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Two American women held in Thailand after allegedly caught with fake US dollars


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12 minutes ago, Scott said:

Counterfeit money is handled by the Secret Service.   Usually, people from their home country can tell a fake bank note more easily than a foreigner.   They tend to feel differently.  


In the past, both North Korea and Syria were involved in making fake $100 bills.   The cost of producing a good fake was really expensive, though.  


I once worked for a US gov't program in Thailand and we had a training session with Secret Service  and they passed around fake notes.   The US citizens almost always could tell the fakes, but the non US citizens had trouble.   Those were all good fakes.  


Thank you for your answer sir

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14 minutes ago, Scott said:

Counterfeit money is handled by the Secret Service.   Usually, people from their home country can tell a fake bank note more easily than a foreigner.   They tend to feel differently.  


In the past, both North Korea and Syria were involved in making fake $100 bills.   The cost of producing a good fake was really expensive, though.  


I once worked for a US gov't program in Thailand and we had a training session with Secret Service  and they passed around fake notes.   The US citizens almost always could tell the fakes, but the non US citizens had trouble.   Those were all good fakes.  



I have read about the same thing. That the paper quality is one of the key factors and I mentioned that in a post here ...that I thought the women would be able to feel that.  I think probably they got a little greedy and Sanemax I believe made a good point when he said that they probably thought they would just be turned away from a change place and that would be the extent of it. They would act shocked and surprised and go on their way!!

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32 minutes ago, amykat said:

Where is there a credible source here who can prove anything about police, court or embassy NOT knowing about this case???

Where has there been evidence produced to show that they DO know about the case ?

   Its very easy to prove tat something happened, but its neigh on impossible to prove that something didnt happen

   All they have to do is show their charge sheet or bail papers

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10 minutes ago, Makara said:

Actually didn't go quiet. Had to go to sleep since you know we have a 14 hour time difference. Just getting up. I have a career and a family to support so as much as I would like to have continued to talk, I simply could not. Weird how that is. Responsibilities taking me away from the internet. Now with that being said I am going to scroll through all the comments, read as much as I can, but I won't be able to comment until later because I have to get my children and myself ready for work and school. Some of the people on here are truly unbelievable. 

Still no hotel address.



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53 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Where has there been evidence produced to show that they DO know about the case ?

   Its very easy to prove tat something happened, but its neigh on impossible to prove that something didnt happen

   All they have to do is show their charge sheet or bail papers

But they don't have to show it to you personally. There was at least one newspaper in CA who reported this.  They usually have some standards and check on what they report. They may not have been able to talk to people in Thailand but they probably talked to people in CA like family members, their bosses where they work, and who knows what to verify a few basic facts at least.  As other news media are doing stories there, they will verify certain things also according to their standards which they do have.   Do they have jobs, are they criminals, do they have decent reputations ...maybe they saw some evidence of the arrest ...we don't know?


I don't think faking arrests is a standard problem in the world that we are worried about protecting ourselves against.  You have to consider also, that these people will be ruining their reputations for a petty amount of money, to do this whole fake scam too??  It is not that hard to earn money in California for decent people. There are a lot of people involved and I have pointed that out before and so has their friend there ...it is mostly people who know them who are giving.  It just seems ridiculous to me.


These are not Thai bar girls. I think some people have just gotten paranoid from living here and dealing with scams and the situation in places like this for so long.  Like someone said, this is LOS, land of scams, but that is perpetrated by Thais for the most part, that reputation does not come from US tourists coming here to scam people!!  Maybe a few other groups but not them.


Just because in your imagination it COULD be possible, does not mean it is likely or probable.  Chances are against it in my opinion. 

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23 minutes ago, Justfine said:

Still no hotel address.



Why on earth would they let the world know their address ?? For some useless people to go there and make more trouble ?

Apparently they are already in trouble, sure they don't need more, pls try get a grip.

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14 minutes ago, amykat said:


So post your name, address, photo and they will come to your house and discuss it??  You are making these accusations so why don't make them in person and stop hiding here?  Are you really so stupid that you expect them to fork over their personal information like that to a pack of anonymous biased wackos on the internet??


Who do you think you guys are to make such demands??  Give me your credit card number ...because I want it!


