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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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19 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Or maybe because of personal reasons that are, at a personal leve, beyond our knowledge; a systemic failure in our Government's mental health strategy; the failure of our government to tackle wage decline in real terms; a lack of affordable housing being built to sustain the expanding population's aspirations?

I can still remember watching a documentary back in the UK, where a 20 odd year old woman (sitting in a living room probably larger than my house) declared that the poor were poor because they didn't work hard enough :saai::laugh:!


She genuinely didn't have the intellectual capacity to realise that her privileged upbringing and parents' wealth was precisely why she was so fortunate.....

Edited by dick dasterdly
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10 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

Nobody voted for it ?   Only the highest ever turn out for a democratic vote in British voting history..... 17 million people voted OUT, and the only problem is the lefty tree hugging pratts like yourself at the Guardian can't get it through your addled brains that out is out.......... Britain is British, ruled by the British, and Johnny foreighner can do what the F____ he wants........ Bye bye and good riddance........

No.  You misread or otherwise: nobody voted for the dog's dinner we have now.  

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1 minute ago, dick dasterdly said:

Agree entirely, but IMO it's due to the vast majority of politicians/big business and their media being determined to subvert the referendum result....

Obviously, people will be opposed to something which they view as damaging.  It is up to the Brexiteers to provide a cogent plan to allay fears.  So far, we have seen the opposite!

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1 minute ago, JAG said:

Whilst I don't subscribe to the "Johnny Foreigner" rhetoric, you make a good point which is often (conveniently) overlooked by those who wish that the referendum result had gone the other way. It was the highest turnout, perhaps not ever, but certainly for a very long time. Much higher than the general election that followed (66% or so). There is a definite campaign to ignore it, one at which the Guardian (and cynics may say their broadcasting partners at the BBC) are at the front of. There was a settled choice by the British Electorate to leave. That fate has dealt us a spectacularly bum hand in the shape of this incompetent government (alleviated only by the fact that the alternative is even more dire) is more than unfortunate but does not change that result.

The argument has moved on from the result!  People come back to this point because in all honesty they haven't got a clue how Brexit can be done, and I'm not sure it can be.  Frustration! legal and emotional.  Sometimes you just have to let things drop if you can't make it happen.  Yes, I agree quite possibly the worst ever government.  But there it is!


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1 hour ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Hopefully a General Election result that leaves parliament with a Remain majority will end this farce. Labour are slowly coming to their senses and as the Brexit disaster becomes even more obvious than it is now, a Remain majority should be achievable.

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And if it's 51% remain and 49% leave you will give us another referendum will you?

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3 minutes ago, JAG said:

The argument started with the result, and however far and widely it ranges, it remains about the result! The result is the one constant factor.

Brexit can be done, although I accept it may/will have painful consequences. The alternative is to accept that our sovereignty as a nation is gone, and we must accept whatever an unelected political class in Europe decides. Constitutionally parliament is sovereign and cannot be bound by any other body, including the monarch, and certainly not by a foreign body such as the European Commission. We have paid a heavy price for insisting on maintaining our sovereignty before - and much if not most of Europe has been grateful to us in the past for doing so. I dare say we may have to again.

No, the result is not disputed.  What is disputed is the shape Brexit will take.  Because many people don't want a hard Brexit they get accused of not accepting the result!  For some reason, many Brexiters assumed a win was tantamount to a mandate to do anything they wanted regardless of personal and national self- interest.

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And if it's 51% remain and 49% leave you will give us another referendum will you?

I was referring to a Remain majority being elected at a General Election and the democratically elected parliament making the decision, as should happen in a parliamentary democracy.

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The EU has not harmed me personally.
In 1912 my grandmother liked Germany. Remind us of what happened in subsequent years.
It pays to look both ways when you want to cross the road.

Exactly. The EU is a hope against nationalism. Shame the UK has been acting against the common interest of all Europeans.

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This has already happened. Why don't you accept that a democratically elected lower house overwhelmingly voted to endorse the result of the referendum.

I've accepted it. Just as I hope you will accept the decision on the final terms and the decision to reverse Brexit, if that is what is decided. If Brexit means the destruction of the UK economy it will not happen.

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9 hours ago, Air Smiles said:


So stop voting because you got the result you wanted?

You obviously are unused to the word and meaning of democracy as understood by the majority of people in the UK.


Our voting system has always been exactly that. Once a result has been established, then that result is the one that legally stands.


I always objected to a Labour government. Does your answer indicate that all those who agree with me should have the right to "keep voting until we got the result we wanted"?


Of course not. What a very stupid thing for you to say!

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8 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

Has NOTHING to do with Brexit, it hasn't even happened yet. It is the Tory government who is responsible

What the world is seeing now is that the EU has so many complex rules and fees that no one country has yet to use......so as Brexit unfolds, UK is the first to partake of the exit rules.........and it is a bitter pill they have to swallow..........harsh penalties...........BUT OF COURSE, the UK can say BLOW OFF WE WILL NOT FOLLOW THESE EXIT RULES and then let the EU courts (Really?) decide their fate............Theresa May is hard but they need a guy like Donald Trump who is so harsh and brassy that he cares about what no one says to him.........make the UK Great Again...... MUKGA

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10 hours ago, cooked said:

maybe there is a housing shortage due to the impossibility of planning for an economy that allows hundreds of thousands of immigrants in every year? 

