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Stand up for newbies

Been around

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Funny, you post as “Been around” and are a Newbie and this is your second post.

If you would have been around then you should know that most guys don’t want to hear any of this. And obviously the women (in this case the “snake”) won’t like it at all. So who do you help with speaking up? You don’t help the guy, you don’t help his gf/wife, and likely you will make a lot of enemies with people around. A clear lose-lose situation.

The only thing you did was tell yourself: I warned him, I am the good guy. Good luck with that.

Edited by OneMoreFarang
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Hi one more farang , interesting to know that the more posts you make the more wise you are , but anyway I am talking specifically to newbies in my small village , not at a bar or in Bangkok , but anyway I guess giving up is part of the experience for a lot of us hence the post

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24 minutes ago, Been around said:

Hi one more farang , interesting to know that the more posts you make the more wise you are , but anyway I am talking specifically to newbies in my small village , not at a bar or in Bangkok , but anyway I guess giving up is part of the experience for a lot of us hence the post

I am sure you have good intentions. But I would like to know your experience with telling other guys that they have the wrong wife/gf. How many guys did you tell that and how many appreciated what you did? And how many told you their wife/gf is different and such a good girl and you have the problem because you don't see how happy they are?

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You can always send a copy of "Private Dancer", anonymously, or recommend that a newbie read it.. I got a mate to read it and it changed his views on things.

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12 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I am sure you have good intentions. But I would like to know your experience with telling other guys that they have the wrong wife/gf. How many guys did you tell that and how many appreciated what you did? And how many told you their wife/gf is different and such a good girl and you have the problem because you don't see how happy they are?

You have a good point, however, a bloke has got to do what a bloke has got to do, an example would be me, I have warned a few blokes to be off certain women, i.e. I cannot stand a bloke being fleeced by a snake, it just ain't right !


My Mrs has a sister who had a farang that I met in the village, he came up to meet the parents and stay for a couple of weeks. Shortly after he arrived it was off to Lotus with the family, aunties and the like, 4 trolley's in line, full as can be at the check out, suffice to say, he paid for it, and then it was off to the gold shop, and of course he kept giving dad and mum money and paying for everything and everyone, thing is he was about a million $'s short of me, and I said to him, Steve, are you rich, no way mate he said, so I said, then why you throwing your money at them, with his reply being, look at them, they have nothing, I said to him, is everything as you see it, he said yeh, why, I said do you think there could be someone else, no way, why, I said do you know what she is up to when you re not here, yeh why, I said what's that, he said she cooks and cleans the house for mumma and pappa, she is a good girl, I said, mate, there are no good girls, including her sister that I married, and my advise to you would be to stop throwing your money around because you have raised the bar and this level will be expected from you each and every time you come over.


I think he took my advice or stretched his credit card to its limit because he was complaining a few days later that the sister won't sleep with him and he was as horny as a dog, so I said when is the last time you slept with her, he said, about 3 months ago when I met her in Phuket, suffice to say, I said you know what mate, there are plenty of fish in Thailand, go back to Phuket, hook up with your mates and have a good time, just don't go throwing your hard earned $'s away, and don't be a mug to any pussy.


He then has a big argument with the sister, and told her what I said, mumma and puppa rushed to his aid and abused her, telling her to sleep with him, get money from him, I understand a little Thai, then the mumma gives my Mrs a serve complaining that I started it by telling him to go back to Phuket, with my Mrs saying and what do you suggest I tell my husband, to shut his mouth, ha...good luck with that, he is a farang, he speaks the truth, doesn't he, suffice to say there was no warmth coming my way from mumma, puppa or the sister, just the way I like it, after all, who wants to be within Cooee of snakes laying in the grass.


The moral of the story is, if you don't feel comfortable about what you see happening, speak up, its up to the other side to open their eyes, or leave them shut, and just because you do the right thing, doesn't mean you will be rewarded.


Fortunately of the 4 blokes I have warned, 3 listened, the other who is now married will stand to lose a hell of a lot if it goes pear shape, all becuase of a piece of paper which entitles her to what he has, one kid 65%-70%, two kids 75%-85%, 3 kids might as well go to Pattaya and jump off a tall building :sorry: I hope that is not the case.

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1 hour ago, Been around said:

Hi one more farang , interesting to know that the more posts you make the more wise you are , but anyway I am talking specifically to newbies in my small village , not at a bar or in Bangkok , but anyway I guess giving up is part of the experience for a lot of us hence the post

You have my respect Been around, welcome to TVF

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47 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

In principle you are right.

But I remember a girl from that book, I think her name was Sunan, who was very professional and at the end she married an American and they were happy ever after.

There is a good chance the receiver of the book will think he has a Sunan..

Wow after about 15 years after I read Private Dancer, I didn't remember she married an American! I have actually sent PD book to two of my friends. I'm married happily so far for 5 years, she's 10 years younger. I do remember the Thai BF part of the book, really well! I was dumb lucky probably when my wife married me. 

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27 minutes ago, SunSeek01 said:

Wow after about 15 years after I read Private Dancer, I didn't remember she married an American! I have actually sent PD book to two of my friends. I'm married happily so far for 5 years, she's 10 years younger. I do remember the Thai BF part of the book, really well! I was dumb lucky probably when my wife married me. 

