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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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9 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Sorry, your post doesn't make any sense as a response to the facts provided by Aright. We were told, a while back, on this forum that a weak Sterling would create stagflation. Why didn't that happen?

We are well aware that most posts containing logic and fact don't make sense to you, I won't confuse you further by replying. 

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12 hours ago, nauseus said:

Bloody hell, talk about labour market paradise! An impractical proposal except for short-term contracts. Who in their right minds would want to work (alone) for more than a year or two, then leave the system once they were in it, innit?  




But there are a lot of short term contracts available, they don't appeal to people that are already settled in the UK, they appeal to migrants, 90% of our seasonal agricultural work is taken by short term migrants, I think everyone prefers that those migrants go home during the months they have no work rather than sitting in the UK on benefits.



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6 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


May I ask who the ‘we’ are that you refer to. Do you represent other posters on this forum, or is the ‘we’ just intended to add weight to your comment  …… thanks

The Royal We.

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Au contraire ….. a vote requires more than one person, and as I hope you are aware, The royal we, is the use of a plural pronoun to refer to a single person


... apologise everyone this has somehow been posted twice and I can't find a way to delete it ??

Edited by Eloquent pilgrim
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12 minutes ago, nauseus said:

There are plenty of items (mainly food) with tariffs of >15%, some much more. 

Yes but the EU also has FTA with over half the world and most of the developing countries which mean most don't have to pay that tariff. 

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1 minute ago, transam said:

I would have thought it was only natural for members to sit back until it is finally sorted, common sense to me...:stoner:

and while the deck of cards are sorted on one table on the next they have finished the game

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4 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

So you don't represent anyone else, you just like to make it sound as if you do. Thanks for the clarification ?

 4 hours ago, simoh1490 said:


The Royal We.


Perhaps he meant the royal wee.

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For those who keep talking about the "will of the people"


 For you constitutional law is just something that happens to other people, isn't it?


There is no "British people" and hence there is no "will". That's fascist talk, the kind of thing the Russian propaganda machine churns out on a daily basis. 


And the parliamentary vote is the key. Referendums have no legal force unless such force is embodied in the legislation. That is not the case here. As DAG points out, the government can claim a mandate for "leaving the EU", but that gets us nowhere near the practicalities of it. Many UK government agencies are making no plans to leave EU bodies because they know fine that it wont come to that; to borrow the words of the hapless Chris Grayling, who claimed on Question Time that there will be no checks on goods coming in at Dover after Brexit, "there's no other way of doing it".


Reality nullifies Brexit. Get over it. 

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7 minutes ago, tebee said:

For those who keep talking about the "will of the people"


 For you constitutional law is just something that happens to other people, isn't it?


There is no "British people" and hence there is no "will". That's fascist talk, the kind of thing the Russian propaganda machine churns out on a daily basis. 


And the parliamentary vote is the key. Referendums have no legal force unless such force is embodied in the legislation. That is not the case here. As DAG points out, the government can claim a mandate for "leaving the EU", but that gets us nowhere near the practicalities of it. Many UK government agencies are making no plans to leave EU bodies because they know fine that it wont come to that; to borrow the words of the hapless Chris Grayling, who claimed on Question Time that there will be no checks on goods coming in at Dover after Brexit, "there's no other way of doing it".


Reality nullifies Brexit. Get over it. 

Very confusing, whatever it is.

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26 minutes ago, tebee said:

For those who keep talking about the "will of the people"


 For you constitutional law is just something that happens to other people, isn't it?


There is no "British people" and hence there is no "will". That's fascist talk, the kind of thing the Russian propaganda machine churns out on a daily basis. 


And the parliamentary vote is the key. Referendums have no legal force unless such force is embodied in the legislation. That is not the case here. As DAG points out, the government can claim a mandate for "leaving the EU", but that gets us nowhere near the practicalities of it. Many UK government agencies are making no plans to leave EU bodies because they know fine that it wont come to that; to borrow the words of the hapless Chris Grayling, who claimed on Question Time that there will be no checks on goods coming in at Dover after Brexit, "there's no other way of doing it".


Reality nullifies Brexit. Get over it. 


“The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object.”

 Thomas Jefferson

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7 minutes ago, aright said:

The will of the people was expressed at the referendum. Are you saying we should keep having referendums until you get the result you want?

Maybe just that now once people get to see what Brexit will actually mean for them, they might want to reconsider.

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14 minutes ago, aright said:

The will of the people was expressed at the referendum. Are you saying we should keep having referendums until you get the result you want?


It's not about getting the result I want, but I would support another referendum, yes. 


For one, the last one was too long ago, half a million voters have died since then and another half a million are not old enough to vote, they deserve their vote on this.  Also because the Leave campaign are currently accused of electoral fraud, and so I believe it should be put on hold until the investigation is complete and if it is true then it should be nullified and done again.  And then there are the polls where the public back a second and final referendum in a large majority.  If you believe in the will of the people then you would back a second referendum, the public want it by a 8 point lead.

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