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'Songkran Stress Eating' -- have I identified a thing?


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I'm sure there is such a thing as Songkran stress for some people -- the need to stock  up on food, the avoidance of going out during peak throwing times, the shell shocked feeling when out that you can be hit by surprise at any time, the need to cover valuables in plastic,  anxiety that you might really NEED to go out at the worst possible time, etc. 


But what about Songkran stress eating?


I recently noticed this with myself. Leading up to Songkran, less of a regard to eating healthy, more of some primal bear-like "hibernation" mode -- better eat now, who knows about later. Not a major thing for me, no actual binges even, more subtle but I still noticed something.


Obviously if there is such a thing as Songkran stress eating, it would impact different people different ways. Some might go off food for the duration, others might do extreme binging, before and during. 


Something similar I remember and more dramatic. I was in the middle of a major earthquake once. My apartment still stood, but the power was out for days, and had to sleep outside for fear the aftershocks would crash the building. Anyway, right after the quake, still in total shock, my immediate response was to wolf down the perishable food in the fridge. It was really an animal like survival reaction. 


Songkran Stress Eating, not quite like that, but somehow related?



Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, poanoi said:

i think its more of 'consolidation eating',

bored outa your mind while hibernating your choice is down to

eating or masturbating, or a combination of the two.

on a 2nd thought there is also the 3rd way:

pissing away life on a forum since life came to nuffing

Fair enough points and as I've said already, different people react to the things differently.

But notice the emphasis of my point was something I've noticed happening BEFORE the start of Songkran, BEFORE there is any need to avoid going out. Like a bear fattens up BEFORE the big winter sleep



Different than what you're talking about. 

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Fair enough points and as I've said already, different people react to the things differently.

But notice the emphasis of my point was something I've noticed happening BEFORE the start of Songkran, BEFORE there is any need to avoid going out. Like a bear fattens up BEFORE the big winter sleep.

Different than what you're talking about. 

the last part might be you are already buying in bulk,

you are hellbent on stocking up to make it through,

i see it myself, but the issue is when i got all this tasty food in the fridge

its too hard to not eat, specially when the alternatives are so shitty

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

A bit?

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

A bit, a lot, its water. its hardly going to kill you or cause you stress the level of an earthquake! Its 36 degrees outside, you are not going to keel over of hypothermia When i stayed in Pattaya one year over Songkran, i found that generally nothing gets started until the afternoon anyway, aside perhaps a few small children playing with their pistols. I always found you could travel fairly freely and safely before midday to do your chores and stock up if supplies were low.

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I'd call it more holiday eating, drinking, and sexing.


From the FAQ:


Party time!


The unnecessaries are just as important as the necessaries.


You gotta treat this as a vacation at home and look forward to it. Have on hand a 9 days' supply of good booze and other mood enhancers, baccy (Friendship), vids, music (internet radio helps), vitamin V, and wimmen. (Married members should start well in advance orienting the wives to the idea of threesomes at home.)


Pamper yourself! Indulge (as only we cesspoolians can) safely, comfortably, oblivious to the hooligans reigning in the streets a la Shaun Of The Dead. You deserve it!


Edited by JSixpack
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Yeah well being banged up in the house for 5 days ain't great,but i think i have enough beer,smokes,and food to make it and thank God i now live away from town and the awful boom,boom,boom, of the bass on speaker stacks so big thhey would put many rock bands to shame. Add to this the fact that if i want to go into town and have a few beers i have to pass a Police post which ever way i go,so that's out,as i don't want to be manacled and spend 15 days in jail,getting raped by Mr big in the showers.

  Also the heat factor 40c yesterday where i am,the road congestion,drunk idiots on various modes of transport,and getting soaked. This is actually day 2 for me as i did not go out yesterday,spent the day binge watching Star Trek -Voyager trying to get a glimpse of 7 of nines pussy in that body suit she wears. Jinthing i think this is a get thread,we should all report in daily to see how we are going.

 Some may go stir crazy like Martin Sheen in Apocalypse now, "every time i looked around the walls seemed to move in closer,while they were out there getting wetter and wetter" ect.

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never got smeared on the face, I give them one look and they better understand what would be next if they dared... I mean, I am not going near those "safe" places, just want to do my groceries or daily walk, don't give a shit about those stupid water waisting drunk stupidities

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I find it no problem to hibernate for Songkran. It is just a case of being prepared. Stress? Nah.... don't do that. Plenty of protein in the freezer, veg in the bottom of the fridge, a large bottle of milk and a pack of 1.5 ltrs of water. There are loads of films out there on torrents, internet radio and even TV (Fox News is a great comedy show). Nice chance to catch up on sleep. My staff know how to get hold of me and I will respond immediately if needed. 



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14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

In Pattaya it's just way tooooooooooo long ...

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I guess so here its not so long and inside the gated village where I live there are a few kids with some water guns and that is it. I am still a bit careful not to go out on the bike too much just in case. I don't mind getting soaked, and think I can do regular shopping if I want. Its not a big problem around here (outskirts of BKK). 


Those few days in a year I don't worry.. though I just dumped a big glas of water on the GF while she was doing some work in the garden. She was not pleased... so if I have to worry its about that.  I think Pattaya is different its a party town so you can expect a lot more. 

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Update,Day 4.

  Looked through my supplies this morning,one and a half boxes of beer left and ,about 4 packs of smokes,food okay,water ok.

   Intense heat the last 2 days,have been saved by my nieghbour when he returns from his bar in town around 4pm,as i have gone round for a swim and chat in his pool.

  my Wife is over at her Mothers house[our house is being built- slowly],have told her do not drive her motorbike here as is a dangerous road at night,so no female company for 3 days. As i am out in the sticks no noise.

  Tried to watch the new lost in Space on netflix yesterday,but was too out of it,will try again tonight,another 2 days to go. I know the 17th has been given holiday status but my bet is most people will be leaving that day to return to Bangkok or wherever.

 I guess i have cheated a little by going to my nieghbours pool,but at 40c plus,it has been nice,okay time for a beer before i have to shut up the house and put the ac on,hang in there my fellow hibernators,only a few more days.



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