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SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?


SURVEY: Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?  

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3 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Are we talking about how Sarah Sanders conducts herself at the White House press briefings? That would be a majority of people that find that manner of speech hateful.


I'll take your word for it. I've never seen one.


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5 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


Then there's that tiny, tiny minority of us that find that manner of speech both unfunny and hateful, no matter which side is delivering it.

Yes, I don't really 'get' this notion of a 'roast' either, but I believe it to be an American tradition, especially at this particular event.  As far as the one that is being discussed,  in my opinion parts were funny, and parts just, weren't.   However, neither that not your comment addresses the comment I made.  I see your comment has been liked solely by our Trump supporting brethren so far.  You can bet if the shoe was on the other foot they would not be reacting thus.  I would go as far as to suggest that they would have found the whole thing absolutely hilarious.  Double standards in action.

Edited by Slip
missing shoe
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4 minutes ago, Slip said:

Yes, I don't really 'get' this notion of a 'roast' either, but I believe it to be an American tradition, especially at this particular event.  As far as the one that is being discussed,  in my opinion parts were funny, and parts just, weren't.   However, neither that not your comment addresses the comment I made.  I see your comment has been liked solely by our Trump supporting brethren so far.  You can bet if the was on the other foot they would not be reacting thus.  I would go as far as to suggest that they would have found the whole thing absolutely hilarious.  Double standards in action.

I think it would be interesting to note which comments are from non-US and which are from US citizens. 

Me-Non US. I've got a feeling that 80-90% Non-US don't like trump and 20-30% US citizens don't like him.

That's what I've found from my circle of discussions with people. 

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29 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Hmmm, so you're hanging out with Americans who are mostly Trump supporters?  I feel for you.  Among the Americans that I know, roughly 80-90% can't stand Trump.   

I wish that the Americans you know were representative of all Americans. Trump may be unpopular, but he's not that unpopular. Not saying that you claimed otherwise.

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4 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

I wish that the Americans you know were representative of all Americans. Trump may be unpopular, but he's not that unpopular. Not saying that you claimed otherwise.

Perhaps people are embarrassed to admit face-to-face that they support Trump.  I don't blame them.  It would mean having to explain why they support such a lying, corrupt individual.  I've confronted a few Trump supporters and they can never provide a coherent defense of Trump.  They'll end up with "All politicians lie" or "He's better than Hillary" or "Benghazi" or some other nonsense.    

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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

Hmmm, so you're hanging out with Americans who are mostly Trump supporters?  I feel for you.  Among the Americans that I know, roughly 80-90% can't stand Trump.   

Are they Americans in Thailand or the US? The ones I talk to are in Thailand so probably miss some of the stuff that's going on in the US too affecting their opinions. 

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51 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Not only do opinon polls show your surmise to be incorrect, but actual recent US elections do, too. There may be a worse way to determine public opinion than by asking people you converse with, but it probably has yet to be discovered.

Not so much incorrect.  Just a small sample size.  That's what this forum is for.  To increase the sample size. Another thing that I note in this small sample is that the vote suggests Trump should stay,  whereas if I didn't see the numbers,  I would think by the comments that Trump should go.  I guess people who like Trump have become bored with defending him and don't bother commenting. 

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On 30/04/2018 at 4:07 AM, lannarebirth said:


As ludicrous as it would be for Trump to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, it isn't any more ludicrous than it having been awarded to Obama 8 1/2 months into his presidency that was anything but peace making.

An interesting aside:

(Note- there is nothing in the article to suggest that Trump or anyone close to him bears any responsibility).



Trump’s Nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize Was Apparently Forged. Twice.




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7 hours ago, caligula123 said:

lol...not everybody has to get their ideas from the media...you talk like all the san fran and seattle and new york libs...im curious if you even live in usa?  people who think like you and have such rabid hate for a duly elected president AND the USA is sad..i didnt like obama but i accepted him as the president..the way the press and media is so negative in all coverage of the president is shameful..YOU obviously are the one who sits and watches left wing TV and websites...I am just a working guy here in usa who has seen just in my workplace, the increase in tensions among whites- blacks while obama was president.have seen the major increases in illegals working around here..driving cars with no license and insurance...and seen murders of cops in my area just because black guy wanted take out cops..im sorry  i dont have links to all the storys...  youre gonna have to use google yourself  ...heaven help us if hillary was elected...   hahaha    MAGA  :)        

In short, you have no evidence, and you ignore the dramatic improvement in the economy that occurred under Obama.  You also ignore the fact that a great many Trump supporters refused to accept Obama as President, most notably the birthers--a group of idiots led by an idiot.


You live in the US, claim to be a working man, but have time to browse a Thailand forum.  You must have a real cushy job.

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5 hours ago, stud858 said:

I think it would be interesting to note which comments are from non-US and which are from US citizens. 

Me-Non US. I've got a feeling that 80-90% Non-US don't like trump and 20-30% US citizens don't like him.

