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Boris Johnson urged to quit after Thailand sex tourism remarks


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3 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

The article quotes, "making an offensive joke about sex tourism to Thailand – which has notoriously involved the abuse of children."


First of all, I am not defending the abuse of children.

But, for a journalist to talk about sexual abuse of children as though it was a problem peculiar to Thailand?

What about the girls who were sexually abused in Rotherham (UK) while the local council for years continually ignored the problem and ignored the multiple reports submitted to them about it? That's one sexual abuse problem closer to home that is now being ignored, in order to make a cheap jibe at the expense of Thailand.


Ah yes, good point.  So when they are reporting on his speech they should also point out what happened in Rotherham, makes sense.  No wonder I never made it as a journalist.

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:

Prince Phillip is very well known for his whimsical and starge remarks, should

we ask him to resign as well? people are measured with their quality of their deeds,

and not their tongues....


And the quality of his deeds are?


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1 hour ago, jonclark said:


My thoughts exactly - what he said was hardly a lie and lets be frank about it, a fair number of those tourist have gone on to marry the lady (or man) who made their eyes pop in the first place!

that's right...who is kidding who?...we all know more than half of Thailands female population has their goods on display and available for sale with hopes of landing that big fish and a better life...but in the meantime they earn what they can off it...whats the big secret?..we all know its happening..whats with pretending its not?


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If the country looked after society more then this problem of which we do not speak and does exist would not be there. Its only there because people need money to live. mainly poor people who rich people don't worry too much about. Boris should ask the PM to take him for a stroll round Pattaya and look out for the ladies who can do amusing tricks with ping pong balls.

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5 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

I was referring to Boris Johnson as it seemed you were defending him.

You replied to a post that mentioned Prince Philip as the only thrust of that particular post

I doubt Boris served in the Royal Navy during WW2



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3 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

You replied to a post that mentioned Prince Philip as the only thrust of that particular post

I doubt Boris served in the Royal Navy during WW2



I don't want to split hairs but I replied to a post in a thread about Boris Johnson that said people should be judged by their actions not their words, thereby implying that Boris' words were not important - rather his actions should be.  Nowhere in your post did you mention the Royal Navy or WW2.


Anyway now we've sorted that out I think we're in agreement; Boris Johnson is an incompetent buffoon, a liar, a self interested shameless creep and should not be allowed anywhere near the political office he currently occupies.  Prince Philip did something good in WW2.  There we go.  Thank you.

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40 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

Ah yes, good point.  So when they are reporting on his speech they should also point out what happened in Rotherham, makes sense.  No wonder I never made it as a journalist.

I was talking about they way the article was written. I did say, "for a journalist to talk about sexual abuse of children as though it was a problem peculiar to Thailand".


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4 minutes ago, norrska said:

He needs to do something with the ridiculous hairdo....a bit like Trump's.  Am suspecting he either has a large birthmark on the forehead or his mummy used to comb it this way!

At least he's got hair to fool with...:stoner:

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28 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

I don't want to split hairs but I replied to a post in a thread about Boris Johnson that said people should be judged by their actions not their words, thereby implying that Boris' words were not important - rather his actions should be.  Nowhere in your post did you mention the Royal Navy or WW2.


Anyway now we've sorted that out I think we're in agreement; Boris Johnson is an incompetent buffoon, a liar, a self interested shameless creep and should not be allowed anywhere near the political office he currently occupies.  Prince Philip did something good in WW2.  There we go.  Thank you.

Oh dear

My first Post was POST 36 which was in reply to YOUR POST 34

Who you initially replied to I dont know but it was not yours truly 555555555

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6 minutes ago, Borzandy said:

You didn't know there is no prostitution in Thailand and prostitution is illegal.

Gambling is illegal, so is selling alcohol out of prescribed hours, leaving the house without wearing underwear (true).


My mistake, gambling is OK when the government run a lottery scheme. But then it's officially described as  "a game of chance" (true again).

Edited by bluesofa
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9 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Oh dear

My first Post was POST 36 which was in reply to YOUR POST 34

Who you initially replied to I dont know but it was not yours truly 555555555

Ah yes.  I didn't check the names, I just assumed you were the one who originally replied to me.


As you were.

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Man’s unfit for his role. 


His comment promoting the sexual exploitation of others is not something a foriegn secretary should be doing. 


Yes, it happens, we all know that, but seriously, to make light of it in a way that might be fine in the “old boys club” is one thing, it’s quite another to do so when making a major speech on brexit. 


Sack him. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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