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quelling hunger ?


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I was told that often you think you are hungry but really you are thirsty. Drink lots and lots of water. I have lost 12 kg in the last year or so. The hunger passes if you can just ignore it for 10-20 minutes. You are probably just craving sugar-most food breaks down to sugar. In a few days it will get better.

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If you look at the video in the next post down in the forum it explains a lot about hunger and is the best one I have ever seen.   

For those fearing Hunger there is nothing to fear in the next thread.


Your ever present hunger should subside according to the latest science on fasting.  The video does suggest doing a KETOGENIC day and then skipping a few meals will be very easy.  If you eat big salads and other things you are just aggravating the problem.  If you not bodybuilding don't load up on protein it also triggers insulin and causes hunger.  Not as much as simple carbs and sugar but enough that it will keep the hunger going and going and going.


I have been doing intermittment fast and have lost about 40 US lbs.  I found I could skip breakfast.  I don't feel hungry when I wake up.  Then with no breakfast I felt less hungry at lunch.  It is important to know what you are going to eat and the amount at the next meal after fasting.  This helps you to remain reasonable and not overeat.  The video does explain that eating triggers an endless circle of hunger and more eating.  When you stop after having PANGS just sort waves of hunger they do go away.  Especially if you have water with a little salt and minerals as the video suggests.

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If you look at the video in the next post down in the forum it explains a lot about hunger and is the best one I have ever seen.   
For those fearing Hunger there is nothing to fear in the next thread.
Your ever present hunger should subside according to the latest science on fasting.  The video does suggest doing a KETOGENIC day and then skipping a few meals will be very easy.  If you eat big salads and other things you are just aggravating the problem.  If you not bodybuilding don't load up on protein it also triggers insulin and causes hunger.  Not as much as simple carbs and sugar but enough that it will keep the hunger going and going and going.
I have been doing intermittment fast and have lost about 40 US lbs.  I found I could skip breakfast.  I don't feel hungry when I wake up.  Then with no breakfast I felt less hungry at lunch.  It is important to know what you are going to eat and the amount at the next meal after fasting.  This helps you to remain reasonable and not overeat.  The video does explain that eating triggers an endless circle of hunger and more eating.  When you stop after having PANGS just sort waves of hunger they do go away.  Especially if you have water with a little salt and minerals as the video suggests.

The video does not suggest doing a ketogenic day, it recommends considering moving to a ketogenic diet. You can’t make your body convert to running on ketones in a day, it takes around two (very unpleasant) weeks before you switch into ketosis. Once you are there, the usual hunger cravings courtesy of carbs disappear, making IF much easier.

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Protein and fats make you fuller longer. Get off the carbs. No rice, bread, potatoes, sugar drinks.


Eggs are great for breakfast. Add cottage cheese. Walnuts for antioxidants.


Sourkraut and german sausages for lunch with brocoli.


Fish and mushrooms for dinner in butter and cream sauce.


Low sugar protein shake for snacks or walnuts.


Change up the meats but basically you can eat this for years and remain full.

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4 hours ago, FracturedRabbit said:

The video does not suggest doing a ketogenic day, it recommends considering moving to a ketogenic diet. You can’t make your body convert to running on ketones in a day, it takes around two (very unpleasant) weeks before you switch into ketosis. Once you are there, the usual hunger cravings courtesy of carbs disappear, making IF much easier.

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Yes can experience some gallbladder pain for a few days and lack of energy for 2 to 3 weeks.


Drink more coffee.

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56 minutes ago, Justfine said:

Yes can experience some gallbladder pain for a few days and lack of energy for 2 to 3 weeks.


Drink more coffee.

It's your stomach bacteria screaming out for carbs! Once the bacteria settles down, your brain clears and you feel wonderful! And yes, coffee helps encourage the fat processing. Took me 3 weeks.

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4 minutes ago, FracturedRabbit said:

It's your stomach bacteria screaming out for carbs! Once the bacteria settles down, your brain clears and you feel wonderful! And yes, coffee helps encourage the fat processing. Took me 3 weeks.

I read its gallbladder. On high carbs it goes to sleep. On high fat it works harder.


I felt seriously ill for 3 days. After no problems.



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On 3/7/2018 at 7:50 PM, Justfine said:

Protein and fats make you fuller longer. Get off the carbs. No rice, bread, potatoes, sugar drinks.