Dunno, that;s probably racist.

No, just true.   You may recall the instance of a homeless man being found dead near Westminster recently, and all of the immediate outpouring of grief for political mileage, including Comrade Corbyn laying flowers at the location where the man died:


"The homeless man who died yards from Parliament returned to the UK illegally after being jailed for sexually abusing a child and kicked out of the country, it was claimed today. 

The former model from Portugal died in freezing temperatures just yards from the entrance to Parliament.

The man, named in his home country overnight as 35-year-old Marcos Amaral Gourgel, was a regular at an emergency shelter run by central London homelessness charity The Connection.

Portuguese government officials confirmed Marcos, who was of Angolan origin, had been deported in 2014 and 2016.


Its Ministry of Portuguese Communities Abroad told respected Portuguese daily Expresso: 'In 2014 he was deported to Portugal by the British authorities and assisted on his return.


'In 2016 we were made aware he had been deported again from the UK for being in the country illegally.'

Respected Portuguese daily Correio da Manha claimed his first deportation happened after he served prison time for sexually abusing a child.

It was not made clear how the dead man, who is understood to have had dual Angolan and Portuguese nationality, managed to return to the UK.   


Portuguese authorities have not been able to contact next-of-kin yet to tell them about Marcos' death and say they have no record of any family currently living in Portugal.

A source from the Ministry of Portuguese Communities Abroad said: 'No direct relatives of the dead man have been found in Portugal.

'It is known they could be living in other countries, namely Angola, where he had family connections.'


Staff at The Connection said they had been helping him try to find a job and he had submitted an application form last week - hoping to become a waiter. They added that although he had 'complex circumstances', he enjoyed singing and regularly attended yoga classes.

A spokesperson for the charity said they were 'deeply saddened' by his death on Wednesday morning.

'He had worked previously as a model and in various hospitality jobs,' they added.

'He put in a job application to be a waiter as recently as last week. Although he had complex circumstances, he enjoyed singing and regularly attended yoga classes.'

Pam Orchard, the charity's chief executive, said: 'These tragic deaths are not just statistics. Everyone who is homeless is someone's son or brother or dad.


'He had strengths, talents and skills but he also had problems and things went very wrong for him. The support shown by the wider public for him and his situation has been very moving.'

 The man was discovered in Westminster underground station by the back entrance to the Palace of Westminster, which politicians and their staff walk through every day.

Temperatures plunged to -2.1C in the areas last night, and many homeless people use the station to get shelter from the freezing temperatures outside.

Politicians said they were horrified at the news of the tragedy, and said it should serve as a wake-up call to do more to combat the rising numbers of rough sleepers.

Members of Jeremy Corbyn's office said they knew the man and laid flowers at the scene last night.

Mr Corbyn left a note on a bouquet reading 'This should never have happened. As a country we must stop walking by. Rest in peace'.""

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1 minute ago, drchuckknisley said:

What the world is seeing now is that the EU has so many complex rules and fees that no one country has yet to use......so as Brexit unfolds, UK is the first to partake of the exit rules.........and it is a bitter pill they have to swallow..........harsh penalties...........BUT OF COURSE, the UK can say BLOW OFF WE WILL NOT FOLLOW THESE EXIT RULES and then let the EU courts (Really?) decide their fate............Theresa May is hard but they need a guy like Donald Trump who is so harsh and brassy that he cares about what no one says to him.........make the UK Great Again...... MUKGA

'that he cares about what no one says to him" You are just as coherent as the great orange, go to the same school did you ?

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10 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

 If Brexit means the destruction of the UK economy it will not happen.

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We are the sixth largest trader of goods and services in the world Do you think people are going to stop trading with us because we have left the EU. The non nannied Brexiters feel leaving will actually increase our trading activity.

As for our current position this from the CBI and OBR a few days ago. To me, it doesn't sound like an economy that's headed for destruction.

Growth in the UK’s dominant services industry has surged in the last three months with profits rising at the fastest pace since November 2015, according to a new CBI survey.

Meanwhile, confidence among businesses and professional services is growing with a further pick-up anticipated in the coming three months.


The OBR may have turned negative on productivity at just the wrong time, as the latest two quarters of higher productivity growth are the strongest since 2008, so they might have to backtrack on that as well.” 

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15 minutes ago, R123 said:

Pathetic and embarrassing that the Brexit politicians never really believed they would win the referendum and were totally unprepared for it, and still are.



The referendum was called by a remain supporter who held power at the time. Get it?

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42 minutes ago, Grouse said:

So the advantage of Brexit is?


Volkswagen may care; a bit


BMW will move production to Czech.


What is the point again?

Stop asking for answers that have already been explained, Grouse.

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55 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I was referring to a Remain majority being elected at a General Election and the democratically elected parliament making the decision, as should happen in a parliamentary democracy.

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These democratically elected parties should honour the manifestos that they were democratically elected on!

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