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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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13 hours ago, Justfine said:

Thais, Japanese and Chinese people are Brexiteers?

I think your inability to understand that comment rather lends itself to the stereotypical view of how a Brexiteer thinks..... Or rather doesn't think.

You also seem to fail to realise that your comment about "Thais, Japanese and Chinese" is in itself an example of racism....so QED.

Edited by Airbagwill
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1 minute ago, Airbagwill said:

I think your inability to understand that comment rather lends itself to the stereotypical view of how a Brexiteer thinks..... Or rather doesn't think

No such thing as a Brexiteer.


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1 minute ago, Justfine said:

You edited a 3 word post? 


Gee you socialists haven't improved much in 150 years.

I think that failing to understand the value of an editor would as you suggest put a person backwards in time.

But you seem to think editing was invented 150 years ago. Is this another fascinating fact discovered by Brexiteers?

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2 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

Sorry i thought  was going to read about Brexit , but judging by the last lot of comments i must have wandered into the little childrens classroom .

I gave up at page 15....cant believe its still the same posters with the same outlook ...200 pages of nonsense. Will check back in next Mrch

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2 minutes ago, evadgib said:

We're saved then?

Anyone who thinks leaving the biggest single trade bloc on the planet and replacing it with piecemeal trade deals with minor economies dotted around the world is going to work needs their head examined.

Edited by Airbagwill
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11 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

Sorry i thought  was going to read about Brexit , but judging by the last lot of comments i must have wandered into the little childrens classroom .

You have to realise that in a thread as long as this its good to get some light relief when someone like JF comes along.

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6 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Justfine, while you dream up your strawman arguments against socialism, you might want to reflect on the point that it was socialism that provided you with the NHS while you were growing up, access to an education, the backing of a welfare state and the backing of the services that you'll rely on when things go wrong for you in Thailand and you run home to the comfort of the socialist nanny state.

Strawman - another word used by people on the internet but not in real life.


Too bad your assumptions are all wrong as well.


Oh well.



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9 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Never a right wing project, if you look into the details the EU is a VERY right wing project.

People that want out are seeking self government and a fair democratic system.

Forget the smoke and mirrors, look at what is happening.

Oh right, so when the UK Conservative Party complain about 'Regulations on business from the EU' that's right wing regulations is it?


Are the EU regulations protecting the environment right wing regulations?


How about EU regulations on the banks (that the Tories are eager to get rid of) are those right wing regulations. 


Let's not forget EU laws on human rights, gosh more rightwing stuff.


EU laws on protecting personal privacy, sickening righwing EU thinking. 


EU courts forcing corporations to pay more tax - a sneaky rightwing plot.


The EU and that idea they have to enact the Common Consolidated Tax Base and in doing so close loop holes businesses use to dodge tax - More EU rightwing laws thankfully delayed by the objections of Britain's left wing Tory government. 


Away with you and your nonsense claims George.

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3 minutes ago, Justfine said:

Strawman - another word used by people on the internet but not in real life.


Too bad your assumptions are all wrong as well.


Oh well.



The only assumption I make is you are from the UK raised in the UK, if so then the statements I have made are correct.

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1 minute ago, billd766 said:


It also provided the State pension IF you paid in enough contributions. It also FROZE the state pension if you had the temerity to chose your wife from a different country and want to live with here there.


It also nationalised many businesses like the railways, the Post Office, British Telecom etc and those industries lost money for the state due to being vastly overmanned and inneficient.


Still for a socialist the silver lining is that it is easy to spend other people money.


"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money [to spend]."


I trust you are not arguing for full state pensions to be paid IF you haven't paid enough contributions. That aside you argument is against socialism, but you want others to carry the burden of your pension (your pension contributions come nowhere near the fund size required to pay your pension - your pension is subsidised by general taxation).


Nationalisation of the railways is back on the political agenda, it seems a profit can be made from privatising the railways and creating monopolies, but the profit is made at ridiculous cost to people's pockets and the provision of poor service. 


The post office was not nationalised, it was established as a national 'government run' service, BT was not nationalised, it grew out of the post office. 


The problem with socialism in the UK is it is reserved for Banks to socialise their risks at cost of the public service and the public purse. 




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