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Trump ordered Mueller's firing, then backed off - New York Times

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9 minutes ago, Silurian said:


It could potentially be obstruction of justice and that is a crime. If you fire an official that is investigating a crime against you that could be considered obstruction of justice. There would have to be cause for the firing of Mueller so it doesn't appear that there is a circumventing of justice.


How Trump Built an Obstruction of Justice Case Against Himself



Glad you said potentially, as if Trump could prove cause to replace Muller ( not difficult given the overt bias of the lawyers ) but not cancel the investigation it would not be obstruction of justice. Muller is only the current leader of the investigation, and is not THE investigation.

Anyway, should it come out, as appears likely at present, that the investigation is the result of a false document, the investigation will be cancelled as based on fruit of the poisonous tree.

12 hours ago, Trouble said:

Firing Comey, head of the FBI or firing Mueller, Special Prosecutor does not stop an investigation of anything and it seems a stretch to say so.  The investigations continue regardless of who is the chief. If the article has any truth to it, Mueller does appear to have possible conflicts of interest and Trump has every right to put his views out there, and even be upset about it.   Maybe he did suggest Mueller should not be on the job for those reasons. Some around Trump discussed it with Trump and told him it was a bad idea and he backed off.  So what's so damning here?  The incredible thing about all the investigations to date is that not one hint of collusion or obstruction has come forth while it looks like many in the upper ranks at the FBI and Mueller investigations had a lot of bias against Trump and neither Comey nor Mueller thought to insure that their staffs investigating the matter were impartial.  Does not say much for either Comey or Mueller in my opinion. In my early life I was an investigator for the Air Force, Department of Defense and the VA.  I know how investigations are supposed to work. I have also seen first hand what biased investigators can do to an investigation. The FBI and Mueller investigations seem to stink to high heaven from what little I read in the news reports because it is apparent that the investigators have an axe to grind and there is much question due to the impartiality issue. I am hoping at the end of this fiasco we will indeed see a fair investigation by Mueller and one that everyone on both sides can accept as definitive. Left the chips fall where they may. 

If you have ever investigated anything ,other than your own personal waste products, I would be hugely surprised. You have passed sentence without any knowledge of the facts or potential evidence , bias confirmation is NOT investigation.

Mueller has disclosed very little , kept his cards very close to his chest ( Something your prize clown might learn from ) , so neither you , nor any other Trump apologist has the least idea how strong a case there may be.

My view is that Big Chief Orange Scalp is a compulsive liar so every denial should be read as an admission of guilt , just my opinion though.

58 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Glad you said potentially, as if Trump could prove cause to replace Muller ( not difficult given the overt bias of the lawyers ) but not cancel the investigation it would not be obstruction of justice. Muller is only the current leader of the investigation, and is not THE investigation.

Anyway, should it come out, as appears likely at present, that the investigation is the result of a false document, the investigation will be cancelled as based on fruit of the poisonous tree.

" Appears Likely "

If a mystery document existed outside the imagination of Russian bots and desperate Trump supporters , it would have surfaced already.  We both know that Big Chief Orange Scalp would simply be incapable of keeping   such vindicating evidence to himself. The Twittersphere would be on fire !

3 hours ago, dcutman said:

The way its looking, the FBI and the Justice Department are headed for a major cleansing.  Mueller's investigation is gonna fade into the sunset. The Democrats are are going to get decimated in the mid terms. 

I would wager everything I own that both those claims are wrong , denial is not logical.

2 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

" Appears Likely "

If a mystery document existed outside the imagination of Russian bots and desperate Trump supporters , it would have surfaced already.

We both know that Big Chief Orange Scalp would simply be incapable of keeping 

 such vindicating evidence to himself. The Twittersphere would be on fire !

Try and read the news. The document is well known and has been well known for at least a year now.

22 hours ago, pegman said:

Looking very likely that Trump doesn't finish the year let alone his term. 

Already over a year and the Train keeps rolling.    Tax cuts and jobs !!!!!


Psychological warfare                     While you are watching CNN and MSNBC  remember I tried to tell you what is going on.  

        They cry SEX !!!!     then the left gets exposed

        They cry RUSSIA  !!!!       The email sever gets exposed

        They cry obstruction !!    The FBI  gets exposed

On 1/26/2018 at 1:42 PM, helpisgood said:


I am sure that McGahn also recalled how Nixon had Archibald Cox, special prosecutor for the Watergate investigation, fired and how that all worked out for the Nixon presidency (aka, the Saturday Night Massacre). 

McGahn was 4 yrs old when Wategate broke. Doubtful he "recalls" any of it. :thumbsup:

18 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

The NY Times is a reputable and respected newspaper.

i need sarcasm on a daily basis. thanks for the month-long supply.


I'd like to see "Fake News" branded right across Trump's forehead. Then instead of lying and claiming what he does, he could point to his forehead and we wouldn't hear his b/s.

1 hour ago, mrwebb8825 said:

McGahn was 4 yrs old when Wategate broke. Doubtful he "recalls" any of it. :thumbsup:


They have this new thing called history, which educated people like McGahn likely would have read.  Oh, and recalled reading.  Check it out!


Obstructing justice much?







