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Yingluck gets ready to make her move


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On 2/17/2018 at 9:26 PM, TooPoopedToPop said:

Go for what?

A return to power of the corrupt Shinawatra Clan?


Let's hope that it just sets the stage for the election to be held...not the return of the Shinawatra Clan who were doing their own part to undermine the success of the country for personal gain. 

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On 2/19/2018 at 4:02 AM, JemJem said:

I am no major fan of the junta, but, hmmmm...... a Thailand that is once again controlled or manipulated by Thaksin (who has a record of major corruption and human rights violations).......would some of you really want that again ?!

Who cares..all honour to the Thai people who protest...


I think I will go out and but some parachute wings tomorrow...what about you?

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6 minutes ago, markaoffy said:

the fugitive was convicted by a criminal court, but hey peau Thai junkies love having crooks cheats criminals as leaders. Hit me harder say the peasants 


6 minutes ago, markaoffy said:

the fugitive was convicted by a criminal court, but hey peau Thai junkies love having crooks cheats criminals as leaders. Hit me harder say the peasants 

Good lord...

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Just now, markaoffy said:

Ah I’m sure you think your Lord is good

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Good lord,Allah,Shiva,Yahweh,Quetzcoatl,Huitzilopochochtli.Anubis,Jupiter,Zeus,Zoroaster or  whomsover )please -add in one million gods..


You are not using this forum merely to expound your bizarre politcal views are you?

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3 hours ago, Jools said:

"Corrupt" in Thailand has little meaning. Least of many evils is how I view it. The Shins were elected by the people and remain tremendously popular. The military has repeatedly overthrown elected governments. Many countries would consider this treason. Every Isaan resident I have talked to, supports this family and so do many of those living in Bangkok.

Shame on you Jools.

You've been drinking the Kool-Aid again... or was it lao khao that your Isaan friends treated you to?

The word "corrupt" still has meaning in Thailand. It was raised to an art form here a long time ago.

The mistake made by the Shinawatra Clan is that they were too audacious about it. Brash, bold, and obnoxious, nobody with any intelligence could stand them anymore.

If they still have any support it would only be among gullible bumpkins and screwy farangs.

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On 2/24/2018 at 1:02 PM, Odysseus123 said:

Who cares..all honour to the Thai people who protest...


I think I will go out and but some parachute wings tomorrow...what about you?

 As a retired Army officer myself I know exactly who you're hinting at !

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I have a couple of observations so I'll throw them into the arena.


1.  Someone made a rather veiled criticism about America electing Trump and criticising Trump. My comment on that is it proves democracy actually works, no matter if Trump is a bit of a clown, and other things besides, he made a lot of money, paid for his own campaign unlike the undoubtedly corrupt Clinton woman, and got elected.


That is democracy in action even if some Americans and others think it was a bad choice it was nevertheless the voters choice and their inalienable right to make it.


2.  Everyone says Thaksin was/is corrupt, but the poor people loved him and there is no doubt he did a lot more for them than anyone else. So say my wife and her family and it appears many others. He was democratically elected, no soldiers, guns or tanks involved. As for the corruption, maybe corruption was higher during his time in office but let us not lose sight of the fact that when a Contractor bribes a State Official to get a contract, or someone pays "tea money" for a driving licence etc that money did NOT go into Thaksin's pocket. Whatever Thaksin did in personal corruption was far outweighed by what other officials and police got up to corporately (and clearly from the news still do!) Thaksin concentrated more on improving people's lot and perhaps took his eye off the ball vis a vis combating corruption BUT again - he was elected by the people and overthrown at the point of a gun which is hardly democratic.


3.  Yingluck, and whatever her other attributes might be is I think a gorgeous woman so I confess to a major soft spot for her, was also democratically elected. Corrupt or not I do think her rice-pledging scheme was a good idea to help farmers that got totally hijacked by corrupt officials who unashamedly lined their own pockets. It seems from what I have read that she too took her eye off the ball and failed to rein them in and see them tried and imprisoned and as a result everyone blamed her. Frankly I think she was stupid not to act, but maybe she was in an impossible situation with powerful vested interests, who really knows.  But once again democratically elected - the peoples choice. Not that the fact prevented the army stealing the country once again at gun-point.


