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Prawit dismisses Thaksin prediction of a ‘landslide win’


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6 hours ago, robblok said:

Thaksin his own arrogance will help the junta ban the PTP. 


There is a law that he can't influence the PTP but he keeps speaking for them and its clear to everyone he is the leader. If the junta so pleases they can start a court case against the PTP and dissolve them. They only need to wait for Thaksin his arrogance to take over (not a long wait)

The Juntas arrogance will trump Thaksin's and in their denial of his influence and power will open the door for him.


The good folk up country are just itching to have him back.

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8 hours ago, rooster59 said:

He said the authorities had to inform their Japanese counterpart that the court cases against Thaksin and Yingluck were not political in nature.


:laugh: Brilliant!

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10 hours ago, YetAnother said:

as a well known, smart american billionaire said: 'we need to listen to what they say , then we will know who the morons are' 

Wow, Yingluk is looking very Yummy in that Picture.  :smile:

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12 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The new Political Parties Act prohibits any political party from allowing an outsider to influence its internal affairs and the violating parties risk getting dissolved. 

What is an "outsider?" There's some choices (maybe more?):

  1. non-Thai citizen, ie., British, Japanese, etc.
  2. Thai citizen, non-party member
  3. Thai citizen not living in Thailand
  4. Thai citizen not living in Thailand, a party member, eligible to vote
  5. Thai citizen living in Thailand, a party member but ineligible to vote
  6. Thai citizen not living in Thailand, a party member but ineligible to vote
  7. Thai citizen not living in Thailand, non-party member, ineligible to vote
  8. Whatever on a case-by-case basis

Appreciate any authoritarian guidance as it's relevant with regard to whom is specifically affected. For Thaksin #7 above fits.


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During an interview with Japanese media on Thursday, Thaksin said:We have many good people in Pheu Thai Party. They should be able to lead the party to another landslide nepotistic family disaster for Thailand.” then, “I am not involved with the party. They really don’t want me to get involved". He is still being referred to as “the big boss” by many party politicians.


Deputy Premier and Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwan said he was not convinced. “He can say whatever he likes. The media may believe what he says. But if you ask me, I don’t believe it,” he said, " I think he has far too much time on his hands"!


“We wish we can return to democracy as soon as possible" Thaksin said:,  Thailand needs a system that allows free speech and guarantees human rights to the people, despite the fact that I was systematically closing down free speech and the media, responsible for the murder of 70 odd Muslims in trucks, while slaughtering some 2,000 'suspected', (but no evidence), druggies, before I fled Thailand to avoid prosecution for my crimes. In this modern economy, you need democracy to allow more of my creativity to occur in Thailand.” - and it would!


And Thailand wants a corruption free and democratic country? Well this should be interesting.....................


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12 hours ago, JOC said:

Not defending the rice pledging scheme....that was pure stupidity. But personally Yingluck gained nothing from it...

Gained nothing from the rice-pledging scheme?  Come on.  She won the election because of it.

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11 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Thaksin is playing mind games with the junta and succeed. His prediction is not entirely new revelation but just an extrapolating the 2011 results under the MMA system. PTP not going to lose any of their seats in the North and North East. The 220-230 seats are money in the bank. They may even win some Central and Bangkok seats from the Dem. Question is which medium size party will give them a majority that will keep Prayut out of the equation. Any coalition to keep put Prayut is good news. Even better if the coalition get the support to change the constitution. Never say never.

Amending the Constitution is nearly impossible. The Constitution says that at least 20 percent of the members of ALL parties have to agree. If only one party of 4 members votes against the amendment and all 496 other members vote for, than the amendment will not pass.  

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17 hours ago, baboon said:

But then plenty on here would have us believe that Thailand has never been a democracy, so is that the correct question?

I can think of a few countries where convicted criminals have gone on to lead the place...

I can think of quite a few democratic countries run by criminals. They were never convicted though. But criminals nonetheless guilty of crimes far more severe than what goes on here. 2000 to 2008 springs to mind in that great bastion of democracy 

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20 hours ago, robblok said:

Oh JOC you love twisting the facts don't you


She is not convicted for the rice program. She is convicted because she knew about fake G2G deals with corruption up to 36 billion (makes the thieves in the welfare centers look like amateurs). She was informed about the fake G2G deals by the opposition, the media and just about everyone.  She said she investigated and there was no corruption.. later it came out these deals were in fact fake and the rice NEVER left Thailand but was resold in the program.


Clear case of corruption that YL willingly let happen. 


Now next time you start to spread misinformation don't make it so obvious.


Oh they could not prove YL gained from it but the rice trader who benefited is connected to Thaksin so who knows.. not proven does not mean not true. But the fact remains.. she knew about the corruption was chair of the rice program said she checked it but did not. Clear negligence a just conviction.

Yes yes, a statement without reference. “My beliefs are the truth because I believe them. Which makes them facts” 

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On 3/31/2018 at 8:10 AM, rooster59 said:

“We have many good people in Pheu Thai Party. They should be able to lead the party to another landslide victory.”


If the PTP is to control the parliament without a coalition, it will need a landslide under the new MMA electoral system.

In the 2011 election PTP won 265 seats (204 constituency-based+61 party-list).


While CDC Chairman Meechai said he could not predict how the MMA electoral system might change election results, an analysis by Allen Hicken and "Bangkok Pundit" did:

Under MMA

  • PTP loses 40 seats
  • Democrats gain 1 seat

Under MMP (considered an early possibility by the CDC because used by Germany before adopting MMA)

  • PTP loses 19 seats
  • Democrats gains 20 seats


For the PTP to do as well in the 2011 election that might be viewed as a landslide, it will need to get more votes likely through increased voter turnout (65% in 2011) and mitigate party spinoffs. While I think the PTP can potentially dominate the next election (if it is free from junta manipulation), it will be reliant more so on a coalition government that will surely dilute its political agenda - as I believe intended by the constitution drafters.


MMA Analysis.JPG

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21 hours ago, robblok said:

I would say the cases of Kim Da Jung and Thaksin are not similar. But that was indeed not what I asked. Nice example. 


Yes your right Thaksin only cares about Thaksin and his family. I think most of the high ups are like that.. only caring for their own wealth and own family and their friends. 

I think most Thais & Asians in general only care about themselves, family & friends, Hi so's or Lo so's...

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