out. This guy, on the other hand, well...let's just say I wouldn't be surprised to discover that he raped and beat the girl regularly ( likely threatened to kill her if she ever left him ) and that the French lover was, in fact, trying to save her from a monster. And they probably thought, "well, why not take his money too?".

yes yes, you're great and congrats on your catch from tinder. quick question as confused. the french guy was the one blacklisted right? not the victim. so all this talk of rape and beating erm what are you talking about??

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Just leave a bundle of fake Baht notes or any fake currency,maybe abour 5 grand hanging around after you have made love with her pretend you have to meet someone over some business and you will be back later,Stand across the road in hiding and see how long it takes before she exits with the loot and perhaps more>You wont have to wait long,maybe only as long as it takes her to call the hubby or BF to collect her.SURE.99 percent.

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23 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


You've been lucky then. IME, every relationship involving a Thai lady, whatever her background, where the husband is farang - and I know British, American,  German and French spouses of Thai ladies, has had problems around money.


Doesn't matter it seems of the background - some were former whores, some weren't. Some were well educated post graduate degrees, some only went to senior school. 


The common denominator was issues about spending, usually behind the husband's back or contrary to what had been agreed. Many agree their wives could spend x amount on a property, a vehicle, designer handbag, gold, jewels or whatever. The shit hits the fan when they find out that double has been spent or money taken behind their back. When found out the Thais resort to the usual response of lying or talking contradictory gibberish; or if that fails, changing the subject, rowing and then sulking and sour.


Many of those relationships still exist, because the husbands do love their wives and have become used to this behavior and put controls on them to prevent excesses. A few have divorced because the husband wasn't patient, tolerant or simply had enough.


Thais, are, as we see plenty examples, driven by money. They want it, want to spend it however they want, and don't want to have any accountability or responsibility for their actions. 


Generalizations based on stereo typing are not the safest or necessarily totally accurate. Of course there may be many different types out there. Just from my experience, over many years, and many types from many backgrounds this is one common characteristic.


Thankfully only a very small percentage murder.

Agreed. I don't trust any of them when it comes to spending my money.

Edited by britishrepublican
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2 hours ago, isaanbanhou said:

Farang Deaths 602 recorded


accident              22

animal attack     4

boat accident     9

drowning             98

electrocution       9

falling                    63

food poisoning    1

homocide              39

misadventure         3

natural death          5

overdose                 19

poisoning                2

road accident         119

strangulation          1

suffocating             6

suicide                     66

train accident         4

unknown                  57


I don t think the statistics show that you are any more likely to be killed by your  Thai spouse (et al) in Thailand than you are in America or Britian.


Once you remove the reasonable deaths, that leaves quite a lot of possible murders.

Unless you believe the Thai police always give the correct reasons for foreigner deaths.

Statistically a foreigner is 20x more likely to die on holiday in Thailand, than he is on holiday in a western country.

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4 hours ago, Enzian said:

I had severe food poisoning recently. My friends asked if my g/f might have set it up. I said unlikely, since I've refused to marry her and she know she is not in my will.

    Never underestimate spite and wickedness.   I have seen stories on here where the girls do in elderly pensioners even tho.' they will no longer get the monthly payments just cause they didn't want to be bothered anymore.  Another bf (potential victim) or just a younger thai man caught their fancy which they are too foolish to realize that thai boy will run away when the big fancy pocketbook bought for her by the old pensioner stops giving out baht.  He same same too.

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On 1/23/2018 at 11:07 AM, thedemon said:

So this couple have been arrested and they have fled west. Right.



22 hours ago, Italian guy said:

A comment I would expect from a primary student... Aren't you able to put things in chronological order?


Looks like it's back to school for you Italian guy.





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On 1/23/2018 at 1:25 PM, dfdgfdfdgs said:


How can a much younger girl/woman be sexually attracted to a 20 to 30 + years older man, with financial benefits ? 

After she has been beaten up and scammed by the younger guys many times and has had enough??:coffee1::coffee1:  Older men normally just want companionship and someone to take care of them until they die, kinda like dog's and cats dontcha think??  The problem with women like this one is she had no patience to wait until her man to die, so sped the episode along  bit.

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3 hours ago, Happy enough said:

yes yes, you're great and congrats on your catch from tinder. quick question as confused. the french guy was the one blacklisted right? not the victim. so all this talk of rape and beating erm what are you talking about??

Caught the as well  "They also reported that the French national was an illegal immigrant on a blacklist.   :coffee1:  some people just can't read and comprehend, or just twist facts to fit their posts - like Robert Hawkes did.

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What really freaks me out about these types of murders is the sheer stupidity of the murderers.


"Kill him, and just take his body out in the woods and burn it. They'll never find the body, and if they do, who'll ever suspect the estranged wife and her new boyfriend. Easy peasy lemon squeezy."

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22 hours ago, giddyup said:

So I've been under an illusion for nearly 9 years? The problem with a lot of members here, probably because of their own dismal track record with relationships, is that they refuse to believe that a falang and a Thai woman can have a relationship where the falang doesn't get ripped off. Sad.