The Obstruction Case Is Getting Solid

President Trump tried to fire special counsel Robert Mueller. That fact, reported Thursday night by the New York Times and confirmed by sources for the Washington Post and other papers, shreds the assurances from Republican lawmakers that Trump would never attempt such a thing. It also bolsters key elements of the case for impeachment.


24 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


Yeah he may have committed obstruction of justice but I'm not seeing it yet. He wanted to do it, he attempted to do it but people that are paid to keep him from doing stupid things stopped him. Seems more like a thought crime or am I missing something? 

14 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Yeah he may have committed obstruction of justice but I'm not seeing it yet. He wanted to do it, he attempted to do it but people that are paid to keep him from doing stupid things stopped him. Seems more like a thought crime or am I missing something? 

Let's hope the people that are paid to keep him from doing stupid things stop him from hitting his BIG  nuclear launch button are with him 24 hours a day.  Otherwise all of us will  be just a pile of ashes.


Or better yet, America could get a president that didn t need to keep people to keep him from doing stupid things


Troll posts and replies removed.   Please don't respond to deflections.   The topic is quite clear. 

4 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


Yeah he may have committed obstruction of justice but I'm not seeing it yet. He wanted to do it, he attempted to do it but people that are paid to keep him from doing stupid things stopped him. Seems more like a thought crime or am I missing something? 

It's not only the consistent pattern of behavior, but also intent.  Trump has consistently shown that he wants this Russian investigation stopped.  If I was Mueller, the first question I'd ask is "WHY does Trump want this thing stopped?"  So it definitely has to go beyond proving obstruction.  The press has already dug up quite an impressive array of dirty Russian money finding its way to Trump.  I'm certain Mueller has much, much more.

46 minutes ago, Khun Han said:

I heard that this story came out two hours after the news about the FBI texts being lost. Is that right?

No, that's not right. Confused again?

1 minute ago, Becker said:

No, that's not right. Confused again?


No, I'm not confused. I heard something and asked if it was true or not. Could you spare me the trolling and answer my question (properly)? 

3 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

You should really get your facts together first. This "Breaking News Story" was written and published 7 MONTHS AGO!


What does the date have to do with whether or not the story is factual?  And, something that happened months ago, which is just now coming to light, is breaking news.  

19 hours ago, attrayant said:


What does the date have to do with whether or not the story is factual?  And, something that happened months ago, which is just now coming to light, is breaking news.  

That's the whole point. It's NOT just now coming to light. It was brought into the light, quite falsely, by a bias newspaper and written by Trump hating reporters 7 months ago. It's being brought back into the light, again quite falsely, because the msm can't find anything else to complain about atm so it's wash, rinse, repeat until they get some new fake news story to run with.

Reread the OP and then reread the original version of the same story from the link I posted. You'll see quite clearly that the so-called sources have changed but not the bias and debunked fake story.


Trump is just reaping what he has sown


Scream fake news enough and pretty soon all the news becomes fake so we have to choose what is fake and what is not


In this case this "re-hashed" story has legs because it shows a pattern of conduct and a pattern can only be shown if you look at the past


Just like  NBC News Lester Holt's interview where Trump admitted that he fired Comey for the Russia "thing":



 I said: ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should’ve won.’”

source: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/may/11/donald-trump-james-comey-firing-russia-investigation

20 hours ago, attrayant said:


What does the date have to do with whether or not the story is factual?  And, something that happened months ago, which is just now coming to light, is breaking news.  

It reeks of desperation

2 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

In this case this "re-hashed" story has legs because it shows a pattern of conduct and a pattern can only be shown if you look at the past

A pattern can only be shown from repeated actions, not repeated telling of the same action.


Either way this goes, are the trumpsters here going to accept if trump is guilty? Or the anti trumps going to do the same if he’s found that nothing has happened illegally?

2 hours ago, ncc1701d said:

Either way this goes, are the trumpsters here going to accept if trump is guilty? Or the anti trumps going to do the same if he’s found that nothing has happened illegally?

Then GOP nominee was asked at the third debate if he would accept the results of the election,he said we'll see.

 And, the Anti Trump crowd .They are on a mission!

8 hours ago, ncc1701d said:

Either way this goes, are the trumpsters here going to accept if trump is guilty? Or the anti trumps going to do the same if he’s found that nothing has happened illegally?

I'm puzzled as to what Trump would be guilty of in this. He has the right to sack Mueller if he wants, just as he can sack anyone in the DOJ or FBI.

Far as I know, wanting to sack someone, and not doing so is not yet a crime.

Had Trump not had a very successful meeting at Davos, I doubt this old news would have been resurrected, but if the anti Trumpers have to rely on this sort of thing to attack him over, I'm guessing that they don't have anything better to beat him with.


Far as the anti Trumps are concerned, they will apparently never accept that Trump is not guilty, even calling him guilty of dietary offences. 

6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Far as I know, wanting to sack someone, and not doing so is not yet a crime.


The OP says "Trump ordered..." pretty clearly.  That's an actual thing he did, not just "wanted" to do.   Unless you're thinking that 'attempt' plays no part in the commission of a crime, in which case we can get rid of all those silly crimes like attempted robbery and attempted murder. 


Conspiracy and abetting also have legal consequences. Nixon didn't personally break into Watergate, but he did attempt to create a conspiracy by covering up some of the evidence.

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