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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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National referendums can be permitted by an Act of Parliament and regulated through the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, but they are by tradition extremely rare. Due to the principle of parliamentary sovereignty meaning that they cannot be constitutionally binding on either the Government or Parliament, although they usually have a persuasive political effect.

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8 minutes ago, vogie said:

And in the next sentence it doesn't even mention the European Community. You are obviously a person who won't admit to being wrong making it very difficult to have a sensible debate, it is a pointless exercise going any further with you.


"The Government have recommended that Britain should stay in on the new terms which have been agreed with the other members of the Common Market."


You think I am wrong?  Its in the first sentence, admit you were wrong!

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18 minutes ago, Jip99 said:


Ah, Brexit reversal....the continuing wet dream of Remoaners !

Some headlines today :- 


House of lords poised to derail exit tomorrow as Tory rebels back Labour.


May stands ground, PM refuses to drop customs union plan.


May to be ousted as PM if she surrenders on customs union


Rolls Royce Brexit exodus? considers move to Germany


David Davis ready to resign if UK stays in EU customs


Aren't they doing well ?

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15 minutes ago, aright said:

Do you mean like Germany?

Last year we knew that the German election would not result in one party having an overall majority so a hung Bundestag was a certainty and word has it if policies don't change it will get progressively more hung. 



They have a coalition government up and running although Mutti seems to have lost some of her authority but she is a wily old bird but this isn't about the Bundestag it's about the Tories and the DUP.

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12 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Imho..the UK should now stand their ground and the eu will ""bottle it" at the last minute..the eu needs our money..call their bluff.
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It's not 'your' money, when you earn money you have a tax debt to the government, it's their money. If you had any control over the treasury you would stop sending financial help abroad, you would put more money into the NHS, you would lower payments for refugees, you would stop or lower remunerations to the members of the house of lords, etc but you don't because it doesn't belong to you. Neither do you have power over legislation but you like to think you do, every 4 years you can put a little cross on a piece of paper and that was it.

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27 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Are you completely thick? This has been discussed many times. And it has been shown by numerous T.V. Members that we ALL knew, which ever way the Democratic ( sorry! For using that word) vote went, that decision would be acted upon.

Get over it and accept the decision of you country,instead of trying to undermine it. Or is your name T. May.




Pay £39 million?

It is only right ands proper that we pay for liabilities carried over from prior to Brexit. no confirmed figure has yet been agreed, but £39 billion, payable in instalments until 2064 is the current estimate to cover, among other things. Farage's fat EU pension!  


Remain in the single market and customs union?

Those of us who live in the UK and pay attention to the news know that May has not agreed to this; far from it. Indeed, following last weeks vote to do so in the Lords she stated that it would definitely NOT happen. Of course, as we are a Parliamentary democracy, that may be overturned by Parliament; but only if enough of her own MPs vote against it.


Obey All current and new EU law?

Current EU laws have been incorporated into UK law following Brexit, because doing so is the only way Parliament can then decide which to keep, which to amend and which to dispose of post Brexit. Where does it say that we will have to comply with EU laws passed after Brexit?


Comply with ECJ judicial oversight?

Like a customs union, this is one of May's 'red lines' which she will not cross. However, again, she could be overruled by Parliament.


Continued common fisheries policy?

The UK has agreed to continue in this during the transition period, i.e. until 1st Jan 2021. Then the UK becomes an independent coastal state with the ability to set its own fisheries management law. When the U.K. becomes a coastal state, it has the right to control who fishes in a 200-nautical-mile zone around the island, known as the exclusive economic zone.


Comply with budget commitments?

This is merely the same as "Pay £39 billion." Whoever made up this rubbish is obviously determined to make the list longer by repeating themselves; pathetic.


Continued free movement?

A complex issue. Should those British nationals exercising a treaty right in another member state be allowed to continue to do so post Brexit? Will, they will only be allowed to so do if nationals of the other 26 currently exercising a treaty right in the UK are allowed to do the same.


Post Brexit is a different matter, one made even more complicated by the so called Irish question. Freedom of movement has existed between the RoI and UK since the founding of the Republic. But with Ireland in the EU and bound by the FoM directive and the UK not; can that continue?


As you can see, most of the propaganda you copied is simply falsehoods. For the remainder, freedom of movement, the issue is extremely complicated and no agreement has been reached yet.


1 hour ago, nontabury said:

the Democratic ( sorry! For using that word) vote went,

 Why; perfectly sound word.


Of course, you should have typed 'democratic' (lower case d) as 'Democratic' (upper case D) is a proper noun, usually meaning a political party in the USA.


Unless you mean in you believe that some way that party influenced the referendum result?