That's what I've found from my circle of discussions with people. 

That says a lot about the people you hang out with.  Trump's approval among US citizens is still well below 50%, even when it is at an eleven month high.    https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/trump-weekly-approval-rating-reaches-11-month-high/ar-AAwz1jW

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

That says a lot about the people you hang out with.  Trump's approval among US citizens is still well below 50%, even when it is at an eleven month high.    https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/trump-weekly-approval-rating-reaches-11-month-high/ar-AAwz1jW

I may hang out with people that don't hate The Don, but surely unfair to suggest my acquaintances are bad misguided people. Haha, well maybe a few actually. I must add that most really just didnt want the same old Hillary. So Donald with his flaws was the only option. So can I ask instead of just kicking out trump, if the replacement must be Clinton,  would you be happy with that option?

Peace and love to all sides.

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6 minutes ago, stud858 said:

I may hang out with people that don't hate The Don, but surely unfair to suggest my acquaintances are bad misguided people. Haha, well maybe a few actually. I must add that most really just didnt want the same old Hillary. So Donald with his flaws was the only option. So can I ask instead of just kicking out trump, if the replacement must be Clinton,  would you be happy with that option?

Peace and love to all sides.

What a ridiculous question. The replacement would not be Clinton. That's not how it works. 

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Man what's next in the neverending saga of the Trump. If world gets out of it in 1 piece at least it was a combination of scary surreal and ridiculous like nothing has ever been before.



Donald Trump wrote own health letter, says physician Harold Bornstein - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-43970908


I said on this Therad before he will Die of a Heart attack before he gets chucked out.But someone said unfortunately he is in good health.


Now it looks like that was a lie to by the worlds most successful con man.




Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk





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28 minutes ago, stud858 said:

I may hang out with people that don't hate The Don, but surely unfair to suggest my acquaintances are bad misguided people. Haha, well maybe a few actually. I must add that most really just didnt want the same old Hillary. So Donald with his flaws was the only option. So can I ask instead of just kicking out trump, if the replacement must be Clinton,  would you be happy with that option?

Peace and love to all sides.

Would I have preferred that the election be won by the qualified candidate instead of the blatantly unqualified one?  Of course.

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15 minutes ago, stud858 said:

It was a hypothetical. Trump or Hillary? Choose your poison.

What do you think? "trump" is the most disgusting person imaginable to be president. Don't bother with the baiting again. It's dumb.


It did sounds before that were so ignorant that you thought impeaching "trump" meant Clinton replaces him. Again, that is not how it works. It would be Pence who is of course no prize himself. 

Edited by Jingthing
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12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

What do you think? "trump" is the most disgusting person imaginable to be president. Don't bother with the baiting again. It's dumb.


It did sounds before that were so ignorant that you thought impeaching "trump" meant Clinton replaces him. Again, that is not how it works. It would be Pence who is of course no prize himself. 

I was referring to the past as to why trump got voted.  I understand your point. You voted Hillary. I've got nothing against that. Just inputting my views and sprouting interesting topics. Not my intention to bait or upset. sorry.


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12 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

OUCH!! Well worth a read and a play on google.


At last an evangelical pastor has 'come out' and finally said what most christians should be saying. In an open letter to Trump and Sarah Sanders, the pastor John Pavlovitz continues the roast of Sanders that she received at the WHC Dinner. It makes for a blistering read.  At least this man is sticking by the principles his 'book' tells him to do. As he points out with "Thou shalt not lie" in the top 10 list of commandments you think more would hold Trump to account, but most evangelical pastors get more incensed over the right to bear arms than oppose the bearing of false witness, at least by members of the Trump administration


Excerpts from the pastors letter are much harsher than Michelle Wolf was !


well worth a read and the comments at this location or any you choose on google. If the evangelicals turn the next elections will be brutal. Trump and his entourage of lying sycophants must go.




It's amazing how much the bar has been lowered when a lawyer argues on the news cycle today that lying is not a crime unless it is to the FBI. So it's ok to have a president that lies every time he opens his mouth, that is acceptable?


Good post and article, but you're gonna have to shorten up your quote to 3 sentences or the post will be deleted.

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Even more ouch!! Ty Cobb's is out!



Ty Cobb's departure from Donald Trump's legal team means almost complete turnover

Trump just can't hang on to them. I guess Cobb will have left for many reasons but I am sure the release of the questions that Mueller wants to ask Trump which were all written by Jay Sekulow and mysteriously 'leaked' (when Muellers team is tighter than a ships plug) may well have been the final straw for Cobb. The writing is on the wall for jail sentences for many people, it's a good decision by this rat to jump ship while he can, before he is involved in anything else that may incriminate him.



WASHINGTON — White House lawyer Ty Cobb is leaving President Trump's legal team, officials said Wednesday, another key departure as Trump jousts with Special Counsel Robert Mueller over the Russia investigation.




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