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Video: Find driver who killed my dad, says son


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Video: Find driver who killed my dad, says son



Image: Thai Rath

A dead motorcyclist's son has appealed for help on Facebook after several days have passed since his dad was knocked off and a car fled the scene.
CCTV footage showed the moment a car turned in to a side road from the incorrect lane causing Amnat Limawatanachai to come off and die at the scene.
Another angle of camera showed the pillion passenger sliding ahead. That person survived.
The victim's son Thanet went online to appeal for help saying that it has been four or five days since his dad died with no news of an arrest.
He blamed the car driver for the death of his father and was angry that he had not stopped to take responsibility.
The case is being handled by Pol Capt Ariyapong of the Jakrawan police if anyone has information.
Source: Thai Rath
-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2018-02-03
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After seeing the video, I wouldn't blame the car driver. The bike rider is following fast and using the wrong lane as that lane is for cars who want to make right turn. As usual, most bike riders here think the roads are theirs and they can ride anywhere they like.

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3 minutes ago, shady86 said:

After seeing the video, I wouldn't blame the car driver. The bike rider is following fast and using the wrong lane as that lane is for cars who want to make right turn. As usual, most bike riders here think the roads are theirs and they can ride anywhere they like.

No excuse for the driver running away from the scene of an accident.    Let's take a guess why shall we....no license, no insurance, no tax, no balls and no common decency towards the lives of other Human Beings.   Repulsive behaviour corrected by a long term in the slammer and nothing less should be accepted.

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The car is wrong as he switched lanes w/o looking to see if clear and at the last possible moment when he realized he wanted to go right. he caused the collision...Now the MB was wrong but not his fault for not anticipating stupid behaviors by drivers. One needs to drive defensively here (avoidance driving) and the MB didn't. He was too close to other car and closing the gap with speed - his mistake. Anytime I am turing from the center lane (right), I will  make sure that the right lane car turns right as often they go straight even though the signage indicates only a rt turn for them....happens way too often here where the driver decides he is in the wrong lane but won't admit their mistake and tries wrongly to correct it. An example of poorly educated and not understanding how to handle the situation....


I guess the father died but the video shows only the passenger on the ground....No sympathy for hit and run drivers....so common here and reflects poorly on their training system....

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54 minutes ago, shady86 said:

After seeing the video, I wouldn't blame the car driver. The bike rider is following fast and using the wrong lane as that lane is for cars who want to make right turn. As usual, most bike riders here think the roads are theirs and they can ride anywhere they like.

What a despicable attitude! 

Two wrongs don't make a right. Any normal, decent person would stop after an accident.


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These kind of accidents will never happen if bike riders here stick to riding on left most lanes. I guess that would never happen so they should take the risk of facing these kind of accidents especially car drivers here change lanes without checking most of the time.

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1 hour ago, shady86 said:

After seeing the video, I wouldn't blame the car driver. The bike rider is following fast and using the wrong lane as that lane is for cars who want to make right turn. As usual, most bike riders here think the roads are theirs and they can ride anywhere they like.

Yes you are right, so, you can kill someone who is driving on the wrong line. The idea of the day.

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Although the car driver is clearly at fault, the biker bears some of the responsibility too. This is Thailand, not Switzerland, and you just have to drive with the constant assumption that the traffic in front of you is about to do something stupid at any moment. If you're on a motorbike and you don't allow for that possibility then you're partly at fault.

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31 minutes ago, shady86 said:

These kind of accidents will never happen if bike riders here stick to riding on left most lanes. I guess that would never happen so they should take the risk of facing these kind of accidents especially car drivers here change lanes without checking most of the time.

Maybe you should read a bit more up on Thai law before posting your anti bike posts. Bikes have to stay on those lanes or get fined. I break this law often as it is dangerous.. but the motorbikes are in the right if they drive there because they have to drive there or get fined. 


Its the car driver here who is 100% to blame.. no indicator.. not checking his mirror and just going his way. Had the car been on the right lane before this would not have happened. 

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39 minutes ago, Stoker58 said:

Although the car driver is clearly at fault, the biker bears some of the responsibility too. This is Thailand, not Switzerland, and you just have to drive with the constant assumption that the traffic in front of you is about to do something stupid at any moment. If you're on a motorbike and you don't allow for that possibility then you're partly at fault.

