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Nigerians and Thai taxi driver arrested after dramatic chase in Aranyaprathet


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18 minutes ago, djayz said:

Unless you are 1) black or 2) travelling on a Nigerian passport, I don't believe you have any need to worry about there being greater scrutiny or more hassle for you at the Thai/Cambodian border. 

Then again, I don't think that they would/could impose stricter regulations on only one nationality/race, but they'd (have to) do it on all (third country passports).

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14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

The Africans were eventually rounded up in a sugar cane plantation

Just doin' our work, masta. Don't arrest us, please!



The cops are looking into the background of the Nigerians and the taxi driver to see what they were up to suspecting that it may well have something to do with illicit drugs.

No shit, really?

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14 hours ago, Blue Muton said:

Lock them away until they come up with the money for their plane back to Nigeria, assuming that no other criminal activity can be proved would be my preferred option, along with a lengthy (100 year plus) ban on re-entry. And before anyone starts screeching "racist" in response, I'd opt for this punishment for people of any race or nationality.

Yes but the Nigerians are so proud of their scams that they produced a popular music video making fun of their victims in the U.S. So--screw them and the taxi they rode in.

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2 minutes ago, tonray said:

Chasing Africans through the cane fields.... Can't get much worse optics than that.... Oh snap this ain't America 

Southern states only, please. I hate it when Commonwealth people go America this and America that when referring to southern white trash of a mostly bygone era.

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2 minutes ago, halloween said:

And yet, look who got elected.

He's just a general jerk who doesn't know what he hates or likes nor his butt from a sinkhole. He likes African-Americans who worship him. And he lost the popular vote by 3 million; furthermore I give 50% odds that the Russian trolls tipped the balance by concentrating on swing states.

Edited by Dustdevil
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7 minutes ago, Dustdevil said:

Southern states only, please. I hate it when Commonwealth people go America this and America that when referring to southern white trash of a mostly bygone era.

I'm American and grew up in the northeast... racism is not confined to southern states I'm afraid. 

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3 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

They should have gone to the UK. Instead of being rounded up by the British authorities, they would have been given a place to live, plenty of free money and healthcare. And gone about their shady business without interruption.

Utter nonsense !

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14 hours ago, speedtripler said:

What happens to them now? 

It has been told if they quickly get some tatoos and enter into a membership of a motorcycle gang the Brotherhood through their Connections may contribute to fix a 1 year Retirement visa without the need showing proof of funds of 800k/thb in a Thai bank nor Income of 65k/thb/month - the cost has been told to be 2000aud/Equal to 70.000thb  - OHH, an additional fee may apply in this case to manage to meet the age requirement....:coffee1:

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The drama began around 8am when a policeman on his rounds saw two black men vault over a wall into the car park at Rong Klua market.

Well, at least I now know how easy it is to exit Thailand in a hurry (or enter Thailand, depending which way you're going).

Is this wall location on Google Maps?
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55 minutes ago, ttrd said:

It has been told if they quickly get some tatoos and enter into a membership of a motorcycle gang the Brotherhood through their Connections may contribute to fix a 1 year Retirement visa without the need showing proof of funds of 800k/thb in a Thai bank nor Income of 65k/thb/month - the cost has been told to be 2000aud/Equal to 70.000thb  - OHH, an additional fee may apply in this case to manage to meet the age requirement....:coffee1:

wouldn't it just be easier to start  GoFundMe page? 

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Finally they caught someone!  I knew all along it wasn't an innocent small child, guy waiting patiently at immigration or random tourist at an airport.


Best to search me again though maybe I commuted a horrific crime from check in to duty free.

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