Eggs are great for breakfast. Add cottage cheese. Walnuts for antioxidants.


Sourkraut and german sausages for lunch with brocoli.


Fish and mushrooms for dinner in butter and cream sauce.


Low sugar protein shake for snacks or walnuts.


Change up the meats but basically you can eat this for years and remain full.



Low sugar protein shake for snacks or walnuts. - The protein shake is quite useful, protein a natural appetite suppressant, and needs more emphasis around here. Great on a fasting day. 3 Ways Whey Protein Can Help You Lose Weight! And http://www.clubproteinonline.com/ is a good source of the powder. Find yourself a recipe here: https://www.google.com/search?q=low+carb+protein+shakes&gws_rd=cr&hl=en&num=30







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15 minutes ago, JSixpack said:



Low sugar protein shake for snacks or walnuts. - The protein shake is quite useful, protein a natural appetite suppressant, and needs more emphasis around here. Great on a fasting day. 3 Ways Whey Protein Can Help You Lose Weight! And http://www.clubproteinonline.com/ is a good source of the powder. Find yourself a recipe here: https://www.google.com/search?q=low+carb+protein+shakes&gws_rd=cr&hl=en&num=30


Actually the fat has been debunked as making you fuller its all done by protein according to the latest research. But even protein does not work wonders. There will always be some hunger unfortunately (depending on how little you eat of course).


Things like apples or salads really help but there will always (depend on the person) some hunger. I got a GF who has absolutely no hunger pangs if she skips a meal. Sometimes she is bored with food and then just does not eat. I ask her do you get hunger.. her reply is no. She is of course really thin. 


Unfortunately we are not all created equal. 

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33 minutes ago, torrzent said:

Eggs with cottage cheese and walnuts? Uh, no thanks.  Not my kind of omelette!

     Add black pepper and salt and even a tiny bit of garlic and onion and perahps bacon.  You should be so full you can't eat for hours.

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20 minutes ago, robblok said:

Actually the fat has been debunked as making you fuller its all done by protein according to the latest research. But even protein does not work wonders.


Death works wonders, though, don't it? We're looking for methods doable and sustainable by the kind of forum member coming here to lose weight.


Pick the healthful trio. At each meal, include foods that deliver some fat, fiber, and protein. The fiber makes you feel full right away, the protein helps you stay full for longer, and the fat works with the hormones in your body to tell you to stop eating. Adding nuts to your diet is a good way to maintain weight because it has all three.



Fat's a good substitute for useless carbs--one reason the Mediterranean diet usually falls near the top of the diet rankings. Friend of mine has great success with it. Note the word diet.



Things like apples or salads really help but there will always (depend on the person) some hunger.

Depends on the person, yup. So for the usual overweight member coming here w/ metabolic syndrome, the question is what reduces the hunger to a tolerable level and possibly eliminate it (depend on the person) while remaining healthy on a weight-reducing diet + exercise combo w/ emphasis on diet.


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35 minutes ago, torrzent said:

Eggs with cottage cheese and walnuts? Uh, no thanks.  Not my kind of omelette!

The cottage cheese goes on top after it's cooked not in mixture. Mushrooms and ham or chicken good in mixture. Plus herbs, salt and pepper. Or add yellow cheese on top then bake in oven 10 mins after base is cooked. Salami could be added also.

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I never go hungry.  What I eat daily includes mostly baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, oats, barley with some whole grain bread also in there.  No meat, dairy, added oils or salt, but the occasional fish or seafood.  


The rest is mostly salads and a few cooked vegetables and plenty of fruit.  


If I start having my failing like around Christmas time with cakes and pastries then my weight starts edging up.  When I stick to the foods above my weight starts to slowly go down.  No hunger.

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On 3/9/2018 at 11:10 AM, dontoearth said:

     Add black pepper and salt and even a tiny bit of garlic and onion and perahps bacon.  You should be so full you can't eat for hours.

an omlette is not an omlette without this. have plenty of black pepper and garlic which known for the health benefit.


i cannot explain, but since i found this in Bangkok i eat a little every day and somehow manage to loose a little weight


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On 12/03/2018 at 8:38 PM, Taggart said:

I never go hungry.  What I eat daily includes mostly baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, oats, barley with some whole grain bread also in there.  No meat, dairy, added oils or salt, but the occasional fish or seafood.  


