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Does it seem increasingly a slow motion war between foreigners and Thais?

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There is no war between Thais and foreigners.  What the OP has is a personal problem.  If he treats the locals like crap, he shouldn't act surprised when they treat him the same.  The OP should have the courage to admit that the Thais just don't like HIM.     

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1 minute ago, sammieuk1 said:

Friction!! KY jelly so I'm told will solve your problem.

He is referring to friction with people , but not in a sexual way .

KY jelly may be good for sexual lubrication , but it wont be much help if you have a disagreement with a taxi driver about whether to switch the meter on or not

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There is of course a certain amount of Thai bashing that written by some TV members or discussed by expats whilst in their local bars or coffee shops. As for Farang bashing by Thais?  To be honest I would think most Thais have got way more important things to worry about  like how many chilies they require in their Som Tam. 


From a personal point of view I have never had any issues with Thai people, they have all treated me with the upmost respect. Perhaps if I frequented the larger touristy areas where some Farangs seem to get ripped off or beaten up then I might have a different opinion.....but I doubt it  

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I guess some frictions are self fulfilling prophecies.

If you approach people with the attitude that there will be friction/trouble then there is a good chance that this is what will happen.


But it's possible to live in harmony even with not so nice people - if we want.

A personal example are some taxi-no-meter drivers who hang around in front of my usual coffee-shop (Bangkok, Sukhumvit). Basically I don't like what they do but I don't interfere. If they find someone who pays three times too much I won't go there and tell the tourists they pay too much. I would never drive with these guys and they accept that and fine. I park my bike often where their taxis are and in a way I block the taxis. But I don't lock my steering lock. If they want to drive away they move my bike and later move it back. All friendly, no problem.


I am sure the situation could have a lot of friction if I would treat these guy with a different attitude. Live and let live works just fine.



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20 hours ago, watcharacters said:


Brilliant post!


No substance but pure emotion for TVF  members.



Any examples of what you find  this  war to contain?   


You must be a media  member.

3 posts, wants his moment in the sun.

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16 minutes ago, elephant45 said:

Thais are going through tough times, debt, low wages, overcrowding. They have many problems to deal with, and agreed as above we used to be able to throw a lot more money around. When I came initially it 45b to the dollar.

Fewer and fewer tai-pans turning up.Lord Jim's are in short supply.Thai women are getting fat and they have run out of gin at the club....the world's going to hell in a hand basket...:smile:

Edited by Odysseus123
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Hate to agree, but I do... just went back to the USA with soft plans of buying a cheap house and stayed one day. Felt like I was paying to get into prison. 400 people in line with 2 staff at immigration. They forced me to check in and out of Immigration to get the next domestic flight. No water, couldn't piss. People were freaking out. Bought a ticket back ASAP.  Free WIFI was 17.95 plus tax at hotel, crappy sandwich 15usd. Now in Da Nang, a bit harsher than Thailand, people wise but clean air great food. Medical care is lacking. 

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4 minutes ago, poanoi said:

there is the ever present tip-bitching, but i havnt seen any fluctuation in that for the past

16 odd years or so, if anything, it seem less these days, but that might be cause i

avoid exposing myself

Definitely an increase.


Blind Freddy can see it.

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1 hour ago, transam said:

OP, just tell me where you are located so l can stay well clear...


Pattaya area for about last 12 years. I made OP non specific in order for general scope of replies. Will add that foreigner/foreigner interactions around here are not so good also. 


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Well i have no problem with my servants at my vast mansion,i tend to prefer my head Butler,who is Scottish deal with them,of course there was one young chap who i felt had not bowed low enough to me,which unfortunately i had to dismiss.

   Is this the sort of thing you were getting at op?

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Sorry I just don't see it. This apparent 'increased' friction that the OP observes. I must be living in a parallel universe. I don't know how long the OP has been here but I suspect it is more a function of your stage of the 'acculturation' cycle than any real increase in friction. An appropriate amount of respect to our hosts and all should be well. Avoid confrontations with taxi drivers, touts and scammers. Just give them a wide berth. And just accept that sometimes, somewhere, someone is probably just having a bad day.It may well simply  be that you are in their orbit on that particular occasion.

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9 minutes ago, Stradavarius37 said:

Only if you are a douchecanoe with too much time on your hands...



Or maybe testing the water from a safe distance before venturing out without mom for the first time ever.

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On 4/22/2018 at 3:58 PM, Farrows3399 said:

Pattaya area for about last 12 years. I made OP non specific in order for general scope of replies. Will add that foreigner/foreigner interactions around here are not so good also. 


i don't know if you have been visiting Pattaya for the last 12 years or actually living there.  Anyway, don't think you deserve all the flak you're getting from our esteemed members.  BUT, cmon.....Pattaya is certainly not representative of the other 99% of Thailand.  Most places the natives and the "visitors" get on very well. That is until too many foreigners move into an area.  That does cause some change (good and bad).

As many here will point out,  your attitude and how you act is what really determines how you will get along.    

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12 hours ago, simoh1490 said:



Or maybe testing the water from a safe distance before venturing out without mom for the first time ever.

please don't encourage him..... i think his violin is a bit out of tune

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