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Divorce before visa application


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She can only get 50% of assets in Thailand accumulated during the marriage. Just wait her out.

I can remember a Thai woman in my condo who was married to a falang on a Monday and divorced on the Tuesday of the following week.

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Sounds like Your friend doesn't have much common sense.... 

She probably could have passed herself off as royalty and the only way to gain access to her fortune is to Marry.


Goodluck, ignoring her might not be the best action if your friend ever wants to marry in the future... 


Better to clear things up now rather than later and having to explain why you can't get married. Plus it will probably cost you a whole lot more if the thai wife finds out she has you over a barrel.





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Why would he marry her if he wasn't going to stay by her side?

Thai women don't want to be "played".

They get enough of that in their "business" activities.

Your friend should resolve the issue in a way that is fair for both sides.

From there .... life goes on.

I agree , fair for both.


Make her an offer......you get nothing. Now pi$$ off and stop bothering me.


Sent from my [device_name] using http://Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app




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23 hours ago, Preacher said:

Under Thai law she only has a claim to 50% of all the assets gained during the marriage. Assets as in gains and loses incurred, for both of them.


Her not cooperating means that it is more difficult to get a divorce as one can then only divorce based on the reasons stated in the law.


His in the UK she in LOS..She is dreaming and has not a claim in the UK. Laugh and tell her to FO. Empty any bank accounts you have in LOS.

Who cares what the hoe wants. She won't want to stay married in time she chase him. Just ignore her.

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23 hours ago, Preacher said:

Under Thai law she only has a claim to 50% of all the assets gained during the marriage. Assets as in gains and loses incurred, for both of them.


Her not cooperating means that it is more difficult to get a divorce as one can then only divorce based on the reasons stated in the law.

Thai law in Thai

.outside there law is void means nothing

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1 hour ago, Autonuaq said:

Do nothing,


Send registered letter to her every 3 month in asking her to come and take care.

Wait 3 years and file the divorce in thai court based on not taken care by her. 

If she not decided to go to the amphur with you and registered the divorces


she locked herself up with the marriage.

And the guy who she is with the friend can also claim compensation for financial losses your friend has due to his involvement with a married woman who wants to divorce.

Section about this you can find back in the thai law for th a bt hidden so foreigner can not find easy



And during those three years she could have racked up millions in debts that dear hubby will be responsible for. 

Clean quick break is the best way. 

Edited by tryasimight
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Sounds like you can get away  with a little  Offer her 50,000 baht and tell her if she does not take it you do not care


You don't care about the divorce You will do a legal separation and be done with it


She will come around take the money and run

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2 minutes ago, realenglish1 said:

Sounds like you can get away  with a little  Offer her 50,000 baht and tell her if she does not take it you do not care


You don't care about the divorce You will do a legal separation and be done with it


She will come around take the money and run


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5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

What a negative grumpy old man you must be.


Thrown off the horse a long times ago and couldn't get back up, what a shame.


I have been happily married for almost 11 years, couldn't imagine living without my mate, and in her country, oh by the way, she was also a hooker as you refer to them.


Maybe you just haven't learnt how to accept, live and let live and most of all, forgive.


Hope you find your wife before your big day, because living in negativity and hurt, is not a way a lot of us would want to go out, one life, live it, and love, love, love, don't be afraid, its sooooooooooooooooo good to be in love, and to be loved 555


There are many western men here on TVF who have married Thai "hookers" as you refer to them, and are as happy as me, the problem here it appears is that you are one of those hurt, negative old timers who has no idea of the Thai system or its culture, tainting every Thai girl with the same brush and not seeking the reasons behind them doing the work they do or have done.


Next thing you will tell me is that selling ones body for money is a crime, wake up chum, its a world wide phenomenon, and males are the catch of the day, just depends if they know the difference between a shark and a mermaid, and how to out swim the sharks out there.


Good luck old son.... 

you need to read my post again old man, it was not me who mentioned the word hookers, but fair play for your admission that you could not get a real descent woman and that you settled for a hooker. i do also know that not all (as you say) HOOKERS are bad people.

its not about being afraid of falling in love or falling off a horse as you put it, its more about finding a good mate who you know before making a big commitment as marriage and being able to live together in the same country. do try to keep on the ball with my post and read what i write and not what you think !:cheesy:

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9 hours ago, grumbleweed said:

He probably didn't bestow upon her the PhD from a western uni and the ability to speak 6 languages, as is so common amongst TV members who marry hookers

Fortunately it doesn't look like he's had time to pass on the "stupid gene"

I have to differ even a girl who was in a bar may have not known any better. There's always a dark.horse. Limited but it's true

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7 hours ago, hellohello123 said:

Far out 


You couldnt of come up with a better stereotype



No house, no assets, no money

Marries thai girl

Divorce within months

She demanding money


I bet i could guess their ages too

And physical appearance

You don't need money to win a girl. A girls are breakable

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11 minutes ago, catman20 said:

its not about being afraid of falling in love or falling off a horse as you put it, its more about finding a good mate who you know before making a big commitment as marriage and being able to live together in the same country. do try to keep on the ball with my post and read what i write and not what you think !:cheesy:

In Thailand

Met mine and agreed to marry in a week, married 2 weeks later.