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9 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Did you actually vote in the referendum of 1975? I must admit that in that year, a time before google and mass information, I along with,I beleive 99% of the population, thought we were joining a trading block, certainly not what it has undemocratically evolved into.

Unfortunately for the remoaners, we do now live in an age, where we now have access to both sides of the argument, and for those who are not blinkered, and can think for themselves, we decided that enough is enough,we want OUT.


No, I wasn't old enough, but you didn't need google and you already had mass information in the form of newspapers, radio, TV and the Post Office who delivered the three pamphlets to every household.  I really don't think you can speak for 99% of the population when the very first paragraph of one of the pamphlets told them that the aim was to make Europe one country.


When surveyed, people who did not vote in the referendum state that they would have voted Remain 2:1.  In Australia's compulsory voting system Remain certainly would have won and with a margin of around 3 million.  You can argue that the non-voters who wanted to remain only have themselves to blame, which is fine, but it remains clear that actually what 'we' want is to remain in the EU.

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19 minutes ago, nontabury said:

True enough, you mention the unelected HOL and some M.P.s . But you forgot to mention the British people. According to you and your like, they’re irrelevant.

  If, And I repeat if, Britexit does not take place,in it’s full meaning, expect many, many years of turmoil in our country. The E.U will never be accepted by the British people.Never,Never.

A wily old politician once said, "In politics one should never say never''.

At the moment it is all emotion, once the final verdict is spoken it is back to the daily grind, after a few weeks of impotent angry posts in the comments section from leave or remain all will be forgotten, yesterdays fights are so boring.

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34 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Some headlines today :- 


House of lords poised to derail exit tomorrow as Tory rebels back Labour.


May stands ground, PM refuses to drop customs union plan.


May to be ousted as PM if she surrenders on customs union


Rolls Royce Brexit exodus? considers move to Germany


David Davis ready to resign if UK stays in EU customs


Aren't they doing well ?



Headlines! PMSL..



I thought you learned the lesson about reading headlines 2 years ago..



Obviously not.

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29 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Imho..the UK should now stand their ground and the eu will ""bottle it" at the last minute..the eu needs our money..call their bluff.
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Sure, we just call their bluff and gamble with 12.6% of our GDP and the EU will fold to save 3.1% of theirs, its not like they would know they were holding all the cards, is it?

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1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

Oh dear, back to the history books. Nothing like being used by your country to facilitate growing up. My father served in the navy in WW2 afterwards they tried to recall him for the Korean war, he threw all his medals and the call up papers on the fire then had to go to the police station to say the dog ate the letter.

Your Dads a good man, my respects to him.  I'm sure I would

have done the same..Bloody wars.

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1 minute ago, Jip99 said:



Headlines! PMSL..



I thought you learned the lesson about reading headlines 2 years ago..



Obviously not.

At the very least it gives one the feeling that the supplies and HQ behind the lines are preparing for what is called a tactical retreat. Chaos is a mild description and shows a country torn down the middle. Never mind when it's all over and little Louis takes his first steps and a new series of 'East Enders' comes out all will be forgotten, perhaps a royal funeral, what a uniting thing that would be, depressingly pathetic but true.

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5 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

What about the unemployment in Spain..Greece etc..what about the subsidy junkie countries..the PIGS plus eastern eu countries..stats are only stats..the truth is the truth

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Why would any of that be relevant to trying to call the EU's bluff?  They are a damn site bigger than us so they have a damn site more bargaining power, deal with it.

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4 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

What about the unemployment in Spain..Greece etc..what about the subsidy junkie countries..the PIGS plus eastern eu countries..stats are only stats..the truth is the truth

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I suppose, unlike the UK, they can't all have zero hour contracts and maxed out credit cards and call it full employment. As you say truth is truth, government stats says the UK has 5,000 homeless turns out it is 50,000.

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1 minute ago, Odysseus123 said:

The most useless debate in the 21st century,


Can you kindly stop boring us?


After all we have Big Don and Big Kim to contend with..


Can't you just watch films of departed glory?





What about do you want Trump to finish his............ You aren't being forced to read the posts.

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16 minutes ago, nanglong218 said:

Keiran0001, were you there in 75.  Answer the question.

Now that's a very philosophical question! My final year at university; long hair, flairs, prog rock! Yeah, I was there man ?

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4 hours ago, soalbundy said:

No, May is in the corner listening to what the EU, many of her ministers, a large section of her MP's and the house of lords are telling her. Customs union seems to be staying and almost (bar a few commas) free movement is being discussed (only way to solve the Irish question). Leaving seems ever more pointless. 

I can see us leaving "The Customs Union" but effectively remaining in the customs union in all but name and the fact that we will give up our seat at high table! Why? So the damned Cons can claim to have delivered what the morons get what they think they wanted. Great! Well done! Biscuits all round.

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