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Top Ten Things NOT to do in Thailand – the basics


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3 hours ago, ezzra said:

How about, for the 10th times, stop publishing these nonsenses that even Thai

people to adhere to them any longer and those acts are largely forgotten and

disregarded of the rush to social media mentality and the me, me, and only me society...    


You need to get outside BKK, Pattaya, etc.

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what a load of crap, fantasy that belongs in the dark ages. Should tell the thais to try practicing these things before putting it on others, they are the worst offenders. Time for Thailand to crawl out of the dark ages and throw this garbage out seeing very few of them even abide by it, think someone has been pissing in this mans pocket

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1 Never drive.

2 Do not put your house in your wife's/girlfriend's name.

3 Never go to a police station.

4 Never ask a taxi driver to use the meter.

5 Always do your own adding up in a 7-11.

6 Never get into a fight with a Thai man - the odds escalate to 8+ to 1.

7 Never drink Lao Khao - it makes you go blind.

8 Do not feed/stroke any dogs.

9 Do not give money to beggars especially those using children.

10 Never use a restaurant that allows dogs to wander among the tables.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Touching someone on the head, if you’re not intimate with that person or unless they’re very young, is going to be taken as an disrespectful or, at least, a cultural faux-pas.

Don't follow Prime Minister Prayut's example?


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2 minutes ago, berybert said:

Never point with the feet. 

Feet are dirty, feet are the lowest part of the body and the lowest form of human life.

Wear nice shoes Thai's are impressed with nice shoes.



Well i got some nice shoes, trouble is i cannot get them on, maybe ask Jip 99 help me.:cheesy::cheesy:

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3 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

All very nice.


1) keep control over your finances at all times.

2) Keep your partner away from ex-pats bar girls wives, she will try and poison your relationship.

3) belieave 3% of what your told.

4) Believe  5% of what you see.

5) Don't take things to serious, its supposed to be fun to live here.


Just a few pointers left off that list

Anyone got a few more.?  :jap:


Most important of all......do a professional background check on her. Most girls who marry farangs  are still in contact with their Thai men even with other farangs if she's a bar girl.  A woman in my street has been living on and off with farangs in Europe for many years which is amusing because her Thai husband lives here as well! They have a teenage son who  goes to an expensive uni. About 3 years ago she sent sami 700K baht.He bought a new car and gold jewelry.


Thai's couldnt careless about western culture  and customs. Do and donts in LOS are just  nonesense.   Just remember never to raise your voice or use the F word , dont hurt stray cats or dogs.  DONT  drive here.





Edited by lanista
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5 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

Years ago, but not now for the most part. Who writes this garbage. 

I think the points made in the article are still very true today.

This article is obviously addressing people that are new to Thailand or who are thinking about coming to Thailand.

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Oh, the famed Thai culture. Since it's an army invention from the 30-40's and given the same lot is in power again, how about a few updates? Maybe bring an obligatory graaaaaab when entering the country?


What you see on the streets is of course a totally different matter.

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

How about, for the 10th times, stop publishing these nonsenses that even Thai

people to adhere to them any longer and those acts are largely forgotten and

disregarded of the rush to social media mentality and the me, me, and only me society...    


I like to think I do have some respect for Thai culture, after all, the biggest majority of Thai people in my experience, are mostly decent and honest people, but no way am I going to sit on the sidewalk and take off my trainers to enter any public shops or offices, even if there are flip flops outside the door.

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4 hours ago, dinsdale said:

Don't point. Well I was told this one and believed it until I saw a Thai pointing. I decided to take notice of if Thais point. Well, they do it all the time. Don't point in anger. Well Thais do this all the time but I wouldn't recommend this. Don't get angry with Thais full stop. Thais (I know this is a bit of a generalisation) cannot control themselves. 

As for not wearing shorts to places like immigration is just nonsense.

Public shows of affection with a pic showing a couple holding hands. Well times have changed and you see this all the time.

