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PM Prayut urges all parties concerned to help solve prostitution problem


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2 hours ago, z42 said:

I would dread to think just how much of a gaping hole (no pun intended) shutting down the sex trade would leave.

These foreign mongers, for all their flaws do pump a lot of cash in and this money does go to Thai brass on multiple levels.. Regulate it and actually make it safer for the ladies and gents working in this trade, and make even more cash too, forget so called morals. They certainly don't appear to exist at a government level

More government regulation? No thank you.

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Just now, Somtamnication said:

LOL. More than 40% of the GDP and he wants to shut it down? Reminds me of a Supertramp song "dreamer, nothing but a dreamer"......

:unsure: ??? Thai prostitution is estimated at about $8 billion, a lot for sure, but it is not 40% of an economy that is $400 billion. :coffee1:

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3 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

He didn't say that at all.


He suggests that talking about solving the problem had gone on long enough and it is time for action.


Having said that, without specifically directing who specifically has to do what specifically, the collective "all parties concerned" will give a collective shrug, look at their feet and wait for this fresh but disproportionate scrutiny to all die down. I mean he could easily assign people and entities to make this their new priority but that may come across as a bit dictatorial... as well as shorting some well-connected revenue streams.

 He actually said this. 

"Thai people should not prolong talk on this issue which would only serve to cast the country in a bad light"

He didn't mention anything about action, that was your invented word, not his. In any case Prayut is not an action man......he is only a talking man! Blah, blah, blah.....


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3 minutes ago, Cadbury said:

 He actually said this. 

"Thai people should not prolong talk on this issue which would only serve to cast the country in a bad light"

He didn't mention anything about action, that was your invented word, not his. In any case Prayut is not an action man......he is only a talking man! Blah, blah, blah.....


A singing man

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1 minute ago, KiChakayan said:

Same here I still indulge, rarely now, but Pattaya is a festering sore, contaminated by the worst tourists of the planet.

only been there once, an unfriendly money grabbing bunch there. The best night life and the friendliest I found was Chiang Mai

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It's already well on it's way! The minorities should understand that once the host dies, the parasites are soon to follow!


How do You Know if the Parasites are Gone After a Cleanse?

Edited by Bangkokazy
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3 hours ago, Chang_paarp said:

Stop seeing it as a problem and the issue will go away. Most of the population does not see it as a problem.

Totally agree, Its the oldest profession in the world going back 1000s of years , indeed my dad says marriage is only a legalised form of prostitution lol

      Its would be catastrophic for Thailands tourist industry and the money it brings to all the Thais here.

     Maybe Mr Gambia is jealous of Thailands fame an fortune, that all Gambia gets is old obese ginger ugly woman to get serviced by their beach boy image. 

      I fail to see the problem apart from the obvious human trafficking etc 

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32 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

only been there once, an unfriendly money grabbing bunch there. The best night life and the friendliest I found was Chiang Mai

I'm guessing that was some time ago? I moved out of Chiang Mai a year ago having had a year there, at that time there wasn't a nightlife worthy of mention.  A few half decent Thai style restaurant bars, a couple of craft beer bars but plenty of Thai targeted 'hostess' bars (where folks pay to sit and drink with the pretties then go home), all of which had to close by 12 midnight.

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This man's buffoonery has no end.  You notice he said foreign.  Are foreigners also denied other things Thais enjoy like Pad Thai and Som Tam?


Had dinner on night with a well educated, beautiful Thai woman years ago.  She playfully asked me what I thought of prostitution.  Before I could answer, she said her brother would pay for it from time to time.  She condoned it. 


Again, taking the hi-so Thai side to every argument without fail.  The man numbs the mind. 

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How ignorant can this guy get?  Hey Mr. Prayut,,,,,, This is what made your country what it is today! Take it away and you'll be full of Chinese and Russians. Is that what you want?  555555555  Get real!!!  BTW... Absolutely no one cares or even heard what that African guy said, and that's a fact jack!

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thailand has HUGE  potential to attract tourists for the beaches, nice year round climate, friendly people and cheap cost of living..other than sex tourism. but.. FIRST they need to clean up the rubbish, corrupt taxi drivers and police..

if this is done, tourists would have other reasons for visiting thailand, attracting a "better" class of tourist...

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The larger number of prostitutes service Thais last time I looked into the sociology literature (2006).

Corruption needs to be tackled first and government must stop the banks and Mafias (including cops) from burdening the common folks who need decent wages and less usury.


My wife has several friends leading professional lives with good wages and life styles. However, the poor can only rise through questionable means. Those she knows that have done so, have always risen from the ranks of bar girls who do their best to keep the family from knowing the truth. Many have married farangs (Western, Malay, Japanese, Korean and Chinese) -- few are happy, but the majority remain content knowing they have served their family's needs as best they can.


This is not going to be solved anytime soon . . .

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Open up transport links to the poor provinces and encourage local and foreign investment in commercial enterprises, including value-added rather than subsistence agriculture, and there will be no need for Thai girls to travel to Pattaya to make a living and support their families.


Police can then concentrate, rather than on counting the money, on enforcing the law in respect of customers, who should be prosecuted, and offering welfare assistance to the remaining girls, most of whom would be  trafficked from other countries, to control the problem. Or simply legalise and control the prostitution to give a fairer income to the girls.


Cleaning up the cesspool of Pattaya and similar resorts would then encourage family tourism which would more than compensate for that lost from reducing sex tourism.


But while there is such involvement of law enforcement and the military in running the sex trade, I don't foresee much hope of this dream being realised.





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3 hours ago, poanoi said:

no, the vast majority of sex trade is domestic, i.e the punters are mostly thai men.


i think the reason sex trade is so large in thailand vs west is there is little to no stigma around it,

in contrast to west. thais are far too rational and greedy to sit on high horses

and refuse having anything to do with sex trade.

I'd  have to disagree on the "rational" part in relation to Thais:crazy:

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it is what it is, many people especially those in the tourism trade, seek to augment their meagre incomes ( Thai staff paid by Thais ) by resorting to offering sexual services, one could say if they were paid more by employers, they would not resort to selling their bodies, unfortunately even resorts I know offer underage girls to local customers ( mainly Thai ). 

Part of the problem is Thai Culture women are treated by many as SECOND class citizens and many females expect nothing more. 

Like many foreigners, I recognise the offerings but tend not to indulge, and I steer clear of the sin cites of Pattaya and Phuket, visited once never again. 


It is a sad state oif affairs , but like in days of yore,  60's to 80's when conflicts were waged in Indo-China, Thailand beach cities were magnets for servicemen seeking ease their desires , including Malaysia , Phillipines and Singapore, so it is to be expected that it will continue ,and I know many Thais that enjoy the pleasures as well, although to be fair they pay considerably less than most foreigners who are just visiting . 

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Unemployment (already a problem) would skyrocket, in a country with little economic opportunity... and all the "authorities responsible" would not be able to afford the "nice things" he talks about... This is a politician making a comment in reaction to another  politician. One where there is no will (or interest) for change. Can't stop the oldest profession. Better yet, figure a way to make it work more effectively for the people (girls) who work in the trade. Now I'm dreaming 555

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