This rip off isn't only in Thailand, this artifact is a result of divorce. As a man

you will be always ripped off and you pay. The Question is only which time.


The real Question is how much you had fun with your sweet 25 year younger partner and you payed the amount X. Compared to the marriage you banging for 30 year the same old ugly dragon ... It ends in a divorce caused by hanging gardens and a new dungeon called Dragons Lair. 


The divorce costs you 250,000 and the dragon get a monthly survival package of 2500 AUD.  That mean basically you pay in average back to the last 25 years, 1000 AUD and now 2500 until the death ends it. 


Now for the clever around us. Finding a attractive you sweet girl isn't complicated,

supporting her with 800 AUD a month is a great deal (for the lazy, prefer longtime)

But you have the chance replace her after some X year with the fresh/newer version of Y. (Yes, in the beginning they are all great) No one care hey you lived together for 5 years support her, what will happen, yes, your middle finger, nothing more. Compared

to AUD it is game over for you. So, the clever around us, are still single. 


The math, buying the all inclusive package isn't economic,  2500 AUD which is around 63k, the maid  here costs 7k,  the remaining 56k you cant spend on girls in average a month. The better solution is spend in into yourself not on other people. A nice massage, skincare,  good food, just a investment into yourself. And as soon you have a urgent need ......  


Back to ontopic, what will happen if the rogues are the foreigner and NOT the Thaigirl.... Think about it, fakenews everwhere.

















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On 1/23/2018 at 3:24 PM, dfdgfdfdgs said:


It's very simple.  Just don't pay for her or her family at any time.  If she has no job/money then just pay for the very basics; food, water, transport.  If she sticks around for a while then you know it's for you as a person and maybe then you can start buying her gifts etc.


This is an easy litmus test which always gives accurate results, and it doesn't take long.  Yet I see so many guys spending years with their partners without ever really knowing if the girl is there for the money, until it's too late.

It's never that simple, and can never be 100% accurate, there are some cunning women out there from all walks of life.

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On 1/22/2018 at 9:13 PM, robblok said:

Yes but you see it more often by large age gap relations (not all of course before i get crucified here for telling it as it is). Good real large age gap relations exists but its like winning the lottery everyone talks about it but few actually win. 


In almost all of these stories where an g/f wife kills her husband there is a large age gap and the lady is after the money.


Only thing i can say about this.. be careful.. evaluate your relationship to see if your just a meal ticket or if she genuinely wants to stay with you. 


Then the old (and told many times) saying make sure your not worth more dead then alive. 


I really hope the ex wife and this French guy get the harshest punishment there is. 

Age gap works if you stay single and pay a stipend. That way they lose money if you are dead.

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5 hours ago, patrick kennedy said:

Just leave a bundle of fake Baht notes or any fake currency,maybe abour 5 grand hanging around after you have made love with her pretend you have to meet someone over some business and you will be back later,Stand across the road in hiding and see how long it takes before she exits with the loot and perhaps more>You wont have to wait long,maybe only as long as it takes her to call the hubby or BF to collect her.SURE.99 percent.

Wow . id never have thought of that . Great idea thanks Ill try it out .

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On ‎1‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 2:14 PM, SGD said:


When you set out in life, hoping to have for yourself and for your kids a better life than the one you experienced as a child, as I did and likely you did, would you really quit looking when you were presented with the same or marginally better home life than you had yourself ?


No, you pass on by and keep on looking.




If Bt800 is steep then truly, you need to re-evaluate your benchmarks as that is existence level, not holiday style.

Her suggestion showed some desire for a nice trip, with a nod and a wink to what might be an ideal level of comfort for her. It would be normal for a holiday to be a step up in luxury for most people would it not ?


In any case, a top hotel would run you much more than Bt3700, which might be considered a daily food budget really. I can see why she might not be enthusiastic at the thought of quasi begpacking with her latest beau from the interweb. I'd have dumped you in a heartbeat as well.

Given that I stayed in 300 a night places on the beach and thought it was wonderful, if you were not prepared to stay with someone in an 800 place because you thought it " not good enough for you", I'd dump you in a heart beat too.

Luckily I associated with people that considered the experience more important than the décor.

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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Given that I stayed in 300 a night places on the beach and thought it was wonderful, if you were not prepared to stay with someone in an 800 place because you thought it " not good enough for you", I'd dump you in a heart beat too.

Luckily I associated with people that considered the experience more important than the décor.

I had a lovely honeymoon on Koh Libong in a beach hut that cost 500bht/night.

Off season so we were the only ones in the resort, double doors open all night to the beach, mozzie tent over the bed.

My new misses didn't object at all, but  we did have trouble sleeping ..... must have been the noise from the waves.


And yes, she's just with me for the money.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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On ‎1‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 2:46 PM, wavemanwww said:

It can also work both ways. I know a lovely Thai woman who is a close friend of my LONG term Thai wife. Her friends Aussie husband died about a year ago. They were both in love and had lived a few years together by this stage and he bought a house whilst living together. She worked here not relying on his handouts to support her family back home, as most if not all Thais do.