Let me see your medical records because I want to confirm you are sane before we continue this discussion. Please post your entire life's medical history after you do your name, address, photo and credit card ..okay??


Thank you!!!


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Just now, Makara said:

So I am going to say this one last time as I stated before. I cannot comment until later as to the fact I have a family to get ready and support. But really, you would like me to supply their address so I can send an angry mob their direction? What reality are you living in where you think it would be okay for me to give a private address on a public forum for hundreds to see? How can you base your question,  and a lack of a quick enough response (in your opinion) as a scam. Time to go be an adult now, and join the adult world, and make adult decisions in my adult career. I'll be watching the thread when I can and getting back to those who are respectful here on out.

You use lots of words yet say nothing.


That's how Nigerian scams work.

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1 minute ago, amykat said:


So post your name, address, photo and they will come to your house and discuss it??  You are making these accusations so why don't make them in person and stop hiding here?  Are you really so stupid that you expect them to fork over their personal information like that to a pack of anonymous biased wackos on the internet??


Who do you think you guys are to make such demands??  Give me your credit card number ...because I want it!


Let me see your medical records because I want to confirm you are sane before we continue this discussion. Please post your entire life's medical history after you do your name, address, photo and credit card ..okay??


Thank you!!!

With your continued irrational rants , over reacting and exaggerating, as well as you posting things that are not true and making irrelevant points, you really need to stop questioning other peoples mental state

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i have asked around. and who i ask  . says maybe if the girls were in thier teens.  its possible its a mistake. but the women look like they are in thier 30s.  have they ever seen a one hundred dollar bill?  these fake bills dont have the  metallic stripe on them. and thier are ten of them...........1000 dollars........the girls would have to be incredibly stupid (mentally ill) to have not known they are fake.  but do u really want to know why we have to speculate endlessly. because most of us are from the west where the free press would be all over this story and give us info.  in Thailand the govt hides info from the people. so we have to speculate.........the girls were American so i would assume they know what a 100 dollar bill would look like. 

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"They are currently being transffered to a women's facility in Chaing Mai Thailand. Their Court date is Set for Monday, Febuary 26th , which is Sunday afternoon our time.


Over there counterfiet currency is severe criminal offense. As it stands, it is possible that they could receive anywhere from 1 to 15 years!!!! We need your help to secure a lawyer for them before the court date. "


The court date has come and gone.

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Posts removed.   One person is on a suspension and I see we have a nonsense troll who will be next.  


Stay on topic and keep it civil.  


Edit:   Now another member is on suspension and more posts removed.  



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this story is very strange and in time the truth will come out tha fact that anyone close to the girls are lashing out at anyone asking questions about the story, or outright deleting their posts in the gofundme speaks louder than any evidence that could be uncovered to verify the claims therein. I think the person posting as Don Juanig is correct in his posts on the gofudnme page itself.

"Dear Desiree It is not my desire to offend, but to look at the evidence as presented. People do things whilst travelling that they would never tell their parents. I haven't taken any personal steps to confirm or deny the girls' story, mainly because it doesn't merit that kind of attention. They are certainly not sympathetic characters in my eyes because they did the wrong thing, no matter which way you look at it. Do I dislike or look down on them them? Absolutely not. I have no feelings for them either way. I just look at the evidence objectively. If Brandon says it was spirit money, then copy is written clearly on each note. Impossible for the girls to miss on ten to twenty notes. Exactly US$1000? :) You know something doesn't add up there. Dodgy girls for taking and keeping the money even if real(or a passable North Korean/Chinese counterfeit note) and dodgy girls for knowingly trying to pass off fake cash. It belies your description of them any which way you look at it. I'm not their family, so I'm not blinded by love. At the same time, I don't appreciate someone trying to insult my intelligence with blatant lies."

I am not involved in the case / story at all and simply read the story I saw posted because I recognized one of the girls from a concert I went to in California, since then it seems a lot of things aren't adding up and that the friends and family are convinced of the truth of the story but attack anyone that questions it. One person is even seen making death threats on their facebook (public post, if you look for it) because they ask about the counterfeit bill story in the CA news.


