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"Foreign owners need educating about Buddhist feelings" as Buddha head on beach angers Thais


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"Foreign owners need educating about Buddhist feelings" as Buddha head on beach angers Thais



Image: Thai Rath

Sanook reported on a Facebook post that showed a Buddha's head being used as decoration at a resort on the beach at Bo Phut in Koh Samui.
The head , facing inland under some pine trees, was among people clad in swimwear on the beach adding to the feeling that it was an inappropriate place to have such a thing.
Sanook said that comment online after the post by "Saipars Saipars" was widespread with people suggesting that the owners of the resort must be foreigners who don't know about the feelings of the majority of Thais who are Buddhists.
Many said they should be visited by the authorities to educate them about how inappropriate this was, said Sanook. 
Source: Sanook
-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2018-02-10
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18 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

I sometimes wonder about how "outraged" Thai people  seem to get on social media over certain issues...but never appear to vent the same outrage when it is badly needed in a public place where they can actually do something about a bad situation. I am talking about "loud noice" of course and the lifelong damage it can do to children's ears.

   I was at the week long market in the College grounds in Banampur a few days ago. Many families strolling  around with babies in arms and strollers.....when all of a sudden "music" starting blareing out, it was, without exaragation, off the ricktar scale. I have Tinnitus, bad hearing , lived here 18 yrs. so am used to it in Thailand but never ever anything like this. I had to actually leave the market with my hands covering my ears. I asked the wife....why do Thai people never approach the person (DJ in this case) responsible for this racket and ask them to lower it down for the sake of their babie's hearing and the irrepairable damage he is doing to their ears. She just shrugged her shoulers and said "they grow up with it" ..???

And, indeed they do 'grow up with it'.


Friend of mine, who understands sufficient Thai, visited a new cinema in Udon Thani. He left after 20 minutes, never to return. He said it was freezing cold and the sound so load that it hurt his ears!


But, you know, this not just Thailand problem. I've travelled Asia quite a lot and I found the noise levels horrendous in most of them. Top of the list has to be India. New Delhi is rated as the noisiest city in the world. At least one saving grace in Thailand is their reluctance to use the car horn.


I always have a few pairs of ear plugs with me when I'm out and about. My wife even keep a spare pair in her bag for me just in case.


Oops, sorry. I've wandered off topic again :sorry:

Edited by Moonlover
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11 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

If you are talking about images, there is today only one commonly used standard image.

It is a Greek design.


The Thai Buddha is the Prince Siddhartha Gautama, whereas the fat fellow that the Chinese adhere to is in fact Budai, a totally different being that so say was liberated to the state of being a Buddha, if I am not mistaken. 

A Buddha is not one person, it is a state of consciousness, total liberation. There were Buddhas before Siddhartha, and after. 

Edited by Easy Come Easy Go
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2 minutes ago, Easy Come Easy Go said:

The Thai Buddha is the Prince Siddhartha Gautama, whereas the fat fellow that the Chinese adhere to is in fact Budai, a totally different being that so say was liberated to the state of being a Buddha, if I am not mistaken. 

The Thai Buddha is as much the Prince Siddhartha Gautama, as are the many paintings and images of Jesus Christ.


Man's imagination writ large!

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