Well her husband died last year from cancer at a youngish age. The brother straight away flew up from Sydney took over their family home and locked her out of her own home. Then put the house on the market knowing it's worth a few bucks,


I told my wife her friend has a good case to take him to court as she is a legal wife, and thus owns at least as a minimum half the house. My wife said, she doesn't want to upset the family but is very sad for how they treated her. Her attitude was, "life goes on"!.


So in summation: Falangs can be as greedy as Thais! Don't be too quick to judge.

No disagreement there, as I know well.

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On 1/23/2018 at 7:14 AM, SGD said:

If Bt800 is steep then truly, you need to re-evaluate your benchmarks as that is existence level, not holiday style.

Her suggestion showed some desire for a nice trip, with a nod and a wink to what might be an ideal level of comfort for her. It would be normal for a holiday to be a step up in luxury for most people would it not ?


In any case, a top hotel would run you much more than Bt3700, which might be considered a daily food budget really. I can see why she might not be enthusiastic at the thought of quasi begpacking with her latest beau from the interweb. I'd have dumped you in a heartbeat as well.


I'm more interested in the place that I am going to than the hotel and I don't see the point in spending 5 times more than you need to just to get a slightly bigger room with a nicer interior, it's a waste of money that could be better spent actually traveling.  I'll pay more for location, not for marble worktops and bellboys.  If the girl thinks differently, that's fine, it's her prerogative, but to forego an entire trip because you want to stay in a nicer room?  That strongly suggests that she is either a golddigger or a snob.  I have no interest in either (and I'm sure the disinterest is mutual), I'm only interested in real, down to earth people, who aren't materialistic.


The rest of your post well... your outlook on life is probably as far from mine as is possible whilst still remaining a member of the same species.  But out of interest how do you manage to spend 3700 baht a day on food?  What are you eating?  My daily food budget (it's not really a 'budget', it's just what I choose to spend because there is no need to spend any more) is rarely more than 250 baht.

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On 1/23/2018 at 9:55 AM, BangkokReady said:

I think this is a concern.  If a girl is sweet and lovely in Thailand, will she still be like that in a Western country, or will you end up with the opposite of what you wanted?


In my experience Thai girls who are educated or spend time in the west often come back with the 'yolo' attitude and just become complete <deleted>.  But that's normal when you think about it, Thailand is a more conservative society.

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28 minutes ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:


I'm more interested in the place that I am going to than the hotel and I don't see the point in spending 5 times more than you need to just to get a slightly bigger room with a nicer interior, it's a waste of money that could be better spent actually traveling.  I'll pay more for location, not for marble worktops and bellboys.  If the girl thinks differently, that's fine, it's her prerogative, but to forego an entire trip because you want to stay in a nicer room?  That strongly suggests that she is either a golddigger or a snob.  I have no interest in either (and I'm sure the disinterest is mutual), I'm only interested in real, down to earth people, who aren't materialistic.


The rest of your post well... your outlook on life is probably as far from mine as is possible whilst still remaining a member of the same species.  But out of interest how do you manage to spend 3700 baht a day on food?  What are you eating?  My daily food budget (it's not really a 'budget', it's just what I choose to spend because there is no need to spend any more) is rarely more than 250 baht.

        There is room for a tiny bit of compromise.   I often book the big expensive hotel with balcony ocean view for one night of getting those vacation photos and then head back to simple digs!   An old savvy but budget wise friend gave me this strategy.  As for 3700 baht a day on food sounds insane.  I can eat at Paul's the french restaurant here in bkk at the fancy malls for for 300-500 baht for the meal.  I would love to hear what I could have 3700 baht a day!  LOL.  ROFL!

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18 minutes ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:


I'm more interested in the place that I am going to than the hotel and I don't see the point in spending 5 times more than you need to just to get a slightly bigger room with a nicer interior, it's a waste of money that could be better spent actually traveling.  I'll pay more for location, not for marble worktops and bellboys.  If the girl thinks differently, that's fine, it's her prerogative, but to forego an entire trip because you want to stay in a nicer room?  That strongly suggests that she is either a golddigger or a snob.  I have no interest in either (and I'm sure the disinterest is mutual), I'm only interested in real, down to earth people, who aren't materialistic.


The rest of your post well... your outlook on life is probably as far from mine as is possible whilst still remaining a member of the same species.  But out of interest how do you manage to spend 3700 baht a day on food?  What are you eating?  My daily food budget (it's not really a 'budget', it's just what I choose to spend because there is no need to spend any more) is rarely more than 250 baht.


The comfort, life-quality your age and your budget. Choose a hotel is the most difficult task. A place where you spend daily +8h and if this is crap, air-con not working, the walls are so thin, you can hear your neighbors talking or having other activities... whatever ... no way, especially not while I'm on holiday.  


Food, if you ever went to a super market, it is very easy to spend 5,6,7k for food. Good food, not the poisoned something that you usually find on the street corners including bacteria without food control. No No No


The way saving money is, save it on the girls, not on your own. You are the most important person yourself.









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