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Stand up for newbies

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       I was at the local market with my wife when a Farang with his gf approached us and asking a few questions about the city and where to buy some items,


    The "lady" must have thought that my wife and I were also in town on holiday to the village, coming from a bar and she thought I'd not understand her. I was so sad to hear her speaking like the German would be a dog, well even less. 


She immediately told my wife ( and me) that her Ex Farang had sent her away and on the same day she found that idiot, ( she actually said pee baa) and pointed at the German. They were on their way to the village where she would introduce him as her next husband. Even the whole village was invited to a huge party paid by the poor German. 


She spoke so bad about the guy and she just didn't think that a foreigner would understand the local Isaan, that I wanted to take him by the side and tell him to run away and tell her what a bitch she really was. A high mileage on her meter was visible.  


     But when he put his arms around her and told her how much he'd love her, I decided not to talk. We wished them good luck but already knew that there's no such thing. 

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10 hours ago, jenny2017 said:


       I was at the local market with my wife when a Farang with his gf approached us and asking a few questions about the city and where to buy some items,


    The "lady" must have thought that my wife and I were also in town on holiday to the village, coming from a bar and she thought I'd not understand her. I was so sad to hear her speaking like the German would be a dog, well even less. 


She immediately told my wife ( and me) that her Ex Farang had sent her away and on the same day she found that idiot, ( she actually said pee baa) and pointed at the German. They were on their way to the village where she would introduce him as her next husband. Even the whole village was invited to a huge party paid by the poor German. 


She spoke so bad about the guy and she just didn't think that a foreigner would understand the local Isaan, that I wanted to take him by the side and tell him to run away and tell her what a bitch she really was. A high mileage on her meter was visible.  


     But when he put his arms around her and told her how much he'd love her, I decided not to talk. We wished them good luck but already knew that there's no such thing. 

You could have wished her a nice party and fun with her family and the idiot - in Thai.

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On 4/21/2018 at 11:25 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

Funny, you post as “Been around” and are a Newbie and this is your second post.

If you would have been around then you should know that most guys don’t want to hear any of this. And obviously the women (in this case the “snake”) won’t like it at all. So who do you help with speaking up? You don’t help the guy, you don’t help his gf/wife, and likely you will make a lot of enemies with people around. A clear lose-lose situation.

The only thing you did was tell yourself: I warned him, I am the good guy. Good luck with that.

You are right that is what usually happen the good guy made to look like a trouble maker. Thailand is a country where your IQ will decide how much you will have left in your bank account. If your IQ is low your bank account will eventually adjust to the low level.

Albert Eistein, "I don't know whether the universe is infinite but I do know human stupidity is infinite".

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Just now, OneMoreFarang said:

Sorry, I don't think the official IQ has much to do with that. I met a couple of smart guys who definitely had a high IQ and they were outsmarted by farm girls with not much education and probably not much of an IQ. But these girls were street smart and knew Thailand. That is what counts...

I believe in most cases the farm girls like you said without education & not much of IQ can beat your high IQ with their VAGINA. (a weapon of mass destruction anything hard put in there become soft)

1 minute ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Sorry, I don't think the official IQ has much to do with that. I met a couple of smart guys who definitely had a high IQ and they were outsmarted by farm girls with not much education and probably not much of an IQ. But these girls were street smart and knew Thailand. That is what counts...


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12 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

He wouldn't tell others that it was a 50 second thing. His longest experience. 

50 seconds!!!  Wow!  I am impressed.  This guy is good!


On my best day, I couldn't do it in 50 seconds.  Hell it takes me longer than that to take my shoes off.



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17 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Personal problem with women....lol, no, you got it all wrong mate !


I will say it again, from all of the women I have met, and got into depth with them, depth, not debt, they have all agreed their species are evil, they are cunning, they are calculating, they are planners and men are easy targets, do you not get it ?


I have met a lot of girls, let me say it again, in their species they are not good girls, now if you want to tell me any different, you are welcome, I am listening.


To clarify things better for you, my Mrs is the best of the species that I have met to date, but I won't say she is a good girl, as close as you will get though.


