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SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?


SURVEY: Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?  

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It was another big day in "trump" self destruction. See his latest and one of his most outrageous tweet sheit storms.


So this is apt:




President Trump is sowing the seeds of his own demise


How President Bill Clinton managed the threat of removal from office has become a model in effective crisis management. Despite his impeachment, he left office with a 65 percent approval rating .


So what makes Trump’s crisis so different from Clinton’s? Simple: It is the man behind it.





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So as we move towards this historic summit NK is saying, and doing all the right things, setting themselves into the role of the capitulators. 


What do we actually expect to see in a deal? Or, what is each side really expecting to accomplish?


We are expecting total NK disarmament and capitulation. What is the trade-off? What is an acceptable  US counter-offer?


If the negotiations go south, has NK successfully positioned itself to claim higher ground? Ie: "we have done everything you have asked and all we want is X... why can't you give us this one concession. If you don't we will walk but the egg will be on your face".

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10 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

What 'qualification' is required? To be a part of the political class? Same old crap then.

I've said many times previously, it's not about Trump being President, but about a democrat not being President, and if Pence was in the chair, the tirade would continue.

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The constitution requires minimal qualifications.  Common sense requires some government experience and knowledge of how government works.  Clinton has ample experience and knowledge of government, Trump had zero, and seems determined to remain near zero.

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"As  the presidency looks ever shakier and Trump's legal situation appears to reach critical mass, Pence has gone to great lengths to assure the racist element of the base that he's one of them. Pence's potential legitimacy as president -- and his viability in 2020 -- could depend on keeping the Trumpers happy. "


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"As  the presidency looks ever shakier and Trump's legal situation appears to reach critical mass, Pence has gone to great lengths to assure the racist element of the base that he's one of them. Pence's potential legitimacy as president -- and his viability in 2020 -- could depend on keeping the Trumpers happy. "
Sadly that makes sense. Pence being a "trump" clone somewhat reduces the chances of the right wing crazies going civil warry if/when their Emperor God makes an exit.

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"trump" -- once a con man always a con man.

Disgustingly, enough Americans voting for the con man to elect him, knowing full well he was a con man.




Trump is a grifter, same as ever

Even as president, Trump remains true to his con artist origins.


Having gotten in the habit of lying regularly about matters big and small, Trump has set new records for mendacity while in office.


But it should give us pause to consider what it says about America, circa 2018, that so many of us are so ready to accept a Jordan Belfort or Frank Abagnale — a con man, in other words — as our leader





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Ex-White House ethics chief: Trump just admitted filing false financial disclosure

The former director of the Office of Government Ethics on Thursday said that revelations that President Trump reimbursed personal attorney Michael Cohen for a payment to adult-film star Stormy Daniels means the president has admitted to filing a false financial disclosure.

Walter Shaub tweeted that “in trying to talk his way out of a campaign finance violation, Trump has admitted to filing a false financial disclosure in 2017.”  

"He personally certified that his closure was ‘complete and correct,’” Shaub tweeted.



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Unfortunately I still can not see the guy being kicked of of office before his term finishes, but I am sure it is pushing up his blood pressure, best we can hope for is a stroke or heart attack.   

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14 minutes ago, riclag said:

Trump’s Support Among Black Men Doubles After Kanye West Endorsement, Reuters Poll Says

              " Yeezy’s total embrace of POTUS may be starting to have real-world implications"




11% to 22% among black men.  Nothing to brag about.

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Commentary: Polls show Trump is growing stronger in NH. 

This is the first primary (not Caucus ) state to hold votes for the GOP candidate for POTUS. Should be able to get a nice poll bump after that going into the primary's Very big state for bragging rights 

"By every historic measure, President Trump should be the Walking Dead of American politics. But put him up against a Democratic campaign of" "Pelosi", Warren "and Impeachment!" and he may walk right back into the White House".


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12 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Interesting to note, thanks to a Reuters poll, that support for Trump among black Americans has doubled in just the last week following Mr Kanye West's endorsements. 




 I get the feeling in a couple more years we will have a thread titled Survey - do you want Trump to finish his SECOND term! Go Trump, this is the best president for getting stuff done since Roosevelt.

Even FOX is getting fed up with his constant lying:



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12 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:

This statement right here is why the term "fake news" was coined. Its the liberal version of Alex Jones saying crazy stuff, and just unequivocally proves that the extreme left is no better than the extreme right. 

So Sarah Sanders stands at the podium every day and says that any reporter that publishes news that turns out to be not completely factual is peddling fake news and she would have us believe that when she is caught out not telling the truth and openly lying that she was giving "the best information available at the time"??? Do they think we have ALL had frontal lobotomy's?


Here she is, her worst performance yet (if lying is the standard to judge her by) . She is losing her will to lie, you can see it here. Every second she is screaming under her breath "Beam me up scotty". Time to get out Sarah, before even your kids start to hate you.



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