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Video: "What is gran going to do without me?": Conscript in tears after the dreaded Red Card


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And this is the precise reason conscription should be stopped, the age they are inducted is unsuitable , they completely stuffed up my son's career path because they had no language class at the Uni,  probably in the same town where this kid is going to end up, and the commanders that I know don't want them, they want people that are interested in the military, it's based on a great honour to serve, these days you'd be hard pressed to say to who............................................:coffee1:

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10 minutes ago, chainarong said:

And this is the precise reason conscription should be stopped, the age they are inducted is unsuitable , they completely stuffed up my son's career path because they had no language class at the Uni,  probably in the same town where this kid is going to end up, and the commanders that I know don't want them, they want people that are interested in the military, it's based on a great honour to serve, these days you'd be hard pressed to say to who............................................:coffee1:



The ones that I knew actually returned with a degree of self discipline and some skills.


This was in stark contrast to their peers who were into Lao Kao and hammock testing.


The other thing that I noticed was that the army boys tended to move away and make something of themselves..


My conclusion was that every single Isaan male-including the halt,the lame and the crippled-should be conscripted and,at the  very least,taught to get out of bed in the morning.

Edited by Odysseus123
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19 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

Just give the lad a special exemption on compassionate grounds.


It can't be that hard?

No, just abolish conscription entirely. It is nothing but modern day slavery.

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