What I'm getting at is whatever their faults, these people were elected as the people's choice, not ours, not the UN's, the EU's, the USA's but the Thai people that made the choices.  


4.  And any future democratically elected government could achieve what Yingluck tried to do but failed and get bans and jail sentences reversed for the two shins and any others the Junta have imprisoned. By the same token they would need to get the armed forces under proper control, and that has to mean charging all those in the Junta and supporting them with treason. Not sure if that has ever been done after other coups but it has to be something the present Junta must be looking at with trepidation - true democracy would spell their death knell, quite possibly literally. But it does seem as if all previous leaders have wound up in the courts on one charge or another brought by each new leader and an armed forces purge would not be out of order.


But who would win any free election if such a thing were to be permitted - others have suggested the poor people would be the majority voters so who would they be allowed to choose? Interesting times ahead indeed!


So it is possible the Shins could one day be back in power I guess.



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Thaksin simply followed the Marcos philosophy ,promise the poor you will take them to the promised land and they will follow you forever.


I remember Thaksin wandering around the North East calling himself the "Poverty Doctor" and presenting old people with a crisp new 1,000 baht note,from one of his minders, and telling them all their poverty problems would soon be soon over.


Living in the north the poor still dream of the Shins return.Ask them how he made their lives better and of course that is met with a look of defiance but no understanding that he treated the country as his own company and then handed the poisoned chalice to Yingluck who was totally out of her depth. The Shinawatra's  exploited their positions for their own benefit,the proof is undeniable but the last thing the Junta want is then back in the country.


Marcos did exactly the same in the Philippines and it worked for decades but he didn't have an army to contend with . "People Power'" brought about his demise but they never recovered all his assets he had squirreled away overseas.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/18/2018 at 10:53 AM, cornishcarlos said:


Lol.... About sums it up :)


I'm not a big fan of the Shins, I think they lined their pockets to the point of bursting but they fooled the masses.

The Junta are not really fooling anyone, but they are keeping the peace somewhat and lining their pockets just a little bit.

You are right, there is no magical instant solution, but after 4 yrs of green jackets, I reckon it's someone else turn to get fat at the trough and see what they can do !!! Not the Shins again though...

" and lining their pockets just a little bit. "


How can   you possibly know that? You can only see 1/7 th of an iceberg above water:giggle:

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5 minutes ago, midas said:

" and lining their pockets just a little bit. "


How can   you possibly know that? You can only see 1/7 th of an iceberg above water:giggle:

The other 6/7th of the corruption iceberg is covered up and protected by crony corruption agency, amnesty and just brute bullying. 

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  • 1 month later...
14 minutes ago, Kiwiken said:

Sadly you may point to One possible outcome. And you think the Shinawatras are the only one to blame. Sadly reforms badly needed were only ever half installed. Democracy has always been limited and unable to flourish. Open and transparent Government as in many Asian Countries is limited. The people are kept in the dark by a controlled education system that rewards failure. Thailands transition from Absolute Monarchy to Democracy has always been hampered by an all powerful Military controlled by the Elites. The cycle of Coup followed by Faltering Democracy will continue until they let the Thai People flourish and grow.

I know many dish the Thai people but I for one do not. They survive in adversity but are held back by others unwillingness to trust in majority rule.

Many democratic countries are ruled by elites & big business. Thailand is not alone in this respect. Not saying I agree but it is the reality.

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On 18 กุมภาพันธ์ 2561 at 8:38 AM, Eric Loh said:

This looks like the authority is setting up the scene to link her with the current demonstration. Timing of this report is highly suspicious and the new Nation owners may have much influence. Just my 2 cents opinion. 

exactly chai bunnag who is extremely pro-junta and has large holdings in nation and quite a few more news organisations.


look up aqua story by new mandela. Stock market listed co and back door investment vehicle to channel money offshore. Many junta people part of this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
34 minutes ago, jayboy said:

BBC Thai service reports Yingluck has been granted a 10 year visa for the UK.


If this is true - and there is no reason to doubt it - it is beyond dispute that the international community regards the vendetta against Yingluck as politically motivated.



Also signal that she is done with politics. 

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28 minutes ago, balo said:

Thats good news indeed. But she will probably miss Thailand. At least she got most of her family with her.



I haven't heard much about her son or husband for a while..


I hope that they are OK and left alone by "the management".

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