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Death of Year 10 student in Buriram: song thaew driver, other motorcyclist deny negligence

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what's so hard to understand, the law is the law and this one happens to be commonsense as well?

Correct answer is "A".   The motorcyclist did not stop, didn't even look to the right which I have complained about numerous times on this forum.  The most dangerous to motorcyclists, are other motorcyclists. Most of them are complete idiots as demonstrated by this stupid stupid act!

Reckless driving, failure to stop, manslaughter, throw the book at him! He has just destroyed many lives. 


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27 minutes ago, mogandave said:


I was under the impression they could ride wherever they like.


For sure you can ride in the middle of the left lane, however you are at risk of being hit by oncoming traffic who are overtaking a slower car and don't care that you're in the way because you're only on a motorcycle.

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While cycling, I see idiots pulling out of side roads all the time without looking.

The number of road accidents in Thailand is shameful but I'm actually surprised there aren't more.

<deleted> all is being done about it. Checking driving licence and papers and random road blocks does NOTHING.

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i'm in buriram right now.  during lunch with the GF, we discussed this incident.  we dined at S&P within the grounds of imobile stadium (i think the call the restaurant area 'thunder castle').  while we were leaving, still on the grounds of the stadium, a car made a left in front of us w/o looking (or looking but didn't care).  the GF hit the brakes and we  laughed a bit.  then the car came to a full stop to let someone out of the car.  we almost crashed into it as we were laughing so hard about the left turn cut off move so popular here.  if you drive like that in america, you might end up dead, not from an accident but road rage and firearms !!.


A troll post has been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


The song thaew driver could have easily missed the entire process of what happened at the time, I mean blink, and it was over (think as a Thai).  Not condoning leaving the scene (again think the norm as a Thai), but this whole scenario was par for the course.  


The motorcycle driver (survivor at fault), is probably at home, in bed with mom and dad, ample bum pats, family is arranging motorcycle repairs and conjuring up excuses as to why the "other motorcyclist" could be so insensitive, and put so much pressure on them.  

1 hour ago, nev said:

I have given up a long time ago trying to understand the Thai mentality bon the roads here, They think they have the right of way and you are the one who has to give way to them instead of the other way round in our home countries.

For one example entering a roundabout rule is give way to the right but no here you go around the roundabout and they just pull straight out 

You are lucky. I have had them go the wrong way and just cut the corner on me!!

36 minutes ago, akirasan said:

For sure you can ride in the middle of the left lane, however you are at risk of being hit by oncoming traffic who are overtaking a slower car and don't care that you're in the way because you're only on a motorcycle.

yes, and you can ride in the breakdown lane, yet are still at risk

of being hit by idiots passing on the left, driving in the breakdown



strange thing about how the rider was sitting/angled on his bike.

appears he was on the phone....maybe holding the phone with his

shoulder as he's turning?  looks like the phone pops loose and

bounces in front of the bike before hitting the ground.

1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

Good observation, but I don't think you can call the break down lane, a lane for motorbike riders, they use it for their own convenience as was the case here from the merging rider who failed to stop and look to his right before proceeding into the break down lane if you like, as we all do at times, and then move into the lane as we proceed with caution.


The guy coming onto the road without stopping is clearly at fault, the bus driver should have stopped, even though her knew there was an accident.


I cannot believe how people do not stop here when there is an accident, oh, no time, keep going, the guy who caused the accident was more concerned about himself and his mobile, than rendering any kind of assistance, and then doesn't man up.


Throw him in the slammer for 10 years !!! 


Fine the bus driver for not stopping after an accident, and take his licence away for a year at the least.

I thought I was the only one to notice him pick up his mobile, I wonder how it came out of his pocket? Could it be that it was never in his pocket, that he was looking at it when he ran into the student? Check your phone, check your clothing and check your motorbike, but don't bother to check the condition of the poor kid whose death you caused, you low life scum.

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11 minutes ago, CanuckThai said:

The song thaew driver could have easily missed the entire process of what happened at the time, I mean blink, and it was over (think as a Thai).

I'm not buying it. Have you ever been driving and run over something? Even if it's only a small object like a stone or a small piece of wood, you can feel it. There's no way you could drive over a human body without noticing it.

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2 hours ago, z42 said:

Cops here are a joke and a disgrace ? they need to man up and hammer the motorcycle rider who caused the crash.

Perhaps you missed the part of the report that says he has been charged with negligence -


'The police have charged the motorcyclist with negligence all the same.'


The songtaew driver is absolutely guilty while he does not stop after the accident happens, the motorbike driver is absolutely criminal!

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4 hours ago, YetAnother said:

defies belief; run over a human body and don't feel it ?

Exactly. What a complete load of <deleted>. You'd feel it if you ran over a small stone - even if you were in a Rolls Royce. This is a WHOLE human body. And a songthaew's suspension isn't class-leading by any standards. The accident wasn't the driver's fault, but saying he felt nothing when he ran over the poor boy... I am at a loss for words.

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

He blamed the deceased student who got tangled in his handlebars and hit the tarmac.


Stupid idiot. The deceased boy's handlebars tangled with yours because you rode into his path without looking! If you hadn't come out of the junction like that, his handlebars will be nowhere near yours. I hope you get charged with more than negligence. Proper idiot.

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I watched these numskulls turn on to a main street from a side street for about a half hour one day. Only a half make an effort to even turn their head and look, the other half do not look at all. Seriously it is as though half of them have a severe stiff neck and also can't move their eyes either. The half that do look don't care if someone is coming or not anyhow. In fact it seems to me that they put effort into not looking at all.

The young man killed maybe could have anticipated the guy coming  out from the side street, that is an all too common maneuver here. When I see a situation ahead I go into full alert status and at that point I would have slowed a bit. Knowing that they don't even look half the time and often times pull out right in front of you. You really have to be on the defense for something just like that. Whether the kid that lost his life was driving defensively or not for such occurrences, the fault clearly lies with the person coming onto the main street from the left. I wish Thailand would put more effort into making their roads more safe. The kids that get a charge out of racing and passing in unsafe places are the worst. When caught racing the police should impound their motorbike until a hefty fine is paid out, within a week there would be no more street racing kids.

I feel deeply sorry for the young man and his family for their loss.


The problem is few people here take responsibility for

their actions, it's always somebody else,a wet road,

faulty brakes,I did not see him,ran over the body,did

not feel anything,so it goes on.

In this case its the man turning on to main road without

looking,most likely because there was nothing coming

all the times he did look,so on this day he just did not bother,

or maybe he did not look all the other times either,but it was 

bound to happen.


The song thaew driver,he didn't give a shit,it would mean stopping

and helping someone,but that would have made him late for his

next trip back.  ....so keep driving.

regards Worgeordie

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41 minutes ago, TGIR said:

This is a perfect example of poor driving skills that could be used as a teaching tool.   If I knew where to go or who to talk to I would, but this is my only avenue for making a suggestion.  The Government talks a big game but essentially does nothing about educating the public.  Have a respected official (please, just leave it alone) on local TV stations use a simple video to explain to everyone what happened.  Then discuss the proper driving and defensive driving techniques involved just in this example.  A simple two minute spot might save hundreds of lives......Thai people, and perhaps others as well, haven't been trained in defensive driving techniques......actually most probably haven't had any kind of driver education.  Instead of asking people to be more careful on the big holidays (as was done at the New Year), show them how to be careful......additionally, something yet to be pointed out is that the poor young man unknowingly added to the accident himself by clearly not observing the entry point to see if anyone was possibly going to enter the traffic lanes.  I see it time and time again when watching these videos......people drive like they have blinders on......one of the most important skills to learn when driving is to be observant.....teach that as well and save more lives.


If someone is so stupid not to realise that pulling into traffic without first looking to see if it is safe then no amount of education can help. You shouldn't need to be taught that doing it is unsafe - unless you have the mind of a three year old. Adults should know that doing what he did puts not only his life in danger but that of others. I seriously wonder how so many Thais actually survive when their common sense is non-existent. I wonder how they even have the intelligence to breathe.

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Shame on the both of them, especially the bike rider who was more concerned with his clothes and phone and gave no assistance, what a spineless little creep.

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All the laws of the jungle are at work here.


A student on a speeding crotch-rocket, a fleeing songthaew driver, and the oxygen thief that pulled out on to a main road without looking.


Somalia better pull their act together if they want to challenge the road fatalities crown at the end of this year.


It is obvious it’s  the fault  of the motorcycle coming out from the side road . Feel sorry for the 10 yr old boy RIP . BUT why are the the Mother and Father allowing him to drive a motorcycle with no licence no insurance  and no crash helmet . The person riding the motorbike coming out from side is with out doubt to blame but I also blame the Mother and Father.Also when are the police going to stop under age people driving vehicles especially people with no crash helmet on . Only today I saw two policemen riding motorcycles with no helmet on how does the government expect people to obey the law when the police don’t . 

4 hours ago, webfact said:

TNews reported that the boy's mother and father cradled his lifeless body on the tarmac following the accident.


Would this be the same parents who let their son ride to school along a busy road every day without a helmet? Not that it would have saved his life in this case, but it indicates the total lack of parental discipline that then leads to idiots like the driver who caused the accident. No sense of personal responsibility instilled in him, or the kid that was killed.


I think they meant a 10th year student it confused me too. But you do see all too many 10 year olds or there abouts on motorbikes.

I saw one time these three kids pull up on a motorbike and the drivers feet would not reach the ground. Before coming to a complete stop the kid on the back hops off to hold the bike up.  Then when the left they performed the same manavure in reverse. Got to give than a few stars for being creative.... 

10 minutes ago, Johnmeldrum said:

It is obvious it’s  the fault  of the motorcycle coming out from the side road . Feel sorry for the 10 yr old boy RIP . BUT why are the the Mother and Father allowing him to drive a motorcycle with no licence no insurance  and no crash helmet . The person riding the motorbike coming out from side is with out doubt to blame but I also blame the Mother and Father.Also when are the police going to stop under age people driving vehicles especially people with no crash helmet on . Only today I saw two policemen riding motorcycles with no helmet on how does the government expect people to obey the law when the police don’t . 

He wasn't 10 years old. But the rest of what you write applies.

4 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Would this be the same parents who let their son ride to school along a busy road every day without a helmet? Not that it would have saved his life in this case, but it indicates the total lack of parental discipline that then leads to idiots like the driver who caused the accident. No sense of personal responsibility instilled in him, or the kid that was killed.

Sadly you see this all too often, I am sure the parents felt a great deal of sorrow. Yet they must see these kids racing up and down the sois and without helmets too. Why don't they get involved, why don't they get the police to do more than to get them on more than expired tax.


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