8th wedding anniversary today, Marriage VISA not expensive, no savings required.


Before in the UK

I dated her for 2 years before marriage, complete disaster.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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3 hours ago, catman20 said:

you need to read my post again old man, it was not me who mentioned the word hookers, but fair play for your admission that you could not get a real descent woman and that you settled for a hooker. i do also know that not all (as you say) HOOKERS are bad people.

its not about being afraid of falling in love or falling off a horse as you put it, its more about finding a good mate who you know before making a big commitment as marriage and being able to live together in the same country. do try to keep on the ball with my post and read what i write and not what you think !:cheesy:

Mate your 100% correct, you did not mention the word hookers, so apologies for that, but as far as your comment goes about not being able to find a decent woman, you are mistaken there, my Mrs puts most women to shame, i.e. I won't go into it because she ticks all the boxes for me, so your putting her down, i.e. "could not get a decent woman" theory just went out the window.


You are probably too selective, hence the reason you haven't found your mate, try free falling every now and again, you never know your luck, because most of the perfect women we farangs marry, makes it just that more difficult for the selective guys just like yourself, but hey, each to their own.


On that note, I will take your advise on reading your posts more accurately, and not the one below yours as I did, suffice to say if HOOKERS are not all bad people then why not try and go for it, or are you searching for a virgin ?


Happy hunting old fella 555

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12 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Mate your 100% correct, you did not mention the word hookers, so apologies for that, but as far as your comment goes about not being able to find a decent woman, you are mistaken there, my Mrs puts most women to shame, i.e. I won't go into it because she ticks all the boxes for me, so your putting her down, i.e. "could not get a decent woman" theory just went out the window.


You are probably too selective, hence the reason you haven't found your mate, try free falling every now and again, you never know your luck, because most of the perfect women we farangs marry, makes it just that more difficult for the selective guys just like yourself, but hey, each to their own.


On that note, I will take your advise on reading your posts more accurately, and not the one below yours as I did, suffice to say if HOOKERS are not all bad people then why not try and go for it, or are you searching for a virgin ?


Happy hunting old fella 555

thanks for your kind words how ever i dont have a problem with any of the above i have had, have and lived with some very good women in the past, one was a hooker but she was a nice lady thats why i say all hookers are not necessary bad people, i know through experience. however having been living here full time for 18 year i do set my standards a little higher than mixing, sleeping or dating hookers, i think i deserve better. but as you say each to their own.


i enjoy living alone and very seldom sleep alone and thats all my choice.


as for the marriage scam i did get married once in the UK when i was young and stupid and did not know any better only to find out 17 years later that it a mugs game design and set up by women and governments to rob you of your hard eared tax paid assets.


lets just say im very happy with the life i choose to live as im sure you are,the only difference being when ive had enough of a lady i just say good bye with no drama when you married lads try to move on you then find out why someone like me dose not do the unnecessary marriage thing here in Thailand. cos it cost you so much money and you end up with so many problems all bought on by yourselves.


any way good luck old fella 555

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25 minutes ago, catman20 said:

as for the marriage scam i did get married once in the UK when i was young and stupid and did not know any better only to find out 17 years later that it a mugs game design and set up by women and governments to rob you of your hard eared tax paid assets.


lets just say im very happy with the life i choose to live as im sure you are,the only difference being when ive had enough of a lady i just say good bye with no drama when you married lads try to move on you then find out why someone like me dose not do the unnecessary marriage thing here in Thailand. cos it cost you so much money and you end up with so many problems all bought on by yourselves.


any way good luck old fella 555

And you for your kind words.


I was also once married in Australia for 12 and a half years and TOTALLY agree with your comments regrading the set up.


I am happy your happy and choose to live the way you do, I have a marriage which most men cannot comprehend, or are jealous of, and that's fine, i.e. I fly down to Phuket, or go to Pattaya when I want to alone, have my cake and eat it too, the most recent a couple of weeks ago, my Mrs knows what I get up to once or twice a year and she is fine with it, she understands we all have needs, although she is not into that herself, and if she was, I wouldn't mind, its only sex.


As for costing me so much to live here, I only invest what I am prepared to lose, 10% so far has provided a big house, car, bike, furniture and a fall back position for her, the rest is mine and back in Australia, there is also a prenuptial agreement that still stands, so if things ever went pare shape and I walked, the only thing I would lose monetarily is the 10%, but the biggest lose for me would be her, and that ain't going to happen, unless one of us departs this earth earlier than expected.


As for raising your standards high, nothing wrong with that, I did the same, and saw the beauty within this creature the day I met her, and she hasn't changed one bit in those 11 years, the job she had, was short in time and was an absolute need to support her struggling family at the time, something I wouldn't want to wish on anyone, that past, she is now the village Queen, still in her blue jeans and white singlet like the day I met her.


Wish you well in your plight mate.

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On 14/02/2018 at 2:30 AM, ajb1985 said:

He doesn’t own a house in England or Thailand. He doesn’t own a car. He has no assets at all really.
Would he have to get a lawyer in Thailand?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

It wouldn't matter if he did own all of that as long as it wasn't bought after the marriage, she does not have any right to anything he owned before the marriage under thai law.

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