Private Dancer was first published in pdf format for free download on Stephen Leather's website. I am not sure if it is still on his site but I am sure it should be easy to find it somewhere.

Or go and ask Stephen. He is often enough in Soi Cowboy.

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50 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

The moral of the story is, if you don't feel comfortable about what you see happening, speak up, its up to the other side to open their eyes, or leave them shut, and just because you do the right thing, doesn't mean you will be rewarded.

That's pretty correct


I am an Australian. I won't stand around to see my long-term mates get shafted by anyone. Will I do this for someone I really do not know? Maybe (well, I have before but cautiously), but generally after getting to know if the guy is a stand-up type of fellow, or weak as piss type of character, I will act like thinking is the guy worth it?


Some are. Some are not. I gather you get my drift. 

I know so many girls just in our village stringing along a few farangs; never need to work, gamble, gold on the arm, Thai guys on the side but the idiot farang boyfriends never seeing this. Too busy in Europe working and when it does break, another is on the hook soon. The number of local Ladyboys pulling this stunt online and being sent money are laughable!

I never say that much about people as everyone is so different, yet just because she does not work in a bar mean that a village girl using Badoo cannot make a lot of money off it. There are closed secret Facebook groups as well, and I can tell you, what I have seen alone in that, precisely in our area, astounded me.

Of course, a lot of good Thai people but it takes time and a cautious approach to find. If you got plenty of time on your hands, it is easy to find someone okay. Most friends are only here for a short time, and I think that is the major problem. Until they want to spend a long time adjacent in this country and really want to look around, maybe that '45-minute rule' is good enough for most of them.


If you don't want that, I am sorry, you got to go further afield and take your time, learn some Thai and not stress about this whole business.


There is good an bad here, 'both ways' like anywhere else in this world.In fact, I think here it is more open and easy to see.

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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

You have a good point, however, a bloke has got to do what a bloke has got to do, an example would be me, I have warned a few blokes to be off certain women, i.e. I cannot stand a bloke being fleeced by a snake, it just ain't right !


My Mrs has a sister who had a farang that I met in the village, he came up to meet the parents and stay for a couple of weeks. Shortly after he arrived it was off to Lotus with the family, aunties and the like, 4 trolley's in line, full as can be at the check out, suffice to say, he paid for it, and then it was off to the gold shop, and of course he kept giving dad and mum money and paying for everything and everyone, thing is he was about a million $'s short of me, and I said to him, Steve, are you rich, no way mate he said, so I said, then why you throwing your money at them, with his reply being, look at them, they have nothing, I said to him, is everything as you see it, he said yeh, why, I said do you think there could be someone else, no way, why, I said do you know what she is up to when you re not here, yeh why, I said what's that, he said she cooks and cleans the house for mumma and pappa, she is a good girl, I said, mate, there are no good girls, including her sister that I married, and my advise to you would be to stop throwing your money around because you have raised the bar and this level will be expected from you each and every time you come over.


I think he took my advice or stretched his credit card to its limit because he was complaining a few days later that the sister won't sleep with him and he was as horny as a dog, so I said when is the last time you slept with her, he said, about 3 months ago when I met her in Phuket, suffice to say, I said you know what mate, there are plenty of fish in Thailand, go back to Phuket, hook up with your mates and have a good time, just don't go throwing your hard earned $'s away, and don't be a mug to any pussy.


He then has a big argument with the sister, and told her what I said, mumma and puppa rushed to his aid and abused her, telling her to sleep with him, get money from him, I understand a little Thai, then the mumma gives my Mrs a serve complaining that I started it by telling him to go back to Phuket, with my Mrs saying and what do you suggest I tell my husband, to shut his mouth, ha...good luck with that, he is a farang, he speaks the truth, doesn't he, suffice to say there was no warmth coming my way from mumma, puppa or the sister, just the way I like it, after all, who wants to be within Cooee of snakes laying in the grass.


The moral of the story is, if you don't feel comfortable about what you see happening, speak up, its up to the other side to open their eyes, or leave them shut, and just because you do the right thing, doesn't mean you will be rewarded.


Fortunately of the 4 blokes I have warned, 3 listened, the other who is now married will stand to lose a hell of a lot if it goes pear shape, all becuase of a piece of paper which entitles her to what he has, one kid 65%-70%, two kids 75%-85%, 3 kids might as well go to Pattaya and jump off a tall building :sorry: I hope that is not the case.

While I agree in principle that you owe a friend the advice; you need to be sure it is true and not just  slanted with your bias. You say, " I said, mate, there are no good girls, including her sister that I married "  If you believe that, and it appears many here on TV believe it too; I can only feel sorry for you. It must be true hell to think that over half the people in this world are out to make fools of the others.

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4 hours ago, Been around said:

but anyway I am talking specifically to newbies in my small village ,

The sure-fire, fast-track way to becoming 'Billy No-mates', nursing your beer in the corner all by yourself.


3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

There is a good chance the receiver of the book will think he has a Sunan..

I bar-fined a Sunan... and her sister.


I heard they both married Americans.

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