I agree with your conclusion, but not completely the reason.  The motorcyclist was driving with excessive speed for the conditions.  This is evidenced by the fact he came out of his lane of travel in the curve prior to getting in the collision.  He also demonstrated inattention to driving as he had opportunity to avoid the collision had he been looking to his left while passing the car.  Still the car driver bears the brunt of fault, as the collision occurred while he moved his car to the right in a lane change.  I put fault at about 85% car driver - 15% motorcyclist. 

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2 hours ago, Henrik Andersen said:

Are he dead it's seems like he OK alive in the video 


1 hour ago, isaanbanhou said:

There are occasions that people don t die at the scene 

There are also occasions when people don't read the story properly!

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An avoidable accident caused 100% by the car driver. 


People are applying partial blame to the motorcycle which I think is unfair. 


The motorcyclist is in the outermost lane passing the car, within a split second the car driver made a quick decision to take the right hand exit from the second lane. 


This is the same as if a car pulled out of a side street into an oncoming car - An accident which could be avoidable if the Motorcycle is driving at 10kmh, but unrealistic in the real world. 


The same here, while the motorcycle was traveling quickly and the accident is only avoidable if he predicts that the car may do something stupid. It is this which a number of posters are suggesting.... that at all times we must predict the stupid actions of others - I'd agree. 


But, the fact that in this case the action of others is 'Stupid' (the type of action we need to expect) outlines even more that the Car driver is 100% at fault in causing the death of the motorcyclist IF the motorcyclist was traveling within the speed limit. 

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1 hour ago, Henrik Andersen said:

I read the story thank you and it said he die at the seen but in the video he moving that's why I ask but I hope the car driver get caught 

4 hours ago, rooster59 said:
Another angle of camera showed the pillion passenger sliding ahead. That person survived.

This is quoted from the original story. Do you still claim you read the story fully?


Edited by Moonlover
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1 hour ago, Henrik Andersen said:

I read the story thank you and it said he die at the seen but in the video he moving that's why I ask but I hope the car driver get caught 

Then watch the video. There are two persons on the motorbike, the driver, who dies at the scene is wearing a blue helmet and dark jacket. the pillion passenger, his son, is wearing a white helmet, he survived. Hopefully the cops will get this careless bustard . 

At least someone had the decency and humanity to assist the injured man. Hopefully the license plate is readable.

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I had the same thing happen at exactly the same spot (that's the road heading out of China town to cross the bridge to Thonburi). I was in that same lane and was sideswiped by a taxi making the turn without indicating. I suffered only minor injuries, but the taxi sped off only to get caught in traffic under the bridge. One of the delivery guys on an old Vespa caught up to the taxi and tried to make him stop, but he wouldn't and just pushed through into a side road and disappeared. The Vespa guy got a picture of the license plate and we went to the cops, but nothing came from it.

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It does seem that the m/b was in the wrong lane but having said that was the m/b also going into the turnoff(a frame shows another m/b on the white lines going in that direction)? The car is signalling right but all too late I think and of course the is absolutely no excuse for the cowardly act of driving on. Condolences to the father's family.

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6 hours ago, shady86 said:

After seeing the video, I wouldn't blame the car driver. The bike rider is following fast and using the wrong lane as that lane is for cars who want to make right turn. As usual, most bike riders here think the roads are theirs and they can ride anywhere they like.

Nonsense there are 3  lanes he was in the  middle  the bike was in the correct inside  lane.

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6 hours ago, shady86 said:

After seeing the video, I wouldn't blame the car driver. The bike rider is following fast and using the wrong lane as that lane is for cars who want to make right turn. As usual, most bike riders here think the roads are theirs and they can ride anywhere they like.

How can you tell from the video that the motorcyclist was not intending to turn right? The car driver lurched across his path without using mirror or signal, 100% their fault.

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30 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

It does seem that the m/b was in the wrong lane but having said that was the m/b also going into the turnoff(a frame shows another m/b on the white lines going in that direction)? The car is signalling right but all too late I think and of course the is absolutely no excuse for the cowardly act of driving on. Condolences to the father's family.

He  wasnt in the wrong  lane there are 3  lanes  look at both videos the 3rd  lane then develops  into a 4th, 3lanes in video 1 ,3 + the  right turn in video 2 ie then becomes 4  lanes

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