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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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1 minute ago, dick dasterdly said:

It's not brexit using Ireland as a bargaining chip - it's the eu....


Reality presumes we look at a negotiations from all sides , examine the impacts and make our decision base on possible risks/ benefits arising from potential outcomes. Name calling he said / she said is the politics of the playground and ends up with someone lamping the other. 

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8 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Compared to those decades it is - at least there's no bombings shootings on an epic scale. Have even been on the open top tour bus of Falls Road / Shankhill - can't imagine doing that and living as a Brit back in the day !

weren't allowed to open your mouth at the supermarket. mirrors to check under the car when you left. pretty shit mate. you were hated there. 'brit bastard'

Edited by Happy enough
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Just now, Happy enough said:

weren't aloud to open your mouth at the supermarket. mirrors to check under the car when you left. pretty shit mate. you were hated there. 'brit bastard'

Yes - only a fool would want those days back or threaten what probably is a relatively fragile peace. But for Brexiters it's just another coal  to throw on the funeral pyre of a United peaceful , prosperous Kingdom. 

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1 minute ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Yes - only a fool would want those days back or threaten what probably is a relatively fragile peace. But for Brexiters it's just another coal  to throw on the funeral pyre of a United peaceful , prosperous Kingdom. 

i don't know. they made their choice and at least they have one. i'm in 2 minds about it. i think it was mainly down to immigration but the whole brexit thing may have cost more than they expected. just let them get on with it. lot's of stuff to sort out, good luck with that 555

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Just now, Happy enough said:

you know what i find really sad about the uk. and to a certain extent my wife and i were lucky as bought when we could. most people in london cannot afford a place of their own to live in. that's <deleted> up

Exactly.  Many of us were lucky to live and work in the 'golden age'.


Buying a house was attainable/company pensions were very good etc. etc.


Times have changed so that those without company pensions for some reason blame those who were lucky enough to live through this 'golden age' - rather than blaming the companies and politicians!

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1 minute ago, Happy enough said:

you know what i find really sad about the uk. and to a certain extent my wife and i were lucky as bought when we could. most people in london cannot afford a place of their own to live in. that's <deleted> up

Agreed - but that's far more to do with Quantitative Easing , historically low interest rates , Thatcher selling off council houses ,  Buy-to-Let being allowed to let rip and a globalised economy rather than the EU. And yes I and my missus have done well had we not maybe I would see the world differently. But O'Level economics suggest if we make the pie smaller than we all get to eat less.  Brexiteers seem to think leaving the Eu is some magic wand to cure the Uk ills at a stroke. Just heard this week that a very popular EU doctor in our local practice is leaving to go back to Poland. Money's better there now , she can probably afford a house and has a welcome back home. Same for many thousands of dedictated NHS  health professionals that have decided to give the Uk a wide berth. 

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and then you realize why you appreciate the thai system. foreingers not owning land. for example. battersea power station flats have been bought up by chinese but there are plenty of people in battersea that need a home, not just dogs ; )

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Just now, dick dasterdly said:

Exactly.  Many of us were lucky to live and work in the 'golden age'.


Buying a house was attainable/company pensions were very good etc. etc.


Times have changed so that those without company pensions for some reason blame those who were lucky enough to live through this 'golden age' - rather than blaming the companies and politicians!

I blame the global elites who control the wealth and have doubled their share in the past decade. That's the root cause of the impoverishment of the working / middle class. - not the hard working Polish couple down the road working hard and contributing to society. It's not them that's the problem it's an army of Brit born shameless types if we want to go down the road of victim blaming.


Image result for shameless channel 4

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4 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Agreed - but that's far more to do with Quantitative Easing , historically low interest rates , Thatcher selling off council houses ,  Buy-to-Let being allowed to let rip and a globalised economy rather than the EU. And yes I and my missus have done well had we not maybe I would see the world differently. But O'Level economics suggest if we make the pie smaller than we all get to eat less.  Brexiteers seem to think leaving the Eu is some magic wand to cure the Uk ills at a stroke. Just heard this week that a very popular EU doctor in our local practice is leaving to go back to Poland. Money's better there now , she can probably afford a house and has a welcome back home. Same for many thousands of dedictated NHS  health professionals that have decided to give the Uk a wide berth. 

selling off council houses. probably shouldn't but will comment. my mum bought her place on eversleigh road in clapham for next to nothing. know how much it's worth now? over half a million. no shit. 850 at last check

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Just now, Happy enough said:

selling off council houses. probably shouldn't but will comment. my mum bought her place on eversleigh road in clapham for next to nothing. know how much it's worth now? over half a million. no shit. 850 at last check

I don't blame her - good luck she took advantage of the hand that was dealt. What should have happened was with the proceeds of the initial sale the money should have been ring fenced to build more social housing. 

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2 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

I blame the global elites who control the wealth and have doubled their share in the past decade. That's the root cause of the impoverishment of the working / middle class. - not the hard working Polish couple down the road working hard and contributing to society. It's not them that's the problem it's an army of Brit born shameless types if we want to go down the road of victim blaming.


Image result for shameless channel 4


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Just now, beautifulthailand99 said:

Agreed - but that's far more to do with Quantitative Easing , historically low interest rates , Thatcher selling off council houses ,  Buy-to-Let being allowed to let rip and a globalised economy rather than the EU. And yes I and my missus have done well had we not maybe I would see the world differently. But O'Level economics suggest if we make the pie smaller than we all get to eat less.  Brexiteers seem to think leaving the Eu is some magic wand to cure the Uk ills at a stroke. Just heard this week that a very popular EU doctor in our local practice is leaving to go back to Poland. Money's better there now , she can probably afford a house and has a welcome back home. Same for many thousands of dedictated NHS  health professionals that have decided to give the Uk a wide berth. 

The 'horror' of inflation also helped, as salaries used to rise in those days to match inflation.


Agree entirely about thatcher selling off council houses.  We sold our first house to somebody who was very happy to sell their council house to buy our property....  Interest rates (from memory) were relatively high at this point.


Good to hear that a polish doctor can now be paid more in poland??

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5 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

I don't blame her - good luck she took advantage of the hand that was dealt. What should have happened was with the proceeds of the initial sale the money should have been ring fenced to build more social housing. 

but they have all that now. for example i bought a place in earlsfield. used to be the wandle primary school but converted to flats. i think it was 20% they had to sell as affordable housing and then they also have deals for 'key workers' nurses, teachers and police fireman etc

Edited by Happy enough
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11 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

If the EU was to blame for falling salaries, why is the rest of the EU outperforming the UK in that respect? It is our government that is taking a hammer to workers' rights and allowing businesses to abuse and exploit at will.

Easily fixed. Vote for Socialism (Corbyn) at the next election.

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6 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

I don't blame her - good luck she took advantage of the hand that was dealt. What should have happened was with the proceeds of the initial sale the money should have been ring fenced to build more social housing. 

The council house was sold for a pittance.  But I agree that the relatively tiny amount of money paid for the house should have been ring-fenced to build more social housing.


These exchanges would probably be better served in the 'Corbyn' thread?  It has little to do with brexit.

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14 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:



Good to hear that a polish doctor can now be paid more in poland??


Probably not, but  the lower pay there might well buy more than in the UK. My step-son is a Junior doctor here and gets roughly the same as a NHS Junior Dr at the same level ( about 1 million) It's only because many NHS Drs do ridiculous amounts of overtime and/or Locum work, that it's worth considering working there ( which we are doing) 

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21 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

but they have all that now. for example i bought a place in earlsfield. used to be the wandle primary school but converted to flats. i think it was 20% they had to sell as affordable housing and then they also have deals for 'key workers' nurses, teachers and police fireman etc

Really?  When was this?

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35 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Good to hear that a polish doctor can now be paid more in poland??

It's not that. Probably she can feel the hostility and animosity around her. First the Poles were welcome, now they are forced to leave and go home. Similar to immigrants

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46 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Agreed - but that's far more to do with Quantitative Easing , historically low interest rates , Thatcher selling off council houses ,  Buy-to-Let being allowed to let rip and a globalised economy rather than the EU. And yes I and my missus have done well had we not maybe I would see the world differently. But O'Level economics suggest if we make the pie smaller than we all get to eat less.  Brexiteers seem to think leaving the Eu is some magic wand to cure the Uk ills at a stroke. Just heard this week that a very popular EU doctor in our local practice is leaving to go back to Poland. Money's better there now , she can probably afford a house and has a welcome back home. Same for many thousands of dedictated NHS  health professionals that have decided to give the Uk a wide berth. 

33 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Good to hear that a polish doctor can now be paid more in poland??


12 minutes ago, tebee said:


Probably not, but  the lower pay there might well buy more than in the UK. My step-son is a Junior doctor here and gets roughly the same as a NHS Junior Dr at the same level ( about 1 million) It's only because many NHS Drs do ridiculous amounts of overtime and/or Locum work, that it's worth considering working there ( which we are doing) 

"Just heard this week that a very popular EU doctor in our local practice is leaving to go back to Poland. Money's better there now , she can probably afford a house and has a welcome back home."


So the doctor is not going to be paid more in poland - you just made that up...


So why state it as

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1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

A fair point, but probably only 1-2% of Brits choose to live in another EU state, so it's not relevant for most.


There are already more than 30.000 Poms asking or begging for a EU passport in Germany. More will come.

But you are right. The ability of learning a second language is not widespread in UK.

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