"As for not wearing shorts to places like immigration is just nonsense".

At the Pattaya DLT office, there is a picture of what you are asked not to wear, one of them is guys in shorts.

I started to take notice of this and all the Thai guys were wearing long trousers, and all the Farang guys, except me, were wearing shorts.

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3 hours ago, CharlesSwann said:

Any opinions on this: is it rude to present banknotes, say at the supermarket checkout, not all the 'right way up'? I tend to pay no attention to this when I pull a bunch of notes out of my pocket (I never carry a wallet - too bulky) but notice that the cashiers always meticulously rearrange the notes before putting them in the till, as if that somehow affects their value.

Shame the banks don't do the same then as ATM's chuck out money every which way but loose !

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1 hour ago, lanista said:


Most important of all......do a professional background check on her. Most girls who marry farangs  are still in contact with their Thai men even with other farangs if she's a bar girl.  A woman in my street has been living on and off with farangs in Europe for many years which is amusing because her Thai husband lives here as well! They have a teenage son who  goes to an expensive uni. About 3 years ago she sent sami 700K baht.He bought a new car and gold jewelry.


Thai's couldnt careless about western culture  and customs. Do and donts in LOS are just  nonesense.   Just remember never to raise your voice or use the F word , dont hurt stray cats or dogs.  DONT  drive here.


Above all, just use genuine common sense and 99% of the time you will be OK.

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I went to a funeral last week and two Thai women were on the row in front of me with their feet on the chairs. The base of their feet were displayed towards the monks to the right of us. The monks were speaking, people were answering phones.


Regarding dressing appropriately, I don't live in a tourist town but women of many ages seem to wear short shorts here. I can't help but look as they have great legs. Students seem to wear the shortest of skirts too, usually accompanied with flip flops or sandals, showing their feet.


Regarding the head, Thai's sometimes touch each others heads if they are a couple, as a sign of affection. I wouldn't touch a strangers head in my home country so why would I here?


I think the list needs to be updated for the 21st century






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24 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:


Maybe so, but walking around Pattaya, the streets, shopping malls, restaurants etc How many Thai guys do you see wearing shorts? I am not saying they should, or Farang guys should not, it is just a matter of personal choice.

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9 hours ago, ezzra said:

How about, for the 10th times, stop publishing these nonsenses that even Thai

people to adhere to them any longer and those acts are largely forgotten and

disregarded of the rush to social media mentality and the me, me, and only me society...    


Yet they bring in TONS of fugly PRC tourists who would do exactly the opposite of 'Thai culture' Someone should be writing a detailed article on the finer details of police tea money and how to drive dangerously, dont you think? 

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3 hours ago, possum1931 said:

"As for not wearing shorts to places like immigration is just nonsense".

At the Pattaya DLT office, there is a picture of what you are asked not to wear, one of them is guys in shorts.

I started to take notice of this and all the Thai guys were wearing long trousers, and all the Farang guys, except me, were wearing shorts.

Ok. I keep forgetting that here in Thailand there's no consistency/standarisation if you like when it comes to immigration.

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51 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

Ok. I keep forgetting that here in Thailand there's no consistency/standarisation if you like when it comes to immigration.

There is no consistency when it comes to anything in Thailand, every government office, and banks etc, all make up their own rules.

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9 hours ago, mikebell said:

1 Never drive.

2 Do not put your house in your wife's/girlfriend's name.

3 Never go to a police station.

4 Never ask a taxi driver to use the meter.

5 Always do your own adding up in a 7-11.

6 Never get into a fight with a Thai man - the odds escalate to 8+ to 1.

7 Never drink Lao Khao - it makes you go blind.

8 Do not feed/stroke any dogs.

9 Do not give money to beggars especially those using children.

10 Never use a restaurant that allows dogs to wander among the tables.

What do you propose when a little big man complete with a golden tow rope round his Gregory & in full Bee-Gees rig pushes in at the lottery queue as happened to me today?

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