Perhaps the arrest was something they are too embarrassed to share and the counterfeit bill scenario seemed like a good cover story for the people back home?
Maybe it's an elaborate hoax designed to scam friends and family out of thousands of dollars?
Why would a story that doesn't merit any attention... attract so much attention???

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It would be quite easy for one of their 'Friends' to PM the hostel address to one of our interested CM posters so nobody else would need to know - So do it now.


Secondly the court date has been and gone, any of those so called friends got any info on that ?? Come on speak up, we can't hear you.

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38 minutes ago, thadvert said:

this story is very strange and in time the truth will come out tha fact that anyone close to the girls are lashing out at anyone asking questions about the story, or outright deleting their posts in the gofundme speaks louder than any evidence that could be uncovered to verify the claims therein. I think the person posting as Don Juanig is correct in his posts on the gofudnme page itself.

Let me get this straight ... you think that deleting posts of wackos who are persecuting them based on nothing but their own personal ignorance of their hotel address ....is more valid evidence than ANY EVIDENCE that could actually VERIFY THEIR CLAIMS.


Is that what you are trying to say? I believe that is a more accurate way to say it in fact!!


I bet there is a good chance that you are Don Juanig.  He has posted on their site 7 times out of the last 20 posts in one day.  He lives here.  He has no interest in this other than to bother them and drive his point home, over and over again like many people on this thread.  He has no specific information.  I don't know how many times he posted before today.  He claims he had many posts deleted already so I could not count those too.


What seems wrong with this picture? Are these serial killers we are trying to keep off the street?  Is this crime much worse than possibly shoplifting or something?  Would you want to see these women stuck in Thailand for 15 years had they done something like that?  They found some fake money and tried to cash it in ... they are not printing millions of $.  They didn't rob a bank.  Do you think some of you might have a mild obsession and maybe your dislike of Western women is also showing itself here ...I'm not sure but something strange is going on!!

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8 hours ago, farcanell said:

Wow... you are still not listening.... your reading comprehension seems unusually low... you suggest that I think you must be young... I do... your comments are what lead me to that thought, as they lack maturity, or the ability to converse with any semblance of logic or, more importantly, progression


other posters have already clearly posted that they have investigated... that there is no local knowledge to be found... how many times do you need to be told?


the “someone” that has got to know something, seems to be the admin person for the gofundme page.... that seems to be the origin of the claim, and the only source.


as a friend, in a tight knit community (per your claim), you must know this person, or someone who does. Surely even you can see that this is the first place to start.... and again.... any comments suggesting that this person cannot make comment because of lawyers advise, is BS, and insulting to our intelligence.


again I ask you to back up your claim that this is not a scam, by offering one (or two) verifiable facts... surely, as a friend in a tight knit community, you can do that.


hell... do that and not only will I give an unreserved apology, but I will also make a donation .... so right there is your opportunity to help your friends...(if they are your friends)... prove it by helping them in this matter.

Yes one of them is my friend. Yes my intention is to help. Yes I intend to do all I can to prove this is not a scam. And if I am wrong, well then not only will my friend loose a lot of friends, family members respect, and be in even more trouble than they already are, including the others setting up gofundme accounts, then I will personally apologize as well. This will not happen over night. I am in the states and there IS a 14 hour tmie difference. I am dumbfounded by the amount of people who think this is a scam. I am telling you now if it was a scam the US would have already stopped the gofundme account and corrected everything on this end. 

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8 hours ago, sanemax said:

I have an idea .

We have some budding journalists here on TV

Lets organise a meeting and write our own story and post it here on TV

After all, this forum is linking to a national newspaper .

The girls can explain everything :Where they found the money , where they tried to change the money , which Police station were they taken too , who was the arresting officer , how much bail they paid , when is their next Court case and various other bits of information .

   We can jointly write the story and post in here on T.V.

Can you ask the girls whether they are willing to participate 

Yes I can

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6 hours ago, sanemax said:

I did post that about someone getting fake dollars from an ATM  and all I did was to make the connection between him posting that on his facebook and his GF getting caught with fake U.S $ in Cambodia the next day .

   There must be a connection between him posting that and this case, so, I do feel that its relevant and I never claimed that he "planted" that


We are on different time. He posted that after there arrest. Good god.

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