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Hunt on for Thai man as "Tom" neighbor shot dead after noise complaint


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These kinds of stories just highlight the general contempt for others and the law here. No-one should be under any delusions about it and the dangers people face for saying the slightest thing...especially when drug and alcohol abuse prevails so much in so many. Land of Smiles my arse....wake up and smell the coffee. Land of Contempt and Greed more like.

Edited by Sir Dude
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9 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Oh, really?  Over the past 9 years here in Thailand I have read hundreds, of not more, cases where an argument ensues, and then progresses to someone being shot and killed over the argument, and usually by an illegal gun.  
I don't know what rabbit hole you are living in, but out here in the real world, that's the way a Thai ends an argument far too often.


Don't forget the lao kaw and yaba intake involved.A little argument with a drunk Thai can get sporadic 

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2 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

3300 murders in Thailand to rank Thailand at 5th most.

I can believe the poster that says he's read about 100's.

That would be in one year, easily.



Silly exaggeration of reading habits for dramatic effect. But then think about all the millions of arguments settled peacefully he didn't read about or ignored. :smile:


"If it bleeds, it leads."

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Gun control being quite lax in the US is at least often debated on over there. But, gun control being quite lax in Thailand isn't even debated on much in Thailand. As far as I know anyway (correct me if I am wrong).



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20 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Oh, really?  Over the past 9 years here in Thailand I have read hundreds, of not more, cases where an argument ensues, and then progresses to someone being shot and killed over the argument, and usually by an illegal gun.  
I don't know what rabbit hole you are living in, but out here in the real world, that's the way a Thai ends an argument far too often.


And the untold majority of arguements that do not end in violence?


My "real world" consists of personal snippets which is limited in scope, experience and dimension. It hardly qualifies me to issue blanket statements about the subject of Thai gun violence.

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21 hours ago, JSixpack said:


Confirmation bias, bigotry, and knee-jerk. Now you're waffling into "far too often." But I see how your percentage of likes is quite high. 

He might not be that far off. A study by the U.S. NPR radio and published in Coconuts BKK in 2015 .


The violent gun death rate in Thailand is more than TWICE as high as that of the United States, according to a US network of public radio broadcasters.

NPR ran the data from the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation after the recent mass shootings in California, and found Thailand had 7.48 violent gun deaths per 100,000 people in 2013.

That’s over twice the gun death rate in the US, which had 3.55 deaths per 100,000 people in the same year.

Thailand also has the highest gun death rate in Asia, the data shows.

It had 50% more deaths than the Philippines, which also beat the US gun death rate with 4.64 deaths per 100,000 people.

They were followed by Sri Lanka with 2.79 gun deaths per 100,000, Cambodia with 1.58 and Myanmar with 1.10.

The university admits that it is difficult to get a true figure of gun deaths around the world as many countries underreport the number of gun deaths.

An online database by Gunpolicy.org, run by the University of Sydney’s School of Public Health, estimates a smaller gun death rate for Thailand.

It says there are around 3.48 deaths per 100,000 people, which is just under that of the States, AFP reported earlier this year.

“Thailand has a fervent gun culture on par with the United States and has become a world leader in firearms-related homicides,” US State Department’s Bureau for Diplomatic Security wrote in a safety report, AFP said.

Photo: Reuters

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