The rest is mostly salads and a few cooked vegetables and plenty of fruit.  


If I start having my failing like around Christmas time with cakes and pastries then my weight starts edging up.  When I stick to the foods above my weight starts to slowly go down.  No hunger.

You eat a lot

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You're quite right.  That's not what I eat every day, but rather my preferred daily food choices, when I'm on track.  


Also, I forgot.  I also try and include a minimum of a 1/2 cup of beans or lentils each day.  I find it to be a great addition for my digestion.

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On 3/7/2018 at 11:00 AM, robblok said:

Almost none, eat loads of protein and fiber.. eat stuff like salads as they are of high volume low caloric. There are some appetite suppressants and some work some dont depends on the person. 

Coffee, black tea, salad

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5 hours ago, The manic said:

Coffee, black tea, salad

Some things help for some people, just have to find out what.


I got a GF that just does not get hungry and if she is "bored" with the food will not eat. She is of course small and skinny (slim) the way i like it. She wants to get a bit heavier.. I wish I had her problem. For me the feeling of hunger is almost always there on a diet.


I said it before different people different sensations of hunger and rates that we burn stuff.


I take some ECA sometimes. 


Still I am losing weight again (the bit that I gained) but its slow going.. despite me working out 4 x a week an hour real heavy in the gym and doing farmers walks every morning with 20 kg dumbbells.


I have always had a slow metabolic rate (edge of Thyroid problems). 


Anyway I tried it all.. and salad.. i eat a huge salad (with vinniger no dressings and a piece of chicken for dinner every day). There are days that does not fill me at all.  

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On 4/18/2018 at 7:37 AM, robblok said:

Some things help for some people, just have to find out what.


I got a GF that just does not get hungry and if she is "bored" with the food will not eat. She is of course small and skinny (slim) the way i like it. She wants to get a bit heavier.. I wish I had her problem. For me the feeling of hunger is almost always there on a diet.


I said it before different people different sensations of hunger and rates that we burn stuff.


I take some ECA sometimes. 


Still I am losing weight again (the bit that I gained) but its slow going.. despite me working out 4 x a week an hour real heavy in the gym and doing farmers walks every morning with 20 kg dumbbells.


I have always had a slow metabolic rate (edge of Thyroid problems). 


Anyway I tried it all.. and salad.. i eat a huge salad (with vinniger no dressings and a piece of chicken for dinner every day). There are days that does not fill me at all.  

     You might try that dinner for breakfast. I find how I set up my day is very important.  I have been doing no breakfast for about 2 years and I am not hungry in the morning or much even at lunchtime.  The key seemed to be getting rid of all morning food.  I try to avoid processed simple carbs completely, but do the salads, vegetables and fruits.  

      This strategy has taken about 41 lbs off my body and the weight lifting has put on about 6 lbs of muscle. 

      I made myself fat by believing I needed a carb loaded breakfast.  I had cereals and oats and milk and other nonsense.   I bought into every scam from the marketing people possible as good for my health.  Today so many people are rejecting those claims and they certainly are not born out by science of medicine.   Of course the manufacturers will continue to publish and fund studies that basically confuse the issues.  I pay much less attention to that now.

       Best of luck to you.


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33 minutes ago, dontoearth said:

     You might try that dinner for breakfast. I find how I set up my day is very important.  I have been doing no breakfast for about 2 years and I am not hungry in the morning or much even at lunchtime.  The key seemed to be getting rid of all morning food.  I try to avoid processed simple carbs completely, but do the salads, vegetables and fruits.  

      This strategy has taken about 41 lbs off my body and the weight lifting has put on about 6 lbs of muscle. 

      I made myself fat by believing I needed a carb loaded breakfast.  I had cereals and oats and milk and other nonsense.   I bought into every scam from the marketing people possible as good for my health.  Today so many people are rejecting those claims and they certainly are not born out by science of medicine.   Of course the manufacturers will continue to publish and fund studies that basically confuse the issues.  I pay much less attention to that now.

       Best of luck to you.


So nothing until noon?

I find eggs and cottage cheese are a filling breakfast but i have 2 shakes as well.


I normally have 3 or 4 shakes a day. 70% water, 30% milk. Protein powder, spices, flaxseed ground, strawberries, olive oil and baby spinach. For 2 shakes i add coffee.


Snacks - macadamia and almonds.

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