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At least 16 killed and many injured in Korat road accident


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54 minutes ago, zoza said:

If you are on or even near the roads in Thailand you are playing Russian Roulette,

even the pavements are not safe, this because of an attitude in Thailand that they

not going to have an accident so they do not have to follow the rules.

and the police do not want to be bothered with having to enforce them.

the ruling elite look after the ruling elite, and the poor pay the price of having a very

poor educational system, and on top of that no criticism is allowed so nobody is held accountable. and it goes on and on...... RIP people  

kinda needs to be placed as a sticky on any travel web site section aboit thailand..

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3 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

Yet again, driver survives and does a runner !!!

I really wish they would put a mandatory jail sentence on anyone fleeing the scene of an accident.

If he gets beaten up by the crowd while he waits, unlucky...

The original post header is correct.

This is not an 'accident ' there is nothing 'accidental' about a bus driven by a driver colliding with a truck and 16 people dead.

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20 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

Yes, very true. Often difficult to change the phrases you've been brought up to use.


In the UK, the police used to refer to an RTA - Road Traffic Accident. Now that too has changed to RTC - Road Traffic Collision, as 'accident' implies no one was to blame.


I remember as a fresh-faced youth learning to drive, being told that "accident" was the wrong word it should be a "carelessness".


Another disaster ending and destroying so many lives, but the basic fault is corruption and inefficiency which show no sign of changing.

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3 hours ago, YetAnother said:

my intelligent thai friend told me, in cases like this, to flee , so to avoid beatings and killings by the locals; told me to go to the police station for protection;  hmmmm; police,protection,local mobs;;

not good

too funny!!

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Tragic loss of life . It will go on until the people who matter clean up the road laws . But this can can happen anywhere . Needs road checks for license. Tax insurance  . driving here 16 years and never been asked to show any documents. 

Many vehicles on Thai Roads are not road worthy No tyres are checked all adding to danger . 

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2 hours ago, bluesofa said:

I know there has been a loss of life here, and that is genuinely sad.


However, I’m waiting for the all-too-often-made calls to begin about banning double-decker buses as they’re dangerous.

I’ll get in first: If only they would think, and look at accident rates involving double-decker buses in other countries. I’m sure it must be the UK where there are more (and taller) double-decker buses than anywhere else, yet accidents there are very, very, rare.


It’s the drivers here that need banning. They need to be responsible and concentrate on their driving, not trying to get down hills with sharp bends at break-neck speed (no pun intended), or perform dangerous overtaking manoeuvres.


As soon as this particular incident is out the news, it will be forgotten again until the next accident.


Are double-deckers used for intercity runs in the UK? If not, surely you're comparing apples and oranges.

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4 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

Yet again, driver survives and does a runner !!!

I really wish they would put a mandatory jail sentence on anyone fleeing the scene of an accident.

If he gets beaten up by the crowd while he waits, unlucky...

Don,t worry he will come back after he sobers up or gets a good nights sleep, probably driving to long and fell asleep or the other.

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4 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

Yet again, driver survives and does a runner !!!

I really wish they would put a mandatory jail sentence on anyone fleeing the scene of an accident.

If he gets beaten up by the crowd while he waits, unlucky...

I just hope, that you never have a fatale accident and get beaten up. I agree only with the first part of your comment, as an accident can happen to every one, except to you. 

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2 minutes ago, Oliver946 said:

I just hope, that you never have a fatale accident and get beaten up. I agree only with the first part of your comment, as an accident can happen to every one, except to you. 

Utter nonsense!!

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52 minutes ago, fantom said:

The original post header is correct.

This is not an 'accident ' there is nothing 'accidental' about a bus driven by a driver colliding with a truck and 16 people dead.

Erm There is actually, his parents  created it.

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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I remember a few years back when I said to the Mrs I am going to bus it down to Phuket to catch up with the boys and the reason I wanted to get the bus, is that I would take in the countryside, her reply was swift, NO, you are NOT.


I said and why do you think I am not, and she said; if you want to spend some happy time in Phuket, you have to get there 1st, so I have been flying ever since , smart girl my Mrs...



I made many trips by bus to Phuket, and many, many thousands still do, without incident.

Life is dangerous, PERIOD.

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1 hour ago, SWW said:

We need to stop using the word 'accident' for such incidents. It was a 'crash'.

That's like the airlines telling passengers about the flotation vests and cushions to be used "in the event of a water landing".  A "water landing" is a crash.

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


I made many trips by bus to Phuket, and many, many thousands still do, without incident.

Life is dangerous, PERIOD.

I have worked out that flying, i.e. 1 hour 50 direct from Udon Thani to Phuket, has its advantages, and when I add up how many buses have crashed and lives lost on the roads, flying has a better record by far, and the hostesses are to die for, that and I will let you work out the rest.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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I think bus accidents for the many reasons given are worldwide. UK has them. In fact the mayor of London has the same concerns. HOWEVER, I did not look for number dead. I know USA has 12,000 kids injured each year on school buses but that is just a number....have no idea what is behind the number.

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It makes my blood boil every time I read the driver did a runner! 

Was he under the influence of alcohol or did he really run away and immediately report himself to the police out of fear for his life as suggested in earlier posts? 

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1 minute ago, 4MyEgo said:

I have worked out that flying, i.e. 1 hour 50 direct from Udon Thani to Phuket, has its advantages, and when I add up how many bus crashed and lives lost on the roads with buses, flying by far has a better record, that and I will let you work out the rest.

When I travel in LOS I consider the scenery and the journey itself as part of the experience, which isn't anywhere near as good in a plane.

I'd normally go by train, but, as no train to Phuket, I used to go by bus and enjoyed it immensely.

I no longer go to Phuket, but that's because it's a <deleted> <deleted>, and nothing to do with the buses.

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Just practicing for Songkran ! Either that or really trying to get the figures higher in the weeks leading up to it to make the Songkran figures look better !

RIP to the MURDERED passengers. I guess offer of 5000 baht compensation each to cover death and hospital fees coming soon

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24 minutes ago, Oliver946 said:

I agree only with the first part of your comment, as an accident can happen to every one, except to you. 


It sure can, however it happens a lot more regularly to mini van and bus drivers... I never asked you to agree with anything, it's my opinion only...

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