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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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47 minutes ago, tebee said:

The Prime Minister confirms at PMQs to me that there is NO level of damage Brexit can inflict on UK firms and jobs that will lead her to grant the people a final say on the deal and a chance to exit from #Brexit. This is the state we are in"

Right tebee,, spot on.


Like I told you before.


A remainer told me down the pub, that his wet, smelly follow through was down to Brexit. It definitely was nothing to do with 15 pints of Guinness and a Vindaloo.


Hearsay is nothing my good man, time you stopped believing it as Gospel.

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38 minutes ago, vogie said:

Two questions.


1: Why are they "parying for Mr Nigel Farage"


2: Did you get your doctored meme off facebook?

1. It's a broad church - the poor refugee child thinks Mr Farage is his friend and will look after his interests - he is in good British company there.

2. Nontabury is the uncrowned meme King - answer no from Google Images search term "Nigel Farage is God. "?

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6 hours ago, tebee said:

Another of my occasional questions for the leaver amongst you.


After the debate on the Lords amendments the other day, Theresa May was reported as saying she will deliver the Brexit the British people voted for, no matter how much damage it does to British business, the economy and jobs.


Does this seem a reasonable policy to you and one you could support?

Only the delusional would think that this is what Joe Public voted for.


She has also claimed that the UK is a union of equals but effectively denied the devolved nations any say in the debate. This week has certainly highlighted how much damage she has inflicted on what is now the DK. As far as TM is concerned you will get what I give you, like it or lump it.

Even the revolt she is supposed to have defused has raised its head again.


Ex-Tory attorney general Dominic Grieve told The Independent he spent the morning negotiating with ministers and agreeing a wording to a new amendment, but claimed what was tabled later in the afternoon had been altered.


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5 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Only the delusional would think that this is what Joe Public voted for.


She has also claimed that the UK is a union of equals but effectively denied the devolved nations any say in the debate. This week has certainly highlighted how much damage she has inflicted on what is now the DK. As far as TM is concerned you will get what I give you, like it or lump it.

Even the revolt she is supposed to have defused has raised its head again.


Ex-Tory attorney general Dominic Grieve told The Independent he spent the morning negotiating with ministers and agreeing a wording to a new amendment, but claimed what was tabled later in the afternoon had been altered.


But Joe did vote for Brexit and to let the gov sort stuff....


You seen to like individuals that write for newspapers....Good hobby I suppose, music is my thing though..

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3 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

No offence Grouse, old bean, but since you called for this topic to be closed down, any comments you make to me now fall into the ‘broken pencil’ category


Do you really have nothing else to do, other than post comments on a topic that you wish no longer existed ??

Actually I did complain about the level of acrimony and general unpleasantness here. I did not specifically request closure. I respect the moderators on this matter. I have enjoyed vigorous debate on this board for several years. I did not mention individuals specifically, but two relative newbies need to learn how to debate with rather more decorum

Edited by Grouse
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16 minutes ago, The Renegade said:



As a newbie, I must admit, I am struggling to recall you debating anything. All I seem to see are snide remarks, insulting remarks and all round general nothingness in the way of debate.


The word you are looking for is Decorum. 


As you are so unhappy, perhaps you should Brexit the thread.


As Grouse indicated, this thread, following on from its predecessor, has been running for a few years now and we have had some vigorous back and fore over that time, more than a few suspensions and lots of dummies being routinely spat by some of the more exuberant characters who posted.


However recently it has become tainted by snide attacks by certain newbies. The gall of you now to suggest that one of the mainstays of this thread should leave would, had it come from another, be quite staggering.  


How I hark back for those halcyon days where neighbours were friends, Britain was great... 

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29 minutes ago, The Renegade said:



As a newbie, I must admit, I am struggling to recall you debating anything. All I seem to see are snide remarks, insulting remarks and all round general nothingness in the way of debate.


The word you are looking for is Decorum. 


As you are so unhappy, perhaps you should Brexit the thread.


I did warn you.

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26 minutes ago, tebee said:

I've always held the belief  that if people have to resort to ad hominem insults it's because they are losing the argument, so I assume I've won. 

I wish that worked with the English cricket team?

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1 minute ago, CG1 Blue said:

To be fair, you often suggest people you are debating with are uneducated or lack intelligence, and that's not pleasant.

Not many of us can claim to be pleasant all the time on these threads.



I have never commented on intelligence


I have pointed out that poor or no tertiary education is correlated with voting leave


I have abandoned the use of the word "Numpty"; Populist seems to be the PC word now.


I do not indulge in ad hominem attacks


I am taking action

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7 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

Sorry, but saying they were misled (i.e. gullible) and lack cognitive ability is quite similar to calling them stupid


In 1973, 67.23% of those who voted, including myself, voted to stay in what was then the EEC. 


We based that decision on the arguments put forward by both sides at the time; with the 'Yes' arguments being more convincing.


You believe that to have been the wrong decision; so were we all misled, or as you put it; gullible and therefore stupid?


7 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

The fact is a lot of people, myself included, fully understood the consequences, and made their own minds up rather than getting sucked in by the propaganda on both sides. We were already hard coded against the EU project. We never wanted to be a part of such a project

I want to believe that most people in both referenda, whichever way they voted, based their decision on the facts; weighing them up and forming an opinion as to what was best for the country.


Unfortunately, evidence at the time and since shows that in 2016 a significant number based their vote to leave on false information put about by certain fringe elements of the Leave campaign (such as publicising yet again false EU directives like the one supposedly insisting upon straight cucumbers!).


What is worse, a significant minority based their leave vote on matters which had nothing to do with the EU at all. The most common being non EEA immigration into the UK. Something which, as earlier posts in this topic prove, some Brexiteers still think is down to the EU!


Misled? yes. 


Misinformed? Yes.


Gullible? Maybe.


Stupid? Being any or all of the above does not make one stupid; neither does ignorance of or being uneducated about a subject.


7 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

So it doesn't matter how many doomsday scenarios are thrown at us, we just want out, and then to build from there

I still firmly believe that, for all it's faults, remaining in the EU was the better option.  But Leave won the referendum, so leave we must.


We have made our bed and must now lie in it; whether it be a bed of nails or a bed of feathers.

Edited by 7by7
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Would be good if this treat would be more factual again.

It does not speak against it, if one has a contrary opinion.


What annoys me are the posts with the structure:

Personal insult


Personal insult


Unfortunately, the thread has lost in level in terms of informative and respectful information exchange.



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