I don't live in a world where I put women up, nor do I put them down, I am just stating my facts, and every bloke, and when I say bloke, I don't mean piss weak guys, blokes who know women agree with me as well, and if others want to take offence because they married or are with good girls in their views, then so be it, I don't live in a bubble, I also don't believe in Jesus Christ for that matter 555

Well, I am pleased to see you have convinced yourself that every woman is a snake and nothing is wrong with you. It seems to me it is the piss-weak blokes who cannot handle a woman; who cannot make a woman want them.

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14 hours ago, jenny2017 said:


       I was at the local market with my wife when a Farang with his gf approached us and asking a few questions about the city and where to buy some items,


    The "lady" must have thought that my wife and I were also in town on holiday to the village, coming from a bar and she thought I'd not understand her. I was so sad to hear her speaking like the German would be a dog, well even less. 


She immediately told my wife ( and me) that her Ex Farang had sent her away and on the same day she found that idiot, ( she actually said pee baa) and pointed at the German. They were on their way to the village where she would introduce him as her next husband. Even the whole village was invited to a huge party paid by the poor German. 


She spoke so bad about the guy and she just didn't think that a foreigner would understand the local Isaan, that I wanted to take him by the side and tell him to run away and tell her what a bitch she really was. A high mileage on her meter was visible.  


     But when he put his arms around her and told her how much he'd love her, I decided not to talk. We wished them good luck but already knew that there's no such thing. 

I have a small (very small) amount of sympathy as it's 'caveat emptor' and any guy who trusts a Thai must be deranged.  Why do farangs leave their brains behind when they come here?  One born every minute.

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17 hours ago, DJ54 said:

I agree the guy who had the worst happen to him doesn’t do any good to slap him around about it. He knows and he’s slapped himself many times over it.      


It’s good for somebody new to Thailand or thinking of coming here

And considering a relationship make sure your eyes are wide open. 


I’ve lived ten years in China and five in Mexico. “The trap” is more prevalent in Thailand and notably more so by woman from the Northeast that work in the entertainment business. 


I’m not saying all are in it for money etc. I’ve met many people in the NE that marriages seem to be good. Also I’ve heard many stories of people

that fell in “The Trap”. Myself being one that as someone mentioned didn’t pay attention.


I met her at a Go Go bar in Pattaya. I thiught I asked some important questions. Did you finish school she said yes etc. Not realizing a lot of children in NE dropout / finish school in the eighth grade. Not to harp 

on it my mistake and still trying to sort it out. 


After things were going sideways I started researching to see If it’s happened to others and what they did to repair or resolve. 


Came across a internet blog blog for lack of a better term. May have been “never marry a Go Go bar girl from Pattaya” Lot of information search for it good info. 


It outlined the situation that for me almost to point. Remember this was after the fact. Below a couple of things ....


My wife said I’m working because family is poor.. The blog says all Go Go bar girls are taught to say this in English as part of their training before can start work.


It talked about going to the gold shop. After two visits to the Village for a few weeks at a time.  Get in small town on way home gf at time says we need stop gold shop for Mama. What for?  She buy gold necklace need finish paying. How much is it? That’s not much I will pay for it. The hook was set. Actually now I know she borrowed money from gold and was getting it out of hock. 


The blog laid out very almost to the point of what happened step by step. Doing the research I learned I was not paying as much attention as I should have. I accept that and try to keep my eyes open. 


Talking to the wife the Mama San came to village talk to different visit women at their families home. In some cases she visited twice at the family home to convince them to go work Go Go bar. 


The reason it seems the mama San prey on women in the NE because a large number are poorly educated. 


Their are a number of 20 ish year olds in the village not knowing better post on FB which everybody in village knows their work. And most people in village only think work is work. 


Others are more discreet and not post on FB but once they tell you work in Pattaya it’s a very good chance their in the Entertainment business. 


Not all in NE go down this road and there are many that would be 

happy without the Trap. Just make sure little head doesn’t tell big

head what to think. 


If “The Trap” happens to you they’re very good at convincing it’ll 

get better. This is when you need to pay attention and guide and do what is best for you don’t think about what is best for her.


Most the time  waiting it out will never happen. 











People need blogs to know this and we think the women are the uneducated